Even Chaika's writer is cashing in on isekai fad.
>Yukinari Amano loves guns. After reincarnating into another world, the young man goes on a journey with Dasa, the younger sister of the girl who gave him a second life.
>However, while on the road, the pair are attacked by a local deity—an "erdgod." No normal person could possibly defeat one—so when Yukinari uses his knowledge of guns and newfound abilities to do the impossible, he becomes worshipped as the area's new god himself!
>Get ready for an alternate-reality, gun-and-sword-filled, action-packed adventure!
Even Chaika's writer is cashing in on isekai fad
Can the author even be called a good writer? I remember Chaika ending poorly.
>cashing in on isekai fad.
Didn't chaika took place in an isekai already?
Chaika was a proper fantasy IIRC, none of the characters were purportedly from the "real world".
Sounds like complete trash. Not even hiding that MC instantly becomes a Gary Stu.
>Even Chaika's writer is cashing in on isekai fad.
You say that like Blue Steel Blasphemer just started.
I don't get why LNs are any popular in the west to begin with. If you want Japanese prose just read classic stories like New Rashomon or Futaro Yamada's stuff, or even freakin Murakami.
>implying Chaika was a great story
>being this retarded
He already wrote an isekai, retard. Outbreak Company.
What the fuck sort of logic is this? Are you baffled by Western genre fiction's popularity, too? I mean, I don't touch LNs, don't get me wrong, but this is autism-tier density. No one's reading SAO for the same reasons they'd read Kokoro.
he wrote that? wow.
>inb4 newfag
I know. move on
>ignore the fact that I'm a newfag, guys!
No, you fucking cancerous piece of shit. Lurk for two years before posting or else find a site that suits your preferences better, like MAL or Reddit, because Sup Forums isn't for you.
Outbreak Company wasn't a lone reincarnation powertrip, it was about culture transfer.
>Popular here
are you thick, or just stupid?
Actually girls tell me I'm thick. Wanna take a look?
don't be gay nigga
>a fucking lever action FF-style gunblade
>bolting on some stupid heavy bipod that will do nothing but fuck the barrel harmonics of the scoped "sniper" revolver
Come fucking on. I mean, I guess I should be impressed they bothered with the details of making it SA, but there's a fucking limit.
Gun ota already did that
Gun ota is a bunch of bullshit.
They must have at least some minimum level of popularity for Kadokawa to care enough about pushing them themselves.
I was gonna read that but I saw a summary somewhere that he just stumbles from one trap into another and gets his guns taken from him like a pleb and sold into slavery or something and decided to skip it.
single action (think: old west style)
Chaika was more of a natural evolution of his previous work, Scrapped Princess.
Only yen press pushes LNs, when they get big anime ads or surge in popularity like overlord/konosuba/LH
its a niche of a niche here, being even more on the bottom of the /lit/ barrel than young adult novels.
He only does that once, losing the AK was pretty sad tho
Oh, so Revolver Ocelot style.
IIRC he eventually gets out of it and goes right back to gunsmithing. The gun that got taken from him eventually ended up in the collection of a mad scientist dragon girl, who reverse engineered it enough to create a rudimentary blunderbuss.
Sounds like Gun-Ota but not a hot steaming pile. Looking forward to it.
What about a reverse isekai where Chaika wakes up as a plain old OL in modern Japan
Someone better tell the little girl she put her bipod on the wrong way.
what if the protag could summon A NUKE
She won't get very far with that speech impediment.
I wonder why they grabbed Psycome and Goblin Slayer. Those don't have anime.
>I need part of this reviewed before the meeting, mind giving me a hand
>beg your pardon?
Surge in popularity, they are looking for the next SAO like madmen to get that sweet sweet cash, to the point of stalking Sup Forums to dmca translators.
I'm sure Kadokawa has better things for their employees to do than lurk on Sup Forums. I doubt they do much more than a simple Google search.
gun-ota looks lick imma pick this shit up
Its yen press you lad, not the us branch of kadokawa
Step your game up son.
Truck-kun on the front page.
doesn't Kadokawa own Yen Press now?
Regardless Yen Press is pretty lazy about sending takedown requests anyway, given that Accel World, SAO, Maou-sama, S&W, Haruhi v10-11, and various other translations including 'fanfic' managed to hang around and never get a takedown order.
It's worldwide and english reaches the most audience, so you get a lot of philopinos who MTL some obscure LN for Koreans to read because english is the bridge language.
Everyone likes 'foreign' works, in other countries they think american novels are special, and japan already has a foothold with anime and the illustrations help the promotion of light novels a lot.
Mix that with the simple concepts, the heavy focus on dialogue and teen-friendly plots, and you've basically got the perfect attention sucker for people who spend their time on the internet.
I think for most LNs, if you just posted them online, gave them a western author, and removed the professional artwork, they would have a fraction of the readers.
>so you get a lot of philopinos who MTL some obscure LN for Koreans to read
I'm pretty sure East Asia have plenty of their own translations already, both official and fan.
>impying gunblades aren't the hottest shit ever
The opening to FF8 was hype as fuck.
At least this one is actually good thanks to Ichirou Sakaki being able to write worth shit.
Hope it's /k/ as fuck.
What's wrong with gunblades? It's basically a cooler bayonet.
It is, read the first chapter
Chaika, not Isekai!
Close. Many trappings of MMO. Combat roles like MMO. Chaika, DPS Caster. Toryu, Tank.
But RPG "classes"! None! Toryu/infiltrator backstory, closer to Naruto! Ninja type! Not DPS! Tanky!
