q is spreading like wildfire to normies and even my parents know who he is now. has anything he's said ever came true or is it just a massive larp?
Is q a larp?
Other urls found in this thread:
It's a LARP, but it brings redpills to people who get it but don't get it at the same time so I'm conflicted.
Nah, it's a LARP and isn't doing any good. Redpilling has to be based on truth. Q is disinformation.
>is q a larp?
stop. being. retarded.
>it brings redpills to people who get it but don't get it at the same time
they are laughing at you retards
At least it has ppl curious. Also he kinda delivered w the Saudi purge. I know it’s faux pas here but I actually think it’s legit. Disinfo mixed in for chaos factor as well.
>it brings redpills
>CBTS faggots cry about "shills" and "bots" if you talk about the JQ or racial IQ/crime statistics
oh I also forgot
>almost 900 general threads
>nothing happens
it's cointelpro 101, right down to the consensus manufacturing by retards whose posting style isn't from this website despite how hard they try
Were Podesta/Huma indicted on these dates?
No. If you're indicted and no one ever knows, were you actually indicted?