Miss me yet?

Miss me yet?

Hell no. We're doing MAGA now.

... I miss you so much.

No you fucking neocon piece of shit. You allowed them to force you to dance, pulling your strings like a puppet, and helped sell us up river. You're just as much a traitor as all the others and if you still live on the day of the rope... well, you know what'll happen.



Just because he's a republican doesn't mean he's not a fucking traitor.

The best of them all.

>Bush fights Saddam for Israel

Trump is fighting Iran for Israel next.

Fuck no. Dubya was legitimately a weak-willed, limp-dick moron.



No, Trump is significantly better than you. Bohemian Grove. W E W I L L N O T F O R G E T

I wonder what kind of mental acrobatics you'll pull when Trump attacks Iran.

Trump is the way.
Bush was a 3/10 at best.

>Miss me


I like how his retarded smile never slips as he matrix dodges that shoe.


not yet, but trump's getting us there.

I never thought I would say this, but yes. He may have bombed 2 countries, taken away civil liberties, and lowered taxes on the rich, but at least he knew how to act presidential.

Ahhhh.. a sophisticated gentleman like myself.

Kill yourself and meet the Ghost Detainees & the million Iraqis. Do it tonight. Don't wait for us to help rescue the world from your cancerous lawless poison