Kuzu no Honkai

What did Ecchan mean by this?

>Hanabi is mine, so won't you stop making moves on her?

Wow, just when I thought Ecchan couldn't be more ugly.

>tfw Ecchan was the only one who got to fuck Hanabi

Her cousin was too beta.

Only a Chad like /ourguy/ could have fucked the lesbian out of her.

>Ecchan is Hanabi's only friend
I think Hanabi was better alone.

She is a very handsome boy.

>who got to rape Hanabi

>Her cousin was too beta.
I was rooting for him too. Did he really fail?

He didn't even appear and instead we got full dyke Ecchan.

Mugi fucked two girls. Akane and Senpai. He failed to make either of them fall for him. In fact he was gruesomely emasculated by them. Two is a coincidence, three is a pattern; but his track record is less than great.

convertfags got BTFO, yes

Nah, he only cared about sensei, the other ones were leftovers.

>thought ecchan looked good before
>and now she cut her hair short
I wanna fuck the homo out of her Sup Forums.

Impossible, if converter-kun couldn't then nobody can.

Yuri won. Het lost.

It'd be easier to just become a cute girl.

Her cousin is probably fucking her everyday. A dick a day makes the gay go away.

sexy time

the author is still shipteasing them despite everything theyve been through

And he failed. Hard.

>"I've made Hanabi orgasm more times than you've ever gotten your dick wet."

So what, the stuff withousin doesn't even get resolved in the end? Feels like that was an unfinished storythread.

What makes retards think that it makes sense to use both greentext and quotation marks? I don't get where they learn this.

>With the cousin
I mean.

what's there to resolve?

cousin knows ecchan won't reciprocate so he just acts as a male friend and ecchan stops treating him like trash



Maybe Ecchan cut her hair because she wanted her cousin who's blessed with the great taste of superior long hair fuck off?

And the cousin, who seems to have high standards, decides to give up?