Explain this to me

If all of you Nazis don't think that 6 million Jews were exterminated by Germans, then where did they go? Did the 3 million in Poland just magically disappear? Or how about the 450,000 in Hungary, why were they sent off to camps in 1944 if the intention wasn't to kill them?

I don't understand you Nazis, you talk about killing Jews all day then claim that Hitler didn't kill any Jews

Other urls found in this thread:


The ones that didnt die from communist famine either didnt go anywhere or they relocated to other countries.

I want to smell middle butthole

Antisemitism's root cause is poor people being jealous of Jewish people who were traditionally financially well off. There you go.

Here you go my European brother,

>dem milkers

Is that the AT&T girl?

There weren't 6 million to begin with.

US, UK, Australia, Canada, Soviet Union and Israel. Baltic kikes fled after Barbarossa. Polish kikes fled across the MR line. Hitler deported 1/5th of German kikes to Israel. etc.


Hitler had every right to intern you rats for your treachery/crimes against humanity and remove you from Europe. I'll gladly explain why if you want. It involved a few communist revolutions, treason during WWI, moral subversion and a certain genocide involving kike NKVD head Yagoda, kike Kaganovich, kike-married Molotov and 6,000,000+ famined slavs.

>didnt go anywhere
So the population of Jews in Poland went from 3 million to less than 100 thousands, and you say they didn't go anywhere? As if you needed more proof that deniers are low IQ, next you'll tell me Einsatzgruppen didn't mass murder Jews on the front as well. You know, incidents like Babi Yar?

A small amount indeed perished and were subjected to execution. The VAST majority either died from typhus and other illnesses as POWs or fled to America and other nations.

The fact remains; Jews get nothing from anyone except what they deserve. That (((rings))) true throughout history. No matter the civilization, nation, race, country, etc. There’s a reason why they have been universally hated.

If Hitler wanted you rats exterminated he would have exterminated you. There wouldn't be "survivors" like this yid that sued for abortion in Canada.


He had every right to intern you after the revolution you started at the end of WWI.

>He had every right to intern you after the revolution you started at the end of WWI.

en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Karl_Liebknecht (goy)
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wilhelm_Pieck (goy)
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emil_Eichhorn (goy)

The number of Jews in Poland and the Soviet Union together make up more than 6 million. Are you actually looking at your evidence?

Probably smells like week old hummus. Which isn't necessarily a bad smell as far assholes are concerned.

He had every right to kick you out of media, academia, and other areas of influence as well.


The Jewish Problem - Dr. Joseph Goebbels


They didn't reach those areas until 1943-44, and would've been spending more resources on war supplies going east to fight the russians.

Really, they weren't in Poland, the Baltics, Ukraine, much of European Russia, and Romania until 1943?

Jews were protected in the kike created Soviet Union. Stalin gave virtually all his top portfolios after the purge to kikes like Mehklis, Yaroslavsky, Kaganovich, Litvinov and kike-married folks like Molotov. Stalin had Jewish affairs and married his only surviving son off to a kike.


"In the U.S.S.R. anti-semitism is punishable with the utmost severity of the law as a phenomenon deeply hostile to the Soviet system. Under U.S.S.R. law active anti-semites are liable to the death penalty."


Let’s of the 9 million jews in europe before the war, six million are killed. Obviously, large jewish populations remained outside of Axis control in: Sweden, USSR, and Britain. So in those countries as well in the survivors, there’s of course the elderly and those that are too opd to have a family. Ontop of that, there hs to be hundreds of thousands of jews permanently crippled. So we’re looking at a population of about 2 million jews after the war creating a total population of 4 million heebs in israel and europe, as they created a new country and recovered from their ailments from the camps. How does that add up?

So the Holocaust did happen, now you're justifying it?

A few hundred thousand inbreds died during WWII most during the last six months of the war and virtually all from either starvation, disease, or a bullet to the back of the head.

I like to focus less on the six billion and more on the tens of millions killed by Jewish communists, the Jewish communist revolution in Germany, and why else Hitler had every right to intern you rats and remove you from Europe. This American Jew lays out how Jews turned on Germany during WWI and the interwar years. The parallels to America are ridiculous.


next time show your flag. juden

And the whole Talmud thing of thinking all non-Jews as sub-human swine that can be slaughtered by Jews at will and be their slaves

Germans invaded in the summer of 42 so wouldn't have established major infrastructure or more developed networks until 43.

There's just no way they could've killed that many jews that fast while also trying to fight the war.

There were almost half a million Jews in Israel in 1938 that would experience natural population growth (also in the UK, Sweden, and parts of the USSR never occupied). The holocaust estimate is between 5.5-6 million

That still doesn't explain where the millions of Jews in Poland, Hungary, Lithuania, and Ukraine went. They don't just disappear

Get a load of this shill

This. Yes some died, but it wasn't massive camps just for killing as portrayed in (((media))). Or else there wouldn't have been survivors!

who gives a fuck about jews, the tragedy is that the leader of Germany executed 10 million Germans, who gives a fuck what religion they were

Their spawn are currently debasing America, Canada, UK, Australia, New Zealand, and Russia as we speak. The rest are in Africa and Israel.

