Which of these are you most looking forward/dreading the least?
Yuri Shit
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Do the NTR guys end up together and cuck the girls?
Is left yuri?
Wow the art for NTR is awful
It has hetero too but yeah it's still yuri mainly
NTR since I've already read Citrus and know it's shit
Yea. I haven't read the manga in a long time, but I know brown haired gets cheated on, purple haired loves pink haired and the sliver haired guy wants a threesome or some shit.
Citrus is great, every character is gay and it's so over the top angsty that it reads like a comedy.
Read Citrus before, pretty mediocre & I hear their relationship still hasn't gone anywhere & just repeats the same gimmick. The left I've never read but it leaves me cautious just by the title & the cast.
I can't wait to see Citrus damage the yuri genre forever, yuri will not recover from this shit.
I honestly don't understand why would they choose these two manages out of all the yuri that they could make, they are the worst of the worst and they will fail so bad that we won't see any other yuri for a very long time.
I mean, High School me wanted this adaption but now I'm just sighing.
They're whats popular right now.
I'm hoping Kase-san is more than just some 5 minute PV, since I just want something cute and not pumped full of melodrama.
The fuck am I looking at?
The Konohana Kitan anime will save us from the nightmares of Citrus and NTR.
Two garbage series that will be shitposted to death when they air.
Anyone that legitimately enjoys Konohana Kitan should be subjected to chemical castration.
The same could be said for Citrus and NTR.
The fact that they're all Yuri shit means that I hope that they crash and burn like the piles of dogshit that they are.
what's your problem, user?
What's so bad about Konohana Kitan?
It'd be fun around here if they both were to air in the same season.
Then what are examples of good yuri manga?
It's shit
Only me is excited to see NTR in anime? It isn't bad, I prefer that one instead of citrus to be honest.
Just Girl Friends and the occasional one shots you'll find, I thought Linkage was really good.
Yuri, just like Yaoi, is terrible. They need to start getting actual gay people to write them, the ones with experience like Milk are the ones that write great stuff like Girl Friends, you have het authors write het series so you should have gay authors writing gay series, otherwise its just what a het thinks goes on in a gay relationship.
Read all of right in one night, what a beautiful manga, so happy it was feel good and wasn't polluted with cuckoldry.
Girl Friends was a fluke that she can't stop milking
See Girl Friends get some flack.
What's the worse that goes on in NTR? What are we in for?
The worse thing that did happen until now was that Fujiwara (the silver haired guy) have a photo of Hotaru and Yuma with the bras on display (because they were kissing on the bed and would do it something more than a kiss too) and will use to screw up them soon.
u/ community is shit no wonder I stopped lurking.
So black mailing? What's his endgame?
Well, it is a good ride, a lot of things happens involving things about the two girls feelings and thoughts and the boys too. You should read to know.
both are the best selllers of yurihime, not including YuruYuri of course
>You should read to know.
Just spoon-feed me, I need to be spared from this.
I don't know yet, I don't think that he will do a blackmail, he said tha he would drop the bomb soon. He hates girls after all, and he thinks that Yuma (the twintails girl) is using the other guy (Takeda) to mask her lesbianism, he is kind of sick of her attitudes and want to screw up her really bad.
So silver hates girls. What's browns role in this?
male cuck from one of the girls?
Yagate kimi ni naru
Sasameki koto
Morinaga milk
Anything with the co-worker tag
Sort of, he is really a nice guy and helped Yuma realise that the person that she really loves is Hotaru.
It's complex, just read to see.
>Yagate kimi ni naru
Good joke.
The rest look promising.
Fuck it, maybe I will.
I'd trade both NTR and Citrus to have a Yagate adaptation any day.
Yagate is almost as bad as Citrus.
If I can handle Kuzu no Honkai will I be able to watch these shows or do they take NTR to another level?
The NTR is weak in Netsuzou.
fuck both
I don't know why you guys hate Netsuzou, I think it's good and have a really nice yuri content too.
tMnR will save yuri. Screencap this.
>one yuri magazine only
>yuri anime always flop
The yuri genre is already dead.
I love her new manga, it's fucking sad.
Then why they keep doing them?
>Nice content
That's a pretty good joke user
YagaKimi is asexual yuribait.
>getting actual gay people to write them
So, like most of them?
What did he mean by this?
Somehow the NTR doesn't even feel like any ntr.
>implying that isn't a yuri even it is a yuri manga
What are you problem? You have a shit taste.
to boost manga sells?
Because "NTR" is a fucking meme acronym forcibly created from "Netsuzou TRap."
Legit short name would be just Netsuzou.
It haven't much and it's weak, the people gets mad for a little thing and is that what this user said too
It was good at start but when it was clear Nanami is shit person I can't seem to care anymore. I would rather see Yuu and Sayaka end with eachoter with some stupid explanation than "win" Nanami.
>Morinaga milk
She is not a yuri manga you retard.
No, you have shit taste in liking Yuri shit.
And besides, I never implied that it wasn't Yuri shit.
Best pairing.
>shit yuri
It is better than citrus to be honest.
Why are you here then?
Is there like 3 or so ESLs in here or something? Or is this just the intelligence level of the people who like this stuff?
I'm still enjoying it but I agree I'm finding it hard to care about Nanami now(and in extension, the yuri in Yagakimi in general). I just want Yuu to be happy and fulfilled.
>something cute and not pumped full of melodrama
The last yuri anime that did this flopped hard.
>Sasameki Koto
No, you don't make comfy shows with yuri.
>Or is this just the intelligence level of the people who like this stuff?
What do you think?
I feel it's mostly ESL.
>the worst of the worst and they will fail so bad
>Aoi Hana 844
>Sasameki Koto 615
>Legit short name would be just Netsuzou.
That's not how nip short names usually work. They always make word mashups, they love that shit.
What are those numbers?
What do you expected? Japaneses have shit taste, nothing new here.
Sales. What else?
I *see
But they would spend their money to do the anime just to boost the manga sells user? That is hard to believe.
Anything with two girls making out is worth watching.
2 nukes weren't enough.....
Citrus has some nice blue-balling.
Made me feel like I was reading a yuri doujin that never fully delivered if you get what I mean.
Fuck you Yagate is great. The premise is kinda far fetched I'll admit.
>two girls doing sexual shit together
>nope, no chance of that ever being good
go be a fag elsewhere
Yagate is a good series fucko
>Implying you can't recommend an author
Is Netsuzou Trap getting a PV soon in Anime Japan?
They'll both be fun to follow the conversation around.
only /u/ worthy series I didn't forget about/willingly drop.
There's going to be anime? Well shit. I'm in.
Yep. I hope it's successful. Or at the very least more successful than the average yuri anime.
Well shit this made my day
Since we're talking about /u/, why is there an Aikatsu shitposter in /u/? Aikatsu is not yuri and yet there's this namefag who shits /u/'s general with it. He's basically Mugino without ESL.
Also, Citrus will save yuri.
Citrus a shit. No watch.
The other? I don't know.