Have you forgotten about her?
Have you forgotten about her?
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What did she mean by this?
Oh, is the olev girl.
What's he going to look like when he's 30?
Still super cute because 2D
Super aids riddled fags don't get to 30
This one lasted 45
depends if "he" gets into HRT
What's HRT?
A way to turn males into this
I have seen Eldritch abominations that look better than that thing.
He was just havin' such a good time. He didn't want to stop at all.
That image is old as fuck, he went way worse over the years and cut his own penis and made himself a DIY vaginia, infection and issues happened and now his crotch looks like a deel flesh cut
Not surprising at all
Honestly at this point CWC doesn't even surprise me anymore
>write a hetero romance
>make the main girl remind viewers non stop that >she has a dick
Is that all trapfags need to be pleased?
that is not into HRT and even if he was its not going to work well in someone that old and ugly in the first place.
Chris Chan was caught pretending to be a prostitute. He is super gay.
La chica (Hombre) OLEV !
>repeat after me, I am not gay
Since when is it gay to want to suck a cute girls penis ? IT'S more gay if you don't want to. It's called being dominant something you betas know nothing about, go be gay somewhere else.
I reread it every now and again. Been awhile, thanks for the reminder op
its was completed long ago, just marathon it.
cute boys in anime never age
"cute boys" in 3D kill themselves or transition back into a normal looking male at 30
Is there any trap doujin's where they refer to each other as "dude" or "bro"?
I miss the days when you could make jokes about traps without getting flooded by newfags
Sweet a new pasta
He was pure OLEV in his manga.t order and didn't want to buy too much. Was able to find all of the manga in jap, but only bought 4/6 because I was buying other stuff with the order and didn't want to spend too much. In retrospect this was a retarded move. Later couldn't find the last 2 volumes in jap anywhere so had to buy them in frog and had to relatively pay out the ass for them. The ones in frog are smaller than the jap ones and it triggers my autismo. Made me like traps in a "they can be cute in 2D" not in the "I want to suck his dick" way.
>Moot is OLEV
>only bought 4/6
complete baka
Fuck Aikawa is perfect.
Am I really going to read the entire thing for the 3rd time? Well shit.
Do it!
It's my favorite manga for a reason!
I know, I regret it to this day. On the bright side I can read frog.
Is it gay if I want to hug him? I've no interest in fugging.
It is but it doesn't matter because it's Aikawa.
0% desire to fuck aikawa, 100% desire to be aikawa
>Artist never confirmed Aikawa was actually a guy.
And nearly, mercifully, because Prunus Girl outside of the first maybe 10 or 15 chapters is awful.
What if he was lying?
I mean we never saw his dick. It was all too ambigious.
The whole thing may have been a ruse.
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I need this as well.