ITT:post yout amerimutts
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fuck off shareblue, enjoy your ban
Literal leaf
last 2 digits of my post is what % white I am
wtfu nigger
i"ve waited until this threads reached page 10 as to not bump it, you are trying to hard shill faggot
dude how did you get my picture?
a guy from Portugal posted it
Look, the Amerimutt meme was funny, it had it’s run, but enough is enough, leaf. Stop shitting up the threads with a forced and dead meme. Literally for the past month there’s been threads like this every day
This is so fucking good lmfao
I need more.
I'm thinking of making a little music video like that one with the distorted national anthem.
Preferably the more dark and twisted one pls.
Have mariachi music and nigger bongos backing the national anthem
>Oh say can you see
>Smoke weed everyday
I laughed
Stfu you cucked
Leafs are either faggot or muslim.
>t. 56%
56% are pure european white, 44% are not. You're as dumb as cunts that bitch about the wage gap because they're too stupid to read a statistic.
>Sup Forums user 10 years from now
well played Hans
Post more mutts hiding in the darkness
la creatura
Fuck, they are starting to like the mutt memes. We need a new anti-american meme now
watch out
amerimutts are the meme of the year. it hurts because its true haha
La creatura......
true at first I thought it was a shill divide and conquer tactic but because it was funny and the memes were well made, it's hilarious
No it's because 18billion buys a lot of hand drawn memes.
Sorry losers but there are 200+ Million pure whites in America. We will dominate the coming Fascist White Ethnostate Empire and make all other white countries do our bidding. Stay jelly of our superior military and hope that we don't decide to sell Europe to the chinks if you guys keep insulting us!
you are embarrassing yourself for taking this shill /thread serious
Are you guys really that desperate to escape from us?
It's too late, the hooks are in deep.
mutt detected
geez these people can't even salute right
I cannot fucking wait for Americans to be forced off the internet
>it's another asspained turk thread
Time for infographs motherfuckers.
And you think this meme will?
enjoy your vacation
How are these slide threads not banned?
>l-l-look at me
>I'm w-white!
Still not gone?
Whiter than you, Ahmed.
Whiter than you, mogammafe
El Atrocidades
Thanks for taking the bait. I was trying to find this exact image.
you are welcome, mutt.
Sup Forums must submit
dude we need a translated version of that golden meme. That is hilarious.
Are you the one who is always posting that, Abdul? It's always someone with your flag who does.
Shhh go to sleep, 30 hand drawn memes totally showed up here overnight organically, it's nothing
No, the KKK salute is a a four finger salute with an open palm on the left hand. It isn't the Roman salute.
Post some actual amerimutts. Not just The meme ones
You're right. I am getting very tired for some strange reason.
America will never become an ethnostate for whites, it has 100,000,000+ non-white/mixed population, you can't do anything about the browning of America, no hope for America.