How could they give this pure siscon such a melodramatic family tree? Is beauty worth more than morals?
last time I trust a female writer tb completely h
I don't trust anything with "family dynamics"
>Is beauty worth more than morals?
Obviously yes, I mean, have you looked at him? Even WW3 would be worth it, so consensual sex between a man and the daughter of the loves of his life seems like a low price to pay.
>Is beauty worth more than morals?
You're asking this on Sup Forums?
People that deny that Kiku came in Konatsu don't have the IQ needed to watch this chinese cartoