>name that Z fighter!
real thread
Doesn't have super! No anons will go. Sorry other OP, this OP actually put a title for all the other Super posters to come and congregate.
You anons ready for that other thread to perish?!
>not being able to control F the catalog to find the super thread
that thread is shit
>still mad about his thread
wat is that creature even
Most anons will control F here bucko, deal with it lol
Thats an Sup Forumsnon
The wait of 8 my Nutes!!
What's today's episode?
Yes, and krillen coming back I believe.
Its startings guys
Which is best stream?
>tfw no croco-jelly
concerned papa vegeta is the best
yare yare
image training?
so Goku wants Krillin to die, so he can get a new power-up?
If Goku don't ask for Monaka I'll get mad
What's going on now?
Whiss just extracted Bra from Bulma with magic
Meow is CUTE.
lmao whis took off bulma's bra
whoa, Bulma mom voice is shit
Vegeta getting cucked again. This time literally.
That's a Fucked up cowman
who's cucking who?!
Vegeta or Yamcha?
Is Goten getting smaller each chapter?
Absolutely nothing.
What's goin' on with Trunks?
is there an episode this week?
The cucking of the century, being Vegeta is suffering.
Its literally airing right now
First cucked by whis, then cucked by Bulma. The cuckening never seems to stop with vegeta.
What a shit fucking chapter, literally no progression, only a gt cuck would enjoy this.
What's up then?
cute babby
So, what can't Whis do?
Probably to show him what kind of opponents he's going to face. Or Toei is just full of retards.
>Hey Vegeta, i'm going to rub this staff over your wife's womb real quick and magically extract your baby, like it or not
Ready to get your boogie back next week?
what a slut
did that really happen in GT? and if so which episode
Episode 23, minute14:12
>Episode 23, minute14:12
>First clue: a jobber
It's 24 about fairly early on.
that was easy
At least Monaka was at least mentioned this episode. So, the only reason not to enter Goten and Trunks is because "it isn't just about power". How the fuck is Roshi knocking anybody off? Touching a woman's boobs?
>Krillan lets him suck on 18's tiddies if he knocks off people, 1 minute per knock off
>Roshi wins the tournament
Well. A whole lot of nothing exciting happened this episode
where are the subs?
Go on Youtube.
Toei humor just isn't funny anymore. This episode was a drag, and I usually like SoL episodes.
>Toei humor just isn't funny anymore
It's never was
How the fuck Krilin enter the tournament with that power level ?
Fucking hilarious episode. Poor yamcha's going to get crushed once again
Crunchyroll is where you'll get it first, if you go there at 6:15pm pacific time every Saturday.
Then around 30 minutes after Crunchyroll releases the new episode, Horriblesubs rips the Crunchyroll stream and shares it on Nyaa.
If you want to wait even longer for some stupid reason, then people inevitably put the Horriblesubs copy onto Youtube and there are probably fansubbers who still bother subbing it if you can't stand Crunchyroll's translation, but you'll probably have to wait a week or two for them to do theirs.
The new characters don't help.
>So, the only reason not to enter Goten and Trunks is because "it isn't just about power".
Yes, apparently, the guys who can fuse into Gotenks are too straightforward so a much weaker fighter should be in.
Toei humor is hilarious as always. This episode was a blast, and I usually dislike SoL episodes.
Reminder Toei just forgot
He has a new technique.
Kienzan, for example, made him a threat well up until Perfect Cell. Krillin could defeat any foe prior to that had he the opportunity to land that technique on them.
Imagine something better than Kienzan that could hurt a god.
>Toei humor is hilarious as always
>as always
>I usually dislike SoL episodes.
>usually dislike
You're such a fucking loser, OP...
>tfw best villan
>responsible for killing almost all the supreme kais
>tfw reasonable for killing most of the planets as well way before frieza came to the picture and beerus being a lazy fuck most of the time
Don't worry guys, Yamcha will save the day.
SSB kaiokek isn't about stamina, it's about perfect ki control.
ep 24 6:45
Yeah, it was pretty funny.
I especially liked the part where they said Roshi was a better candidate than Trunks and Goten.
Best joke in a while.
Trunks and Goten are faggots who wouldnt take Buu seriously even when everyone was scared for their lives.
I seriously need to stop believing Goten and Trunks will have any actual development in this story. I just want them to have a real story again. I loved them in the Buu arc, even though they actually didn't do much.
>Two 6 and 7 year olds didn't fight seriously
Gohan did the same fucking thing. Hell, he pussied out and ran from fights at their age.
>adult trunks has blue hair
>bra has blue hair
>trunks has light purple hair still
>with that power level ?
And what makes you think he wont be stronger than other universe's bottom half of fighters?
At worst, the other fighters will be distracted and can be easily knocked out. Both of them seem to have matured a bit too, so maybe Gotenks also had.
Its my issue with many of the post-manga DB content. Trunks does get some nice material though (tapion movie, arguably GT, Mai's romance, Black Goku saga) but Goten sadly doesn't. There's lots of potential there.
Does that dark little area in the middle of this bowl thingy full of shredded cheese look like Freeza? My coworker doesn't agree and I think he's not as crazy as I am.