The harp the monarch _ idle _ swept

The harp the monarch _ idle _ swept,
The King of men, the loved of Heaven,
Which Music hallow’d while she wept
O’er tones her heart of hearts had given,
Redoubled be her tears, its chords are riven!
It soften’d men of iron mould,
It gave them virtues not their own;
No ear so dull, no soul so cold,
That felt not, fired not to the tone,
Till the Aikatsu and Pripara Thread grew mightier than his live!

Wanna bet? They'll get at least one more song.



How many episodes of Stars are left before S2? Just one?

Whoops, fucked up the quoting. I was answering to the ainon who said the M4 wouldn't get more songs in S2.

>NTR on Ex-Aid this week


I'm generally in love with Ran.

Why is Yume's seiyuu always better in other roles? First Otako, then Gab, now the main girl in that loli guro thing coming in a few months.

I want to fuck Lala.


Ran is generally the best.

Because the seiyuus in Aikatsu are instructed to speak like the audience is 5 years old. Which I know makes sense, but then you have shows like Pripara with the seiyuus munching on the script like it's bubble gum.

Totally a general

>Ran playing guitar



Ran time!

How is Ran a general if she's never even been in the military?


I love Ran in general, but I love this Ran specifically.

I don't see why people seem to think they're going to get written out when it's clear they've been getting more screen time in the second half of S1 because they're popular. I also wouldn't be surprised if the rules for M4 are completely different and they keep their spots into high school. It'd be bullshit but I don't see them introducing three new guys, especially when Asahi seems to be the least popular of the bunch. Reducing Kanata's screentime in particular would be a really bad idea. I hope we get more Nozomu in S2, he seems pretty popular despite the fact he's had by far the least screentime of the four, and like five lines in the whole show so far.


Now that was a good Akari.

Yume is her best role though. GabDrop is underwhelming.

This is Salami's fault.

It doesn't seem like they're introducing any new Yotsuboshi students in general, and thus no kouhais for the girls or boys.

I think she sounds fine as Yume, don't know what you all are talking about.

Hello, am I talking to the /ran/ general?

Morohoshi got to that position just so he could avoid another incident, I wouldn't be surprised if they reveal that he just told the people in charge of SideM to do whatever the fuck they want.

No, this is /ajimi/-da vinci.

Yes, how can I help you?

Replying to this post so both Ran's replies are even.

Fuck the user above me.

Fuck the user above me.

I want a big dose of Ran pictures.

These two anons can fuck each other.

Sorry, I deleted all my Ran pictures.

And I saved them all.

How excited is everyone about ex-aid and precure today?


I want Ran to be my boyfriend.

Are we trying to invoke ranflakes?

What would her team be?




Good one, but I feel there should be one representing the "beautiful blade", such as Virizion.

Kirakira was okay, everything will be the same for now on
About Ex-aid Poppi NTR was hot

Needs an Ebipon. Perhaps Bewear?

That would be Sentret.


Me on top

Me on bottom.

I'm the blank background.


I'm the written sound effects.

Cute only!

I'm the clothes being worn by Ran.

How does it feel to be soaked in her sweat?

Not that user but I can confirm it generally feels amazing.





Can someone post that pic of Pinon and Kirara? I lost it.


Aren't these shows for little girls? As in actual toddlers? Why would you watch this shit?

We are an easily pleased bunch.

It's fun.

Because they're cute and fun. Kids shows aren't actually bad just because they're kids shows.

We're all little girls here.

I'm hiding in Ebipon's tail.

I want to grow up to be a fashionable and cute girl.


I want to grow up to manage and sexually exploit young idols.

I want to grow up to arrest people like the user above.

Amazing Castle is the best thing to come out of PriPara.

That's Triangle.


Way behind on Stars, just watched Lily's comeback and the Halloween episode.

>Lily's performance
You know how these shows hype what's about the happen to death and all the wow sugoi subarashii attouteki is pretty much just informed skill? This wasn't like that. This was amazing. Lily and Hibiki are the two of these things that have actually blown me away like they do the characters in-universe.

Also Lily is great and Yuzu supporting her is adorable.

Memes, so many memes. Karate chopping the chocolate bar into pieces being the first actually funny usage of that gag, Spinzaku 2.0, Ako and Lily being the best things in the episode as usual. The fucking taiyaki outfit. Good stuff.

>Ako and Lily being the best things in the episode as usual
You mean Koharu, surely.

I love this choreography so much.


Forgot to mention Koharu. She was also pretty excellent.

Ranflakes is dead.

She's alive and well!

>you will never get aikatsu merchandise
Why even hold vital functions?

>>you will never get aikatsu merchandise
But that's not true.

Aikatsu x AKB48 collab?
On Facebook: aikatsutw/videos/1075351649275216/

I fucked up, I meant to say Aikatsu Festa. I need to go to sleep.

Not extant.

I want to die

Ranflakes is my daughter.

Stars was a mistake. Bring back OG.

Bamco barely makes any Worth while Aikatsu merchandise though

>learning basic spic just to watch the gap in Pripara that Doki are still subbing
I don't even like this language goddamn

Why don't you learn basic japanese instead?

>Akari was a mistake. Bring back Ichigo