Vintage pics/feels thread

Hey Sup Forums
I just got really blackpilled and came to the realization that western civilization, all of what we built for THOUSANDS of years, is going to end in a century because we were stupid enough to let women dictate the direction of our country and we let our guard down by bringing in a shit ton of foreigners believing they would assimilate and only be a minority. God were we fucking wrong. The founders of today's white (or formerly white) countries like the UK, France, USA, Canada, Australia, etc. would be rolling in their fucking graves if they could see what all they've built looks like today.
So right now I just want some Sup Forumsacks to post vintage pictures of the good times we had, like 1950s America and shit like that. I have a few, but I want to fill up my folder with as much as I can for maximum feels.

TL;DR vintage pics thread. Ancient Greece to 20th century, anything goes so long as it brings feels and nostalgia for a better time.

Other urls found in this thread:

A few more that i have

Yep. Not too many ways out now. Like, I don't know how.


Like this?

Don't worry brother, we'll figure this out.

I have that picture framed on my bathroom. Want pics?


The white man has to eventually wake up soon and fight back, I just don't know whether we will win in the end or not. If for example we reach only 20% white in USA, will we be numerous enough to fight back and win?
That better be a fake...
Sure man
>pic related Banff, Alberta. Still mostly white to this day

Goddamn that's fucking sad. Looks like the only thing recognizable there are the lampposts and the theatre sign. Fucking graffiti and mexicans ruined it.


It's not fake,

Could you imagine living back in that time? Seems like something of fantasy.


Yeah sure it's the mexicans right? It's never the Jews right goy? Fuck off coke boy

All I can do is imagine, man. I wish I could know what it felt like to come home from a war, be greeted by my wife and kids, get a great paying job in a fantastic economy, live in a 100% white suburb, my kids going to a 100% white school that teaches traditional values and patriotism instead of white hate and marxism...
Jesus H.

fuck you stupid niggeh.

Reminder: Canada is not a democracy. Canada is an autocracy with arbitrary rule by an "elected" emperor and his army of sycophants.

YOU do not have REPRESENTATION. If you think you do, I have a bridge to sell you.

this really just makes me want to cry. absolute shame

Back when the Nazi's were winning the War with Blitzkrieg tactics.
Here's a photo of hero Joachim Peiper letting his guard down a bit to drink with his troops.
Western Civilization is going down the fucking drain because of Women and their degenerate lusting for the enemy.

Of course Jews had a hand in immigration reform to allow the mexishits and other non whites in. Nobody here is denying that you fucking retard. But just look at that bottom pic see all the mexishits walking around, with their skateboards, shitty trash clothing, trash on the ground, selling 2nd hand shoes, graffiting the walls, etc. You can't look at that picture and say mexishits aren't at least somewhat to blame.
>reddit spacing
Fuck off.

I see good point

i will never forgive the boomers for throwing away our birthright.

Things women and shitskins will never understand:
ANZAC spirit.
Aussie and New Zealand bros get in here.

It doesn't matter if we win or lose - if we have to leave history I'd rather slam the door and lock it from the inside. Fuck Lincoln for his partial responsibility but that "live forever or die by suicide" shit was pretty spot-on.

Here's a feel.

Whats the box he's putting money into?

Someone post the photos and videos of Paris and London, now and then

>tfw you will never go get a milkshake with your qt fiancee after a movie.

This thread may as well be pictures of what it was like before (((they))) enacted a war against humanity to "make Israel the Supreme Court of Mankind." When the fuck will people wake up and realize there is a supremacy on this fucking planet that will enslave us all if we don't fucking do something about it!?

Enjoy your new nigger music coke boy

Beautiful Irish countryside that's probably going to be overrun by African migrants and other shitskins in fifty years.

We were on the wrong side of the war but we got 15 years of beautiful society out of it before Jews, nigs and degeneracy rose up again. A war-enriched society is a good society.

You’d be waking up in a cold sweat from ptsd flashbacks each night and your children will live with the spectre of nuclear anihilation their entire youths; they will become the boomers.

You will live to watch everything you loved perish as you grow older, and if you still believe in god you will have to deal with not only growing degeneracy and the decline of decency, but the acceptance of it as well.

Be glad you live on the other side of that. There is hope for the future.

