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>implying Sup Forums can appreciate this masterpiece
You are wasting your time.
I See You're a Man of Culture as Well
There are better ways of trying to get people to check this out.
It really doesn't matter if people check it or not because most lack the capacity to appreciate it. The author's other works are much more accessible, TWIM has too much subtlety for neo-Sup Forums.
it's hard to get past the first volume without dropping it
When you begin reading this it's very confusing at first but having read it already you can see how well planned everything was from the beginning.
I think to be a great mangaka it takes movie director skills too
You were doing so well by fucking off for months on end, so please don't come back now, you spamming piece of ESL shit.
There's a nice trap thread on Go watch it
The ending really through me off but I didn't really understand it until I found like a 3 page japanese blog post that explained the story in full
can you please share them?
good stuff
This has been on my backlog for a while now, read the first chapter about 7 years ago but never got around to finishing the rest of it.
Thanks for dumping OP.
This is probably the best seinen manga ever made, but 90% of people who tried it just dropped it after 1 volume
I dont blame them