Best Gundam's Scene

Also best series.
No pretentious plot
Best characters

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The series where everybody dies?

>Gundam Wing
Cliché, one-dimensional, edgy main characters.
Laughable political intrigue.
Liberal use of stock footage.
Lazy mobile suit design.
Unoriginal plot points.
Subpar fights.

I could go on, but fuck that. Gundam Wing isn't good. The best Gundam series are 0079, Zeta and Turn A.

only the movies are half decent.

>The best Gundam series are

Saying anything other than G Gundam is lying.

If you truly think that, then you don't like Gundam at all. With its groundbreaking world-design, 0079 redefined the mecha genre, including every piece of mecha fiction that came before it, by creating the "real robot" subgenre and relegating the rest in the "super robot" subgenre. It has excellent worldbuilding, a great story and some of the most meaningful character interaction in anime. In fact, the characters are so great that they're viewed as cultural icons in Japan, and Char Aznable has the same status there that Darth Vader has in America. And it's not a coincidence, it just shows how memorable that show was.

After rewatching it, i found it a lot edgier than I remember, in a good sense.

good taste, I also like ZZ

Let me guess. Because they are shorter.

That's probably it, but he's not wrong. I do think movie 1 and movie 3 do a better job than the show at portraying their part of the story. Movie 2, on the other hand, is a complete mess. The motivations of certain characters are unclear, and the loss of many scenes from the anime makes the development of others seem a lot less logic.

>Lazy mobile suit design.
The design of the gundams was the best thing about Wing.

They're lazy ripoffs of previous Gundams.

You fucking loser

I disagree... War in the Pocket is the masterpiece
0079 is way too outdated and sperimental

Movies are basically just summaries of the series...and the second one is really bad

G gundam is the parody of the series

Characters in 0079 are kinda ridiculous if you look at them nowadays. They're no where credible at all

Watched 0079 recently. It sucks. Couldn't wait to be finished with it.

Is it good?

>I also like lolis

ZZ is kinda hentai

I second this
the second movie was unbearable

I like Wing a lot too. It's flawed as hell but a great show.

The Star Trek Original Series episode: “A Taste of Armageddon” has James Kirk playing both the rolls of Relena Peacecraft and Treize Khushrenada all in the same episode. This is how Wing could have been had the characters on either side of the political fence been written properly.

Almost every gundam design is a ripoff of previous Gundams.

The fuck

I'm marathoning this right now

it's ok, nothing special. seems like they kill off every side character just because they can though.


Garbage but still miles better then IBO.

So the Bluray's of this are coming out soon. Are they going to be 1080 or 720?

Gundam boy band with OP mechs

at least Reinhard and Char were the big bads

nice to know you have shit taste

Of course the characters aren't credible, you fucking moron. That wasn't the author's intention, otherwise he wouldn't have made them newtypes. Their greatness lies somewhere else.

>Buzzword Buzzword Buzword

Better story then FT

nah that description cannot be applied to other anime

Gundam boyband is unique to Wing

ahh, good old times whrere stereotipical design still acceptable

Do they really have sons too?

When the girl you always loved finally notice you

That's how you get banged
100% effective

Char is gay

if i can't empathize with the character it's a drop for me
I like 90s anime style for this

What is ridiculous about them?

They do not act like they're real persons.
They are totally shallow.
There's no a deep psychology perspective

I need to get around to Victory soon.
I love the soundtrack, Akira Senjuu delivers a really sweet and nostalgic OST that reminds you of your childhood while having a darker undertone throughout.

>You fucking loser
Not him, but why do you say this on an anime board where knowledge like this should be basic stuff?

Explain much further.
Also give examples of characters that have "deep psychological perspective".

If this doesn't turn you on I don't know

Garod's hair is closer to Heero's though

>They are totally shallow.
>There's no a deep psychology perspective
you realize that this was 1979 right?
No anime had any 2deep4u shit like there is now.
The fact that Amuro was put into a slightly realistic situation and was a reluctant hero who had to deal with more down to earth issues(which was contrary to most mecha at the time) was a grounbreaking move.

Hate it all you want, but it's stupid to not acknowledge Gundam as one of the turning points in anime.

You're that Infinite ryvius shitposter aren't you?