>Jewish people who were traditionally financially well off
yeah no, read about that Frankfurt ghetto and tell me how luxurious it was

>That still doesn't explain where the millions of Jews in Poland, Hungary, Lithuania, and Ukraine went. They don't just disappear

According to period sources the 6 gorilliin never existed in the first place

Lots of unsourced claims. Where have you heard that Soviets "prioritized" Jewish evacuees?

We funded/fed/armed the Red Army and dropped a million tons of bombs on his women and children.


>unsourced claims
show me peer reviewed unbiased proof of the holohoax
you haven't provided ANY

you think see got pink nips

Another moron already tried that, Poland and the USSR together had over 6 million between them, and that's not counting Hungary, Romania, Lithuania, Germany, France, and the many other places with large Jewish populations

You first, where is there any indication that Jews were prioritized? I wouldn't argue it, since they were being exterminated and all

Jews fled the Baltics as soon as Barbarossa kicked off. Jews in Poland fled across the MR line and the Germans let them do it. The international kike/soviet press were telling the world that minorities, particularly Jews, in Germany were being thrown in camps and tortured/starved to death.

If Hitler wanted to gas the rats there wouldn't be any survivors and there wouldn't be emaciated bodies in the camps.

0/10, 8/10 (+4 points for tits), 0/10

Uh, yeah, Jews didn't die. You're a faggot. Sage.

That's a mighty fine source you got there. 30 minutes into this thread and nobody can give me any explanation of where millions of Jews went between 1939-45

I just told you where they went you stupid kike.

>. 30 minutes into this thread and nobody can give me any explanation
There is no millions of missing jews. There was only a few hundred thousand killed in the holocaust. It was jews, black gypsies etc. pic related WAS evidence at the Nuremberg trial.

>implying that Germany ever had acces to all of the USSR's population
>implying that the Jews killed in Poland and Ukraine weren't lynched by the population itself.

Despite your claims it still doesn't change the fact that during it's territorial peak Germany would only have just short of 3 million Jews, and that's considering nobody would've fled before the Germans came

At their peak they controlled all of Poland and much of Ukraine, which had well over three million Jews combined

off topic, but when her pics released during the fappening it was the happiest day of my life

Look up the census of Jews in Europe in 1939.

But God damn do I was 6 million were killed fuck I wish it was 13 million or even more. That still wouldnt make up for Jews taking over Russia, brutally killing the Romanovs. The systemic murder of Christians via Cheka and mass starvation.

The Jew deserves a holocaust every 50 years

>where did they go?
Jew York City and eventually Florida.

Not according to the Red Cross and the Jewish Encyclopedia it didn't

Well over 6 million Jews in Europe in 1938

>Muh imaginary disappearing six gorillion!


No shit well over 6 million so how many were left in 1946?

All the smart ones left for the US in the 30s

Before the war "German Occupied Europe" was a small fraction of Europe. Importantly not including Poland, Romania or Hungary where most Jews were killed... The German Government paid reparations to those people as well. Honestly these low IQ goyim trigger me sometimes.

>Just pretend the population figures show that 6 million disappeared, even though they don't, and then tell me where the went!
Back to Narnia, you faggot.
INB4 "Nobody knew by 1948 that there had been a war, so they used the wrong census numbers."

Totally want to tap that. Srsly.

>At their peak they controlled all of Poland and much of Ukraine, which had well over three million Jews combined
Here is some information about your "missing jews". I submitted this earlier for your attention, but you seem to have missed it. It answers your specific question as to where the jews went....
There is no missing 6 million jews. They have changed their "estimates" how many times since ww2 ended? 3-4?

They went to Israel and the US.

>why were they sent off to camps in 1944 if the intention wasn't to kill them?
Quarantine of political enemies.

>Quarantine of political enemies.
Its not like the Jews didn't try and take over German just a few years earlier....This was a defensive move by the regime....1918 woke up lots of people to the Jews.

Somehow around 300k people died in "death camps". (they weren't death camps)

They didn't count people who were gassed immediately

How many threads with this are you going to make tonight fagit? Change the flag next time so I can suspend my disbelief.

>They didn't count people who were gassed immediately
Where are the bodies. Where is the ash?

When I get good answers for things revisionists haven't amply explained, such as where 3 million Polish Jews go and intercepted messages such as the Hofle Telegram or Korherr Report. Bait threads are much more effective at actually getting answers

The ash was distributed to locals as fertilizer

Haavara Agreement.

They left.

Watch post WW2 propaganda ~1947.
It explains the war from a Jewish perspective.
No mention of a genocide against the Jews.
The Holocaust propaganda started after 1948.

Talk about how jews killed so many in soviet union, holodimr, tired of you fuckin big nose fucks veyying about the holocaust and forgetting all the shit jews have done and still do

Hitler should have killed more

So you're saying it did happen? Whataboutism and "Hitler should have killed more" makes it sound like you've accepted the 6 million number. I'm not sure how you're refuting anything

>The ash was distributed to locals as fertilizer
I guess you have a link or some sort of proof? Something other than some jew talking about the gas chambers, the electric chambers, the drowing chambers or the nuke that just vaporized the bodies....And jews survived all of this.

There was no mass death caused by the Holocaust. For every piece of "eyewitness" testimony, there is plenty of evidence to the contrary.

I don't trust the lies. It is illegal to question the authenticity of the numbers in most western countries. When the state can enforce a lie, we know it needs to be researched.

Truth fears nothing. Here they hid the actual truth.

The Holocaust never happened, but probably should have.





plz post more milkers