We will be getting season 4

We will be getting season 4.

But the question is when?

We haven't had dog days in snow yet right?

Correct. Season 4 will be Flonyard in winter, and will most likely include a visit to Halver too.
The Genoise trio say they go there to play every winter.

Translations when?

Yeah, Season 4 will be the Winter season and will probably involve a trip to Halver for the cute bunny girls.

Hey subbers out there get on subtitling that Dog Days fanservice OVA where they all went to the hot springs


The series is already suffering from character bloat as it is though.

>We will be getting season 4.

I've been messaging the character designer, and at one point asked what Noir's winter outfit would look like. He replied "ノワールの衣装は、DOG DAYS 四期があった時の楽しみに取っておいてください :ok_hand:" I translated that with Google, Bing and Systranet, and they all pretty much said "Keep looking forward to it in DOGDAYS 4"

Season 4 doesn't need new characters, they can make new storylines with the ones they got

Woah, what else did you ask and did you get any interesting stuff? Did you ask Sakata publicly on Twatter?

From my own understanding that does mean we're getting S4 at some point.
It roughly means "Noir's outfit is something you'll have to look forward to when Dog Days S4 airs."

I've been private messaging him. I've only been asking him questions about Noir (like her winter outfit and what kind of casual clothes she would wear around Galette).
He doesn't get back to me right away since he said he's busy with work.
Months ago, prior to DMing him, I did ask him questions publicly. And again, they're questions about Noir.

I think I found 'em.
Honestly didn't expect him to reply to such questions!
Maybe I'll ask him a little 'bout the Galettes sometime too.



Fuck, that looks good.
Damn the Japanese and their festival or Comiket exclusive merch.

Sakata seems pretty cool. I wish I could get a hold of Masaki so I could ask him about if there's any official birth dates instead of just ages.
Good luck on asking him questions whenever you do though. I'll keep on eye on his twitter too.

How much merch is there that goes unscanned? This is pretty cool.

Nut in the squirrel.

I absolutely loved season 1 of this but I'm not very interested anymore. It's clearly being whored out for merchandise sales at this point. They just add a bunch of new waifus each season to sell stuff with them on it. None of the characters get proper development because there are so many. I'll still watch season 4 because I have no standards but I'm not hyped anymore.

Haha. Like that'll happen.

The answer is Eclair never

I want it scanned so I can get a desktop wallpaper or a cellphone wallpaper. You can find it on Yahoo auctions Japan but I don't know how to scan that stuff. It's nice to just see the 3 princesses together looking badass especially Leo

I'm tempted to get the set, but it actually looks like it's A4 and not poster size.

Season 3 was great in the regard it didn't have Eclair.

I would probably get it, but I'm lacking funds right now.
Scanning isn't that hard I think. I've only ever scanned one doujin. I should probably scan the Memories of Flonyard sometime.

So you scan it at a high DPI and take it somewhere to have it printed poster size

I could also try upscaling it with waifu2x-caffe.

I remember one user in those threads getting some B2 promo posters framed up.
If anyone ever imported B2 posters via a proxy service, how much did it cost you in shipping fees?



Tried re-taking that pic, but it still looks like shit.

Fox is bigger and better though

Bigger? Perhaps. Leon-sama's everything else is superior in every single way.

Leo is definitely best but why isn't there any THICC Leo art?

I wish they put hidden messages in these.


I just want more Sharu.

I just want more Eclair.

Can't find any sources that would confirm it.
So for now, it stays in the "Bullshit" category.

Is this chaika?

I love Dog Days and I love winter. Don't break my heart with false hope of things that will never come, user.


and another 20 unexplored characters?

I really enjoyed s1 and 2, but never managed to finish 3.

I'll skip 4 unless its something special.

If the trend that 7arcs has set continues, we will get it this winter.

First one was spring
Skipped a year
Second one was Summer
Skipped a year
Third one was Fall
We've now skipped that year
So the fourth one should be this winter.

Which is good, I'm running dangerously low on fluffy tails.

We skipped two years between 2 and 3. S2 aired in Summer 2012 with S3 in Fall 2015.

Fuck, you're right.
That said, I still think we should expect it this winter.

I hope. It's either that or we wait until Winter 2019.