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Lost my shit when they did the same in 91 days. There's people that actually eat up this trash.
it was great faggot
So why exactly did they have to travel to bumfuck nowhere?
Great argument.
The guy was trying to look for clues about his past in hims hometown
Did you even watch the show?
to get vincents memories back
Yeah, but there were no fucking clues there, and everybody figured out who the proxy was at like ep 2.
great counterargument
You're the one making the claim idiot.
you're the one making the claim it's trash, idiot.
No, I made the claim
>there's people that eat up this trash
You're really only further proving my point by being unable to grasp the American language.
>arguing up semantics
>doesn't understand how implications work
>wants to talk about language
fuck off with this weak b8
I think it was a good show, although I hated episode 16. I kinda wanted it to be like 25 episodes instead of 23 because the ending felt a bit too fast and proxy one wasn't that big of a climax. The most interesting portions were the traveling to Mosk and seeing the outside world. How Pino is one of the more developed chars in the show despite not being in high power or have much power. The relationship between humans and androids where not all infected bots are evil or mislead like Pino and Raul's entourage found a reason to exist.
That's because Pino's dad nuked it before they could get there. That's why they had to go back. Pay attention.
>American language.
Everything this user says can be considered moot now.
Consider suicide, idiot.
>implying americans speak english
>guy is a fucking literal demigod
>spoiled slut still barely looks at him
>meanwhile effeminate beta nerd tries to get laid with a clone of her because he has no hope with the real thing
Pretty realistic animu 2bh
Still haven't provided any argument whatsoever.
This would only be an issue if you had provided a legit argument which I'd be avoiding with semantics etc.
And both of you use Reddit spacing. It's evident that 91 gays can't fit in.
This series had great character and world designs and peaked at the episode where Iggy got the virus and needed killing. It was downhill from there.
>Be named Daedelus
>Create a clone of the girl you love
>Name her Icarus
>Watch her fly towards the sun and burn up
>Be Surprised
Its a masterpiece.
right ?
Nope. Kiri.
Oh wait, fuck. Mixed up artist and song. It's Monoral. Kiri is the name of the track.
Shinsekai Yori is deeper than this show
The song ,not the character !
Strange , looks like Evanescence...
why her make-up look like that
raisins 4'eat
So is your argument that I should quit watching anime because I've already seen Shinsekai Yori?
How did Pinos hair colour change?
There is deeper ass penetration in Shinseaki Yori, yes.
And the book was better anyway, so I think we should just stop watching anime and kill ourselves.
I mean I guess. Are you going to let Sup Forums know that you're live streaming your suicide?
You think I could buy a reproduction of Lil's shotgun to do it with? These things are fucking radical.