Hehe silly white people clinging so desperately do an image of America that never existed. How are you, 16? Nothing was ever better than right now. You’re the same as those we wuz kangz niggers.


we wuz ww1 kangz n shiet nyuggah

Forgot accompanying song

maybe it was worse, but it at least was 90% our own


Women have always been nation destroyers that bed with the enemy. Every single time. Even the ancient Greeks knew this, but instead of telling women to fuck off we gave in and look where we are now.
>fall of rome
>roman women bed with germanics
>fall of byzantium
>byzantine women bed with turkshits
>usa spreads west into native america
>native women bed with white men
>allies win in ww1
>german women bed with french african troops (creating rhineland bastards)
>allies win in ww2
>german women bed with soviets and american troops
>nigger civil rights in america
>white women start bedding with niggers
>europe 2016
>white women bed with arabs and niggers
Yeah. Sorry for calling you a retard earlier, I take it back :)
Lincoln was actually going to deport niggers back to africa (liberia) but confederates started the war to keep them in america for slave labour. Confederates literally fought for niggers to stay in america, albeit slaves. But still.
Fuck, that one really got me...
Interesting. I didn't notice that until now. I don't know what it's for tbqh.
Nevermind, I don't take it back.
I don't know man. I'd rather live through mostly good times and die in bad times than live in mostly bad times and die in what might be good times.
Yes, everything is so great right now. White countries turning brown and becoming hellholes. Fuck off kike.

a music box

>all of what we built for THOUSANDS of years, is going to end in a century

A century? HA! We’ve got less than 10 years, if that. Watch Joel Skousen’s end of 2017 analysis. WW3 is looming just on the horizon. The globalists have already shipped 90% of their gold reserves to China. The federal reserve Ponzi scheme is about to come crashing down. What do you think North Korea is all about? (Hint: could it possibly be a false flag black swan event to take us into WW3 and transition us to a OWG?) Or are the facts that Kim jong Un was educated in Switzerland in the heartland of the Rothschild dynasty and given nuclear fission materials by the US government mere coincidences?

Why are women such whores?
Literally the harbingers of degeneracy along with Jews.



Reminder that every time you fap to porn you give the Jews more power.

Right in the feels.


There's a second level of jewry here, subtly hidden. Examine the first panel closely.

>I too value education and hope to enter the political arena to uphold gender and racial equality

>uphold gender and racial equality


>Go to college

>insert any Norman Rockwell painting here

Probably my first redpill.
This needs to be spread more.
Why a White women would want to fuck a nigger is beyond me.

This is your country on Jews.

They think with emotion, not logic. They have no sense of honor. Honor is purely a male concept.
>syrian refugee crisis
>media shows refugee ""kids""
>woman's thoughts "oh my no those poor refugees we have to open our borders and help them!! its our morale duty!!"
>men's(real men not cucked soyboys) thoughts: "Hmm, they come from a completely different culture, different traditions, they historically never got along with us, and there is an increased crime rate in every country that took them in. Instead of letting them in, perhaps we should help assad stabilize the country so the war can end and they can all go home and rebuild and live the way they want to without changing our way of life."

It’s over bro. Let white women go. They’re beyond damaged goods now. Let them chase Jamal and Mohammed until the whole system collapses. Then point and laugh as they’re engulfed by a fiery inferno. That’s how this all ends. Mark my words.

I remember back when I was on tumblr someone was aesthetic-posting pictures of scenes from diners an theaters from the 50s. someone else commented that they wished they could have lived back then. That immediately set alarm bells off among the SJWs who did not miss a beat on highlighting the "racist undertones" of desiring to live in such an orderly society.
>"It's your white privilege to think the 1950s were a good time because they were only a good time for white people."
The SJW views all of history up until the last decade as racist, patriarchal, and evil. Still, even the most indoctrinated of them are not immune to the feeling in their bones that things are not better now than they were in the past.

I've read somewhere that some women who run the refugee centers are having sex with some of the refugees including children.
Let that sink in.
I feel like I'm living in a Nightmare World.
God help us.

>implying the "children" aren't 34 year old men


my god. it's beautiful. probably now filled with "refugees".

I hear you lad.

Yeah, living in good times is great but living through an era of goodness and watching it go to shit at the twilight of your life/retirement/senility is like the opposite of a fairytale to me -- if you are satisfied with life you aren't going to put an end to the civilization boom/bust cycle and do what has to be done. Racial nationalism is the Galilean model of blood and the cats out of the bag on that one. I hope I see a real new hitler before I die, someone who really gives white children a bright future that can't be swindled from them by esoteric kike banking/intelligence agency clique.

That's my line of thinking. But knowing women I wouldn't be surprised if some of them were under-aged. I read about female teachers getting caught having sex with middle school aged boys all the time.
Women just don't give a fuck.

throw up that black pill... there's work to do. this thread is the motivation to not overdose on the red pill.


beaners are truly subhuman

I just have to go back to this one. Look at the right side of the pic.
All zeros. Compare it to the other side.
Fucking incredible.


Because America is dead.

Yes it is indeed sad. Unfortunately once I get my qualifications for my career I will most likely leave this country even if I am 1/16 native. I can't thank the White race enough for being born in a nice society but I just don't feel right living here when my genetic makeup is 93.75% White and not 100%. (If you saw my father you would know). I have considered trying to infiltrate politics and do my best to take down the Jew banking system but meh, the pure bloods don't need my help, they said so (although not to me) on stormfront.

Which country should I move to user? I can't go to the UK with my dual citizenship because I am a mutt and thus contribute to White genocide.

Very nice
This is how I see it ending too.
Of course it did. SJWs are just wretches filled with self hate and hate of the good days in the past because their heads are filled to the brim with college marxism, so they hate anything to do with white people keeping their countries like their forefathers wanted it. Because to SJWs, the emotions and feelings of a minority group matters more than the majority group keeping the country secure and orderly.
Yep, they are. Heard about it last year in Sweden. Sickening. They don't care about their nations, or even their own people. That's why they bed with the enemy. To women, having status and getting dick are more important than honor, tradition, and keeping a safe homogeneous white country.
I see your point man. As for the new Hitler, don't worry. One has to rise up soon. I mean, actual Hitler rose up because of the degeneracy of the Weimar. Well, we are WAY past Weimar levels now. Soon, man. Soon.


Used to be quite a few of these around when I was younger
Wonder where they went?

what are they? aside from boxes for honesty.

The solution to the woman problem is to perfect artificial womb technology, and then mass produce redpilled men, and use CRISPR to genetically engineer them for high intelligence, rational thinking, lower guilt, higher testosterone, and have their white knight instincts bred out.


>ywn see return of 1920's aesthetics

According to the Nuremberg laws your considered White.
I wouldn't be worried about it so much.

Unironically aesthetic.
>InB4 redneck

It's almost hard to believe that there was once a time when the nations of the west were not only homogeneous and safe within their own borders, but actually had the expansive energy to project their power outwards. The whole world was ours to exploit as we saw fit; the white race seemed destined for dominion over all...
And then the world wars.

Imperialism now only uses western government's military power to serve private interests while our nations receive only the bill. Meanwhile China becomes the world's dominant nation-state and Africa becomes the most populous continent.
the 21st century will be the first century in human history where all of the top 5 largest cities in the world will be in Africa and Asia.
Even if we can win our political struggle at the home front we may well be out manned and outgunned on the geopolitical stage.

Most people at stormfront disavow those laws user. Also they were unpopular by more Puritan NatSocs which is understandable.

Disagree. A huge blemish on the alt right movement and the biggest black mark on us today. Let niggers do their own thing in their own country. They will never become a threat. We want to preserve the white race. That is very different from eliminating other races.

that box looks pretty fuckin dodgy to me, wouldnt trust it for a second

Various places where you're supposed to pay but no one is there.
Farmers selling eggs or crops outside their house often use an honesty box, you take some eggs and pay
Near me there is a big beautiful reserve/park that is owned by a private trust but open to public use, they ask $2 entry and have an honesty box at the open gate .picrelated the park is vast

this tbqh - minorities knew their place and women were not crazy anti-feminine sluts. Even criminals had their codes of honour.

The Klan originally formed to protect Whites from freed slaves.
Seriously, what do you think a pack of niggers would do once they got their emancipation? Take revenge on the slave owner of course. Not that the owner was abusive as the Jews would have us believe. But because the slaves thought they were wronged. The Klan acted as a paramilitary in a way.
Btw not endorsing the modern Klan as today it has been infiltrated by CIA and FBI rats.
The old Klan was something else though, not "terrorists" as Kikes would say.




Thanks for the explanation user. I long for those days. I can't leave anything unlocked. I can't leave any items in my car. I have to park my motorcycle in a high traffic area so that hopefully, someone will see it being taken and I can use their account when reporting to the police. I hate our didndonuffin society.


There's probably a little kike in a hole underneath it collecting shekels.
Well that's even more blackpilling. So it's either be ruled by muslim and niggers, or be ruled by the chinese?

Exactly. So we need to drop the Klan meme. It was for a different time. That shit has to end. We need to distance our selves from that image because it's not about what we think it is. It's about what others think it is. We need them to give us some rope. We have to appear rational and well mannered. Then we'll take that rope and hang them (figurately of course).

>he doesn't know
The Klan has been roughly 93% FBI agents trying to make sure they don't arrest each other for trying to push the other 7% into arrestable offenses.


fair enough. given that i don't know what you're talking about. but at the end of the day. bedsheets are fucking larps and normies aren't going to give you an inch let alone a mile. and you're gonna need at least a few yards to make any progress.
I don't want to see that civilization fade away :'(


And I'll never forgive half the faggots on this board for escaping to chinese cartoons instead of marrying and having kids. We have one last chance to save this country

What really gets me is when they say our ideas are incompatible with "this country's values".
As if these "values" they speak of, the ones that justify unprecedented levels of third-world immigration and cultural Marxism, are somehow at the core of what it means to be an American and not cooked up by some university kikes 10 years ago.
If these people had to explain "our values" to the founding fathers, or any American who lived before 1960, they would be met with accusations of treason.

There have dead ass serious been like 4 or 5 times when the FBI goes to run a "sting" on this operation they're absolutely sure is racist klansmen right up until two different teams show up to arrest each other while the two actual klansmen in the state get arrested for picking very bad friends.