Otherwise! World building! Magic mechanics! Internally consistent! Not cliches! Cliches not held together with cliches!
It's got a revolver with a rifle scope on the cover.
It's definitely /k/.
>Not cliches!
>Cliches not held together with cliches!
>not liking gunblade
That looks heavy, impractical and retarded.
God gave him fantasy warrior tier strength or something so it's not a problem.
Aren't bayonets a thing?
Have you actually read it or did you just skim the summary by some user on Sup Forums?
From what I've read of what was translated of Chaika, it seemed pretty good and a lot better paced than the anime. Also Akari is like 10x more perverted with her speeches
You can take off bayonets when you're not using them.
Best timeline, hope the isekai train never stops.
Maybe he just has a really long bayonet
I don't get why VNs are so pupular with pseudo chuunishitter elistists. Watch actual porn instead of reading porn powerpoints with pretentious writing and artificial length.
>doesn't have a smoothy maker on his pistol
Fucking noobs
What about the VNs that have no porn in them?
I always found that weird. Some of those projects are currently being fan-translated out in the open with nothing.
But Danmachi got shut down multiple times, IIRC. I wonder why they took the effort to take down one but not the other.
Got to get that extra accuracy bonus.
My headcanon is that Danmachi's translation quality was so offensively bad that they had to shut it down before it damaged the brand.
And here my inner /k/ was hoping for something realistic. Jesus Christ those designs are shit.
Am I the only one who read it as "edgelord" at first?
Can't handle a tactical revolver?
How does you're inner /k/ evaluate gun ota and entire chapters dedicated to gun autism if you've read that one?
Isekai and edgelord go hand in hand, I can't blame you.
How long before a janitor throws a fit and deletes this thread?
Looks like a hunting revolver, but like some other guy said, the artist drew the bipod facing the wrong way around.
>not appreciating tacticool
Wait Chaika takes place in the Scrapped Princess universe?
No but it's so similar it's almost like a revised version
>>the younger sister of the girl who gave him a second life
Basically his aunt?
>Black Powder revolver with Bipod, Scope and compensator.
It's shit.
Oh~ my sweet child of mine.
Cat ear headbands offer no tactical advantage whatsoever.
Pretty good
Pretty shit.
Started touching myself when he built the AK though
>new god himself!
Why are so many isekai mc in god mode?
>Basically his aunt?
no. It means some girl saved his life and that girl has a younger sister.
Shintoism has a different idea of what "gods" are.
Then what is their equivalent of what we consider gods?
so? Im taking about power levels. rezero and konosuba look tame when it comes to usual isekai where MC is legendary or on his way to being legendary (maybe its because I picked "new gate" and few other manga like that but that is the impression I have been getting)
Big guys
You can't fucking read Murakami on trains and between transit.
My understanding is that kami in Japanese culture were closer to a mix of spirits and gods in greek myths, instead of the all-powerful super-beings we envision today.
But I could be wrong.
Is there any fucking reason why they couldn't just change some plot elements involving the MC to make him not from another world and just make it a straight up fantasy?
>My understanding is that kami in Japanese culture were closer to a mix of spirits and gods in greek myths, instead of the all-powerful super-beings we envision today.
>But I could be wrong.
The big deal with Shinto in particular, is that Death was an accident and not intended. In Shinto, anythingh and anyone can die, even gods. And that is why "Death God" was an imported concept from the West. Death and dying is never a good thing, which is different to the West wanting to claim that death means you are in some better place.
The Abraham god, in any case, is an outlier. Most gods ever envisioned were not both all-loving and all-powerful. Even ancient peoples know that the two don't mix.
The higher Kami like Izanami, Izanagi and their children and pretty similar to the typical gods like in Greek and Norse myth. Most kami are just random spirits, beings and ideas that get worshiped in any capacity, so the definition encompasses a lot of shit, including stuff like oversized bears.
The Abrahamic god sure as hell didn't start off all-loving and all-powerful, though the latter cropped up way earlier than the former.
The Abrahamic God only became all-loving in the New Testament.
>Naw we totally aren't announcing anything at Anime Japan
Except MC being from another world is actually integral to the premise for once? The entire thing is a powertrip fantasy about "WHAT IF I CREATED GUNS USING MY KNOWLEDGE FROM EARTH IN A FANTASY WORLD AND CURBSTOMPED EVERYTHING?" This isn't something like Grimgar where you could take out the other world premise and still have a functional story.
And then he's supposed to go all grimdark again in Revelations.
I mean, it could be about an Archimedes-tier inventor in the fantasy world?
Does "Gave him a second life" not mean anything to you?
There is nothing wrong with Isekai.
There is nothing wrong with guns.
Therr is nothing wrong with ordinary school aged MCs with interests in one particular thing which they're based around.
There is EVERYTHING WRONG with the most ordinary highschool boy being revered as something other than just another loser with an interest in things.
>Becomes worshipped as the areas new god
What the FUCK is this CLICHE BULLSHIT? Just because you like guns doesn't help you in these situations in ANY FUCKING WAY.
I can't believe people like this are allowed to get money for this garbage they're infesting the world with. They should be the ones paying for being allowed to produce this vomit.
Fuck off with this shit already
>manga still not translated
I want more. I enjoyed what I got.
there sure is a lot of "Reincarnation as X" themed mangos around these days.
When will that fad die?
Translation where? I trust Chaika's author to give me a good story.
Endings are not his forte. Scrapped Princess was also lackluster at the end.