Luxembourg guy, why would you want to leave the Richest country per capita, and second best country to be born in after Switzerland, to come to a negro and spic infested shithole? Everywhere is infested with spics, even in rural areas in the midwest and south where you wouldn't expect them to be, and walk around with their 10 anchor babies each. Why leave a great country like yours where so many people can speak 4 languages and are well educated, to come to this shithole where tyrone and miguel leach off our tax dollars? The spic problem is worse than you know. You hit the lottery. Why not move to another European country than?
Nathan Richardson
I can bake for some time if we dont have a baker.
Cooper Richardson
Thank you, you gorgeous man
Adrian Bailey
Ryder Gomez
>says first >actually 6th
Nathan Taylor
James Stewart
Thomas Clark
milky way is a Chad
David Adams
This is what im trying to figure out. Luxembourg is one of my favorite countries in the world. Maybe Luxembro isnt well off and is looking for opportunity?
Blake Davis
Charge california for water when.
Jose Sullivan
Jeremiah Ward
Pls let this happen I want to watch the coasts starve
Ryder Green
20 years ago and make the state of Jefferson while we are at it.
Owen Morgan
Never seems to happen in Saudi Arabia
Ethan Kelly
>solar system the anime >massive amounts of death in the beginning leaving the planets we know and love today >two little girls were smashed together to form the earth & the moon >moon will abandon earth to never see her again >in a few billion years she is devoured by the person she looks up to (the sun) along with her friends. >all the outer gas giants will fade away leaving Pluto to drift alone forever. h-happy story.
Bentley Rivera
Colton Moore
Easton Wilson
Ayden Smith
They can't do that but do it anyway.
Lincoln Martin
That's totally unconstitutional.
Cooper Bell
You cant survive off almonds and avocado, Califag
Levi Martinez
They literally can't, that's one of the few powers states are explicitly denied
Tyler Lopez
Jack Thompson
Henry Perez
Contraception solves overpopulation?
But there's not enough people!
Make America White Again!
Jeremiah Bell
The New Deal was Racist apparently.
Asher Lopez
she hopes the brutal regime will solve the problem
Xavier Flores
that file name. Always get me man
Matthew Johnson
He hit the lottery being born in one of the worlds top 5 countries. He should appreciate it more.
Charles Long
hahahahaha xD XD
Wyatt Reyes
stop posting my waifu
Nolan Young
imagine if farmers actually focuses ed on production of food rather than maintaining a healthy market value for their crops and white people were actually encouraged to have as many children as possible....but this will probably never happen...
James Rivera
Ayden Flores
do these niggers forget about the DMZ? paco will be long dead.
Bentley Rivera
Because Luxembourg is shit. There is nothing to do here. People here dont have pride. They suck the gov. cock all day long. The people here are unable to think for themselves. Everyone is a closet commie. The first and second amendment are awesome. >Maybe Luxembro isnt well off and is looking for opportunity? People here aren't rich. Most people I know how own a house have 30-40 year loans. Also the future for Europe looks dark, really dark. Millions of Muslims will come here in the years to come.
Mason Young
i really wanna see that fat fuck try to climb that wall with just a hardware store ladder
Owen Ramirez
Some blue check got butthurt again
Levi Jones
>they're turning on FDR now Hehe.
Jeremiah Watson
lmao That cameraman knew what he was doing. Bless him
Dylan Price
They do that shit on Fox quite often, its literally for us
Ayden Phillips
Spics aren't too smart user
Eli Wilson
Nathan Morales
Saudi Arabia is ruled by an absolute and divine monarch, and apparently the next in line is seemingly enlightened.
Here's hoping the crown prince will be the Frederick II of Arabia.
Blake Davis
No to mention, most hardware store ladders dont get that tall. Most are usually 3,6,9,12,and 15 feet tall. Extention ladders can get to about 25 feet.
Leo Watson
Yes pls, we will probably need you
Luis Wood
Go ahead
Kevin Torres
Carson Thomas
Christopher Martinez
I love her so much
Benjamin Stewart
Damn, if only internal tariffs were expressly forbidden by the constitution.
Parker Nelson
Liam Taylor
When is he going to draw porn
Kayden Ross
I still think she's attractive.
Eli Richardson
That is legit illegal. Bill Nye should have gone to law school instead of getting an engineering degree.
Sebastian Evans
Exactly how do these corroded mouthpieces get turned into progressive propaganda tools like Bill? What happened to this guy?
Adrian Harris
t. aids
Kevin Carter
You know he does, but he'll never share it.
Logan Harris
I just copied from a leaf that was shitposting.
Daniel Diaz
jew blackmail
Levi Barnes
>climate change and weather are different >look at this extreme weather as an example that proves climate change >I FUCKING LOVE SCIENCE
Leo Ross
got it.
Michael Cruz
>complaining about a tweet from POTUS instead of (((transnational corporations))) that actually do much of the damage tsk tsk tsk
Jonathan Jackson
bill nye the science fucktard
Zachary Martinez
Breasts are offensive tho
Ian Sullivan
What a beautiful royal family
Jose Bailey
Melania is not for lewds do not post anymore of this
Robert Sanders
It's fucking real.
Carter Jones
Very nice
Gavin Gomez
If Hillary was elected we would be in the trenches fighting Iran by now thank god Trump knows how to play the Jews.
Landon Kelly
>royal family
Julian Howard
I'd say most of the issue is the complete destruction of white communities/cities.
Like its such an immense cost on people to move hours away from their parents/where they grew up, because its filled with migrants now So of course they don't think about kids before 30, they are busy paying 20k+ a year in rent, car insurance, taxes, etc
There are so many costs people have today that didn't exist 60 years ago Most of it is absolutely deliberate on the part of the government.
Bentley Clark
Please god save us from this living hell
We have timber, water, even some oil. Please let us stay and burn the rest of the state to the ground
Jordan White
This is getting a little cringy
Liam Robinson
I wonder what he'll do when he finds them one day
Tyler Perry
deviantart fags like being pushy
Cooper James
I know about them but she is now our Empress Angel and no lewdposting of her is allowed
Austin Robinson
Josiah Myers
Pretty sure if Jerusalem become the capital of Israel the demographics would go from 75% jew to 50% jew dooming them because they love to larp as the only democracy in the middle east and would have to give the new dirty non-jews votes.
William Gomez
What a disgrace
Colton Adams
Nationality(2013)55.5% Luxembourgers 16.4% Portuguese 6.6% French 21.5% other[2
Luxy, what's going on?
Liam Cruz
>pic What a strange combination of amusement and arousal.
Jayden Ramirez
Spanish royal family is literally picture perfect
Levi Gutierrez
That's right drone, don't make anything new just watch the new Marvel Star Wars movie starring dabbing Emojis and Fidget spinners
Cameron Campbell
Has the Tuckman saved his daughter from the rising water inside the basement due to climate change?
Connor Cox
Sebastian Peterson
cuphead art is so good
Parker Bennett
>"Do you like it, Barron?"
>"Yes, very good mother, very good... but could it possibly be ten feet higher?"
>"I am so proud of you, Barron!"
Jason Anderson
In April 1790 the US was 78.5% European, 19% Black, 1% Native, .5% Jewish, .5% Mullatoe, and .5% Mestizo.