What is your element Sup Forums?

What is your element Sup Forums?




Is mayonnaise an element?

The one that's naked and farting.

S2 announcement 3/30.


Thats a compound, not an element

No Patrick, mayonnaise is not an element


I want to raise a family with Kobori!

Sorry it's been decided she is MY wife.

>tfw fapped to Kobori 4 days in a row

Water kappa.


Nude edit please.


Why is air the only one with a generic personality that corresponds with her element?

Earth is pretty fitting too
>Quiet, serene, and pure just like mother nature

Air. too bad its shit

She is actually pretty cute.

I always wanted to be fire because red is my favorite color but water is just a much better fit for me.

Especially if I can manipulate all 3 forms of it.


Well nothing in the show suggests Kobori isn't pure.

>boss has multiple forms


How pure. Nobody wears speedos these days.

mein neger