That's the first time i post IR content.
Glad to here there is an IR shitposter. I wish I could meet him

Don't link me to stupid AMVs. You are not making a very good case for yourself.

>No anime had any 2deep4u shit like there is now.
Not anymore...
the golden age "2deep4u" of anime is set on 90s
Now we're in the fanservice's age
Now we're in the

He hates IR

Ohoh we have an old weeb here

It's not half bad....except for the last episode
That kinda denies everything...EVERYTHING
But w/o that, it's ok

Says the Victory apologist.

Who are you talking about?


I'm interested in this. How would it work though?

That's what made it good

The second this thing shows up on screen is the best moment in all of gundam.

>All the Gundam pilots have kids late in life. They get too old to take out the new uprising. A new war starts after Heeo and Relena are killed. Sever wars later Gundam X takes place.
Idk maybe someone could do it better.

G gundam and 00 shit all over wing
I always knew growing up that G gundam was the superior show on the Toonami block

G Gundam is garbage super robot shit that shouldn't have even be a Gundam. Also Domon a fucking shit.

Reboot when?

Is this any good?

Absolutely not. Clone and genderbent characters everywhere. It takes a huge shit on everything from the original.

I can't look at this artwork as beautiful anymore. It looks like I'm seeing a Diet Coke Cashern Sins art style

and will always be a 10/10 scene

GBF is the best Gundam because it didn't pretend to not be a toy advertisement.

>four South Asian suits
They're fun designs but I still don't know why they did that other than because they couldn't pick just one.

>This scene is so fucking cool guys
Why, It's because you faggots think he BTFO'd Relena isn't it? You shits are so transparent; everything you cunts hate about this show always comes down to her.

Posting actual best Gundam scene
>We will see this animated soon

But it has to be anime to be hentai.

Why would you want to see this abomination animated? Do you like scat that much user?

Because it's one of the early episodes and it came as a big what the fuck moment. If he ripped it and went away quietly, it would just be normal, but nah he actually wiped her tear with a smooth swipe while telling her he'll kill her. moment of confusion and slight humor because of the tear wiping.

It would be very funny.

How? That's a shit load of money and time wasted on animating garbage when it could have been used to make new and/or different anime.

How would it be a waste? They would certainly make money off it, and we already know it has high entertainment value.

Because animating just about anything would be better then FT

Ok you're right, lets make IBO S3 or maybe GBF Try 2 instead.

It's not even in the "So bad it's good" category or even an interesting clusterfuck. It's just full of boring as fucking writing and tired ass anime tropes with gender-bent and clone characters in the mix. And I'm saying this as someone who has Heero and Relena as their OTP.

What's the fandom's consensus on IBO anyway? I've watched every Gundam series since G along with some older shows but IBO is the first series I've skipped. It just seems like a forced Gundam take on Attack on Titan.

>Ok you're right, lets make IBO S3 or maybe GBF Try 2 instead.
I haven't watched either of those yet.

It's a 50 episode series with 10 good episodes.

That means nothing. A lot of people say that about Wing too and Wing is regarded pretty well.

IBO squanders it's seemingly cool concepts
The entire thing looks like shit subpar animation 100% of the time
All of the S1 antagonists are poorly written jokes who look like they came out of a Saturday morning cartoon
The show assumes you are retarded they will repeat the same thing repeatedly, show you symbolism then one of the characters will explain said symbolism
The entire first season wastes its time developing a boring peace princess who does very little in S2 so far

tl;dr everyone agrees the show is pure shit until the final antagonist shows up at the start of S2, and when the Char clone gets the focus in the final arc.

This thread lacks 00. Time to fix that.

>Best scene
>Not Impulse stabbing Freedom

Honestly IBO is the only main Gundam series I haven't dropped in the last 15 years besides Build Fighters

Gundam X is the best Gundam and that's a fact.


Every AU gundam (aside from Turn A) sucks really bad.

This is a fact.

For you.


After marathoning wing, seed and destiny, ibo s1, I'm pretty convinced Thunderbolt is gundam as its best. Unicorn was fine too, a bit forgetable, but fine.

Are those the only ones you've seen or just recently marathoned? Haven't watched IBO yet but Wing and the SEED shows are hot garbage. Go watch something like G, Turn A, or some other UC series.

That being said Thunderbolt is really entertaining and easy on the eyes.