I almost raped a girl today

>be me today
>20 year old High T male with lots of pent up sexual aggression
>at Whole Foods (European descent) buying whey
>waiting in line behind blonde qt3.14
>Perfect squat ass, literally in her sexual prime
>penis activated
>primal sexual urges overtake all rationality due to blood-starved brain
>as I prepare the mount, nu-male taps my shoulder
>"Hey user, don't forget that you're NOT supposed to rape women"
>phew, I almost forgot

Have you received your daily reminder not to rape women, Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:



Pics of ass or gtfo

dang i've been doing it wrong the whole time, i rape them AND don't even buy them candles. nobody has corrected me... yikes. AWKWARD!

I rape them, then give them flowers and candles afterward. I feel like moderation is always best, I think that's the way to go.

I keep it on my mobile's calendar for a daily reminder. I spent most of my teens and early 20s raping, sometimes every day for weeks at a time. It wasn't until my grandfather lent me a book on consent when I first learned that rape is wrong. No one had told me that so I had always felt it was perfectly acceptable behavior. It turns out women do not like it and in many nations it is even a crime. I don't understand why there is not more of an effort to teach men not to rape.

>not buying a candle for a woman and then raping her with it for the extra emotional impact

Get with the times soy boys

Women like being raped. They just don’t like it when 90% of guys rape them. Trust me, if a woman is freshly waxed and clean and ready for sex, if you’re good looking she WANTS to be raped by you. Only about 30% of women end of orgasming during normal sex, but nearly 90% of women do during rape. Women love rape so much 93% of rape goes unreported

He's probably raped a girl given this tweet

I was a serial rapist until the gender and diversity office did a talk in class about how it was bad.

I've since realized the error of my ways.

>was at a party a couple of years ago.
>i went to the kitchen to mix myself a drink.
>the girl hosting the party just came right at me, started making out, saying she wanted me really bad.
>I was like, sweet, just got to find the perfect time.
>time went on, my friend had gotten kicked out of the party, and we were only a few people left, and she was getting waaasted.
>in the end, i convinced her friends that i was gonna clean up some from the party before i leave.
>she was passed out and i thoguht "she said she wanted me", so i went to town.
>next morning i wake up. 20+ missed calls, total chaos.
jesus fucking christ.
>My friend that got kicked out of the party had taken his car, and crashed. (but survived)
>His family had called around, to understand what happened the night before, but not a single person other than me remembered anything.

i never even saw it as rape, but it really turns me on thinking back to it.


>soy boys screaming about not raping women
>rape then instead

A holes a hole after all.

>90% this
>90% that
>93% those
>100% true

Raping a slut isn’t a 1/10th as bad as raping a virgin or a girl who is like 15

i dont feel bad at all, but it kinda creeps me out that i went through with it.

please find the nearest loaded revolver and apply pressure to the trigger. doesn't matter what you point it at. cheers m8

Your point?

As a white male, posting unsolicited opinions and advice on social media literally IS rape.

We have to do better, guys. All of us.

The "perfect time" was at that moment you Fucking mong.

>be me
>19 years old
>Friend calls "Hey user, I'm having a party come over"
>Go there walk in
>Not even halfway in the door some slut laying on the couch starts humping the air
>"user, you're hot, fuck me. Pleeeeease I want to fuck sooo bad user."
>She does this to 5 other guys who come over thru the night
>Two hours later she leaves with a guy
>"I'm just giving her a ride home I ain't gonna fuck her, nooo way"
>Two hours later cops show up and arrest my friend who was having the party
>She got home several hours late and her mom was pissed especially cause she was wasted
>"It's not my fault mom, I was drugged and this guy and his friend took turns raping me"
>After a month she finally admits she made it up cause she didnn't want to get in trouble with her mom
>Haven't trusted women since.

Whores, the lot of them.

That wouldn't have been as fun, though.

>having to be reminded to rape
just fuck your shit shit up

sociopathy is a helluva drug

learn to use a comma you pleb

damnI never knew all these stats, those pesky jews have been lying to us our whole lives. So THIS is how I become chad, thanks for the redpill user

Would you have raped her in the Whole Foods parking lot?

How did he use it wrong?

(((He))) is trying to subvert based Victorian-era punctuation. Admittedly, modern litfags would say that that comma is unnecessary.

Wow, what a fag. I can't even imagine what a POS you would have to be to promote minimizing and streamlining the English language.

I have another one kind of like this one
>came home from work, had nothing to do.
>friend called me up and asked if i wanted to film him having sex with a girl.
sure, i got nothing to do, and i'll slide it in myself prob
>18 year old girl, she was really into it.
>my friend was wasted and could barely keep it up.
>in the end he passed out on his couch.
>i took the girl with me down at the bed and fucked her.
>next morning, she called me, saying my friend had raped her. my friend is like 40kg, no muscles and tiny dick. While this chick was 180cm tall. i dont think so.
>Later in the evening, his parents called me and told me he had been arrested, and his room was being locked off.
Fuck. I knew it was a matter of time before they would find my dna, wich i left a ton off.
>I got everything im not supposed to have out of my apartment and called the police, because i wanted to tell them what happened.
>as soon as they came, they cuffed me up and told me i was being charged aswell.

I sent this story in to Bill Burr, and i was lucky this time, but i always keep a hidden recorder on me at all times now.




well well well

interesting, no?

What if he's holding a candle and slips?


Women like an asshole. Next time burn em with the candle and shove the flowers up their pussy.


next one


Only rapists brag about all the women they're not raping.

lets do the time warp again.



>be me
>meet a qt at a friends party
>about to ask her if she wanted to head upstairs
>realize that she is slightly intoxicated, and may not be able to fully consent
>wait until the morning and approach her again
>realize "yes" doesn't always mean "yes", so spend the day attempting to discern if she is able to consent
>realize that even slight discomfort on her behalf can be construed as sexual assault, so I spend several weeks meeting with her and exchanging information about each others lives
>realize that it is sometimes hard for a woman to judge if she fully consents by herself, so spend even more time with her friends and family
>realize that even then, feelings of being used could be interpreted as assault, so vow to only have intercourse with her alone, and for the purpose of procreation
>realize that I could be at risk if it is not clear to everyone that she consented, so register my intention to be with her indefinitely with the government, and have a large ceremony attended by all of our family and friends where I state that intention

Easy. That's how you not rape.

as you wish

>that choker
i would

>Easy. That's how you not rape.
there's still rape, just not her this time.

my condolences

What is your name referring to user? A mega link?

Here's to many more user, cheers

Your forgot the part where you neglect-rape her and cause her to cheat on you and then she divorces you and financially rapes you in court. You still have a lot to learn about rape you rapist.

user... I ..I... I pissed on a woman once
She wanted it too


No E there.

>What is your name referring to user? A mega link?



>be me. Never leave the house.
>Decide to go to the store. See cute chick across the store.
>Get so excited, i get hard and cum in my pants
>Go home feeling guilty i raped that chick from a distance and she didnt even know it.
> I dont leave the house anymore.

Hear that girls? You like flowers and candles.
Sometimes you like boys too. But not men.

Enjoy your cage.
Also, your beta male feminist "ally" (ideological jailer) will rape you at the first opportunity.
Not even kidding. Look it up.


>fucking a drunk girl is considered rape nowadays
This is a shit time to be alive. When I was a kid we saw all these movies about guys going to bars or college parties and fucking drunk sluts and it was fine. Now if some dumb whore gets drunk, sleeps with you and regrets it she can call it "rape" and ruin your fucking life. Women should have never been given any political power or the right to vote.