How does it feel dating tall girls Sup Forums?
How does it feel dating tall girls Sup Forums?
Bags of sand
Same as dating short girls.
But what do we know if nobody here has dated any kind of girl.
If you did GTFO
In high school I dated a basketball player who was taller than me. She never let me forget it either. To be honest it was kind of annoying.
pls no bully
Dunno, I can't even get a girl to date me in general.
A tad overwhelming at times.
it's been a long day
>She never let me forget it either. To be honest it was kind of annoying.
What was the end game of it? Her trying to establish her dominance or something? Tall girls irl tend to be lanklets with no hips, boobs or nice legs.
>170cm is tall
>tfw 175cm and feel short as fuck
I guess it's okay since I'm not japanese but still.