How flat is too flat?

How flat is too flat?

Aika flat

>How flat is too flat?
There is no such a thing.

For my personal preferences anything less than a handful is too small.


Honestly, so flat that she could be a boy is too flat. Small mounds are good.


Girls with glasses and flat chest are sexy.

None of those pictures show women.

All of you are closet pedos


user. Come the fuck on man.


this is too flat.

>Your rival can´t grab your boobs if you´re flat.

She is 19 years old.

What's with all the people posting guys? Isn't this a girlchest thread?


I'm actually really open about it.

Literally nothing wrong with being a paedophile.

>oh boy it's Lilith doujin
>this gonna be

There is something wrong with being British though.

A range exists after too small but is larger than nothing when you get the clothing gap.

I have a fetish more for women in clothing than naked and flat chested women look great in most clothes.

The resemblance is striking.

I know that feel.



German boats are the best boat.

small tits and FAT thighs are the best~

No nipples and a single bone instead of ribs.


I don't mind totally flat, and I don't like large boobs, but there is a perfect size and it's when they're big enough to fill out certain outfits and look very feminine, while at the same time being small enough to not get in the way and hinder anything. I'd say probably B cups (not sure how to translate that to japanese sizes) are best, and I'd take totally flat over anything larger.

ITT: low testosterone


A-B cup is the best, everything bigger than that is too much.


one too flat

other is too big


as long as it has two x chromosomes, no y chromosomes, and a vagina, anything from flat surface to moderately above average is fine
as long as it fits those criteria, any chest is nice. but the nicest one is always the one on your waifu.

Asymmetrical docking is fine too.

>as long as it has two x chromosomes,

>tfw JAVs have made me a tits guy
Tits > Ass unless you're a troglodyte

A woman's chest size doesn't matter: large breasts, small breasts, no breasts; they're all great.

The most important thing is having an ass.
>small breasts and no ass = figure like a plank
>big tits and no ass = melons glued to a plank
You need a good ass to counterbalance the chestal matter, regardless of its size. It completely ruin's a woman's figure otherwise. And please note that I'm not advocating for ghetto-bootay either; a tight ass or a bubble butt is great, so long as something is there.

It's time to stop posting.

People who enjoy flat chests are intellectually superior, and I'll explain why.

Your average male imbecile will chase after a woman who has a gigantic chest because at the time it's looks appealing. The woman in question in more than likely young in age and hasn't descended into middle are or pregnancy. With their poor outlook to the future, they don't see that in years to come after gravity takes over and childbirth does it's thing, their chest will be saggy and unappealing.

Now flat chests in general look distinguished right off the bat. It provides more maneuverability during such rigorous things like coitus, yet they're still big enough to attract the opposite sex and provide males with what their innate nature longs for. What's more, during middle age and pregnancy they're expected to grow ever so slightly (more so during pregnancy), where in gravity will not take it's effects as harshly when compared to someone who has a large chest to begin with and they'll eventually turn into a perfect size between an a/b cup after all is done and said. Those who enjoy flat chests now subconsciously know that in the future someone with a flat chest will end up looking better than one who has a large chest, physically speaking.

Flat chest superiority.

agree with this post

Agreed. A and B cups give her a shapely yet slim figure, someone you could image squeezing up next to in bed and holding her close as she falls asleep in your arms.

Just practice Greek love and save yourself the trouble of chasing women in the first place.

The romance between two stoic men is the purest romance of all. And no, I do not mean the vapid sort of degeneracy practiced in the west now, but a true romance between two men of character.

After all, the flattest chest is that of a man's.

Oh look a flat-fag bringing up 3D shit again when it's not applicable and it's discussion is not warranted. Why do you people always do that?

She's literally perfect. DFC makes every 2D girl better.




Has anyone ever drawn concave boobs? Does it even exist as a fetish?

Just imagine sinking your face into one of the holes on a girls chest. Imagine it slowly filling with sweat until you can drown yourself in it.

It's Japan. I'm sure it exists.

In fact, to take a step further I'm almost 100% sure that there's a fetish out there where a girl's ribs are fucked and her flat chest further sinks.



>other is too big
They're perfect, fuck off.


What about genetics? What about actually living, breathing human beings who can't help the size of their breasts--to a point, anyway. Though exercise can only help certain body types so much. What does this do for them?

Personally the flatter the better. Maybe I'm just homogeneous tho.

Sexy and confident flat is best flat.



Sauce? On mobile and the image searches didnt work


Flat is flat user, you can only ever be not flat enough, never too flat.
Unless you mean concave tits or some crazy shit like that

[Maybe] Kekkon Yubiwa Monogatari Ch.19 Is what I got from image search.

don't it's a waste of time. MC refuses to do anything sexual to any of the girls. It's just cockblocking himself 24/7

Flat, oppai monster, why not both in the same woman?
One Boob Girl

flat is justice

>you will never relentlessly bully a flatty like the trash "she" is


kys rosey you flat cunt


not as hot as I was hoping it would be.



>early ephebophelia
Even so; what's wrong with being one?

Trips confirm it. Ass is indeed greater than tits.

>Too flat


The concept of "too flat" only exist with specific caracters or artstyle.
For exemple these are perfect(I know one is a guy)
This one is becoming unappealing because of the artstyle
But this one is compeltely not right if she really is a girl, too boyish
Every chest are good if they respect the general harmony.

Depends on the size of the girl. If she's short, then the radius of each tit should be no less than half the radius of her head. If she's tall, then her boobs should be visible from behind.

This and also good pear figure is huge plus

This is the perfect size.

The flattest

I like a little flatter, but budding mounds are fine too.

Pic related is perflat.


fucking newshit raijuu suck my dick

My cute wife Kino is FLAT.

Does "literally has holes for a chest" count?

There's so much good stuff going on that image, I could overlook a lot of things.


>breasts on the back

Skeleton Slut Celeshitia too
Lisha Best Waifu

come on you can't be serious
nobody's taste is this shit

This is a pretty good assesment. There are always situations where the rules are broken due to certain circumastances but in general this graph applies.

I just realised I'm on an anime board in a serious discussion about the size of anime titties, this feel is too real, I think I need to change my life drastically.

Nice blog, fuck off.

>this feel is too real