What is individualism?

Is this the anti-bugman?

I hear this term a lot in relation to conservative or republican philosophy. How do you define it user? Who are it's philosophers and what are it's tenets?

Primacy of the individual over the collective or the state.

How can you be a Brit and not know it's philosophers?

Or are you one of them... refugees....


Or G.

That's my type. Like them a little thick.

H is the best. Fight me.

>implying H isn't the perfect girl


In the most modern context individualism is a meaningless buzzword that cowards throw out to absolve themselves of responsibility for the societal decline taking place around them. Instead of identifying with their heritage, culture, traditions, even family, they choose to shrug it off and say "not my problem." These same people are the ones who argue in favor of mass immigration so long as the migrants are "BASED" because they ignore the demographic reality of how given consistently populations vote.
An individualist is someone who thinks he takes his own side while unwittingly takes the side of his enemy.

In the historic context its enlightenment era Liberal values put into practice. One can argue that the modern interpretation is much the same thing but lacking the articulate philosophical understanding of the historic. The two end up at the same place, though one wears fancier dress than the other.
You could start out by reading about the French Revolution, then work backwards before going forwards to gain a better understanding.
Ask any person if they want their people to die, and they will almost assuredly answer no.
Ask the oh so enlightened Individualist the same question, and he'll tell you that he has no people.

If you know the collective will screw you over and hates you why not be an individualist?

A, D, I, J, and K are my favorites with my tops being J and K.

Then tell me user. Who melds the philosophy of individualism with a nationalist leaning? I don't know and would like to.

Also if k didn't have that tattoo she would be objectively best choice. I will instead take J.