New Hillary-Huma-Weiner e-mails show Hillary made calls to HARRY BAJRAKTARI (Source 1)
>Who is he?
- Albanian-Kosovan real estate slum lord from NYC (Source 2)
- Founder/publisher of ILLYRIA PRESS Albanian-American newspaper (Source 3+4)
- Longtime Clinton donor/fundraiser (Source 4)
- So close that Hillary sent a personal "THANK YOU" letter to him after Benghazi (WTF?) (Source 5 and Pic related)
- Google search will bring up numerous media profiles and articles to those wishing to study more into his background (See also: Source 13)
>Who else does he know?
- Harry Bajraktari is EXTREMELY close with NYC Democrat Rep. ELIOT ENGEL
- The two have a long, publicly discussed history of supporting one another's endeavors to sometimes outrageous lengths (Source 4)
>Who else might he know?
- These two Albanian-Kosovan "refugee" brothers ended up as top aides to Obama SecDef Ash Carter (Source 6)
>But they're out of power positions now under Trump?
- NOPE. Both are now a part of McMaster's Soros-accountable NSC staff (Source 7)
>What else is known so far?
- Ylli (written as Yll) is described on this NGO's website page from 2006 as having founded a group called "THE FORUM", ostensibly a "Kosovo Youth Group" (Source 8)
- An user believes this group exists today as "THE MISSION", a part of the "Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe" (Source 9)
- They may also be connected to ARTAN BAJRAKTARI, formerly the Albanian INTERPOL chief in Tirana who was arrested on corruption charges (Source 10)
- Many websites online speculate the deep Albanian mafia connections of both HARRY specifically and the family as a whole (Source 11)
>So? What now?
- This thread is for the research and investigation of the BAJRAKTARI FAMILY
- Looking for evidence of family ties between HARRY and brothers YLLI and YLBER
- Looking for more information about YLLI and YLBER's immigration path (who sponsored? under what programs? etc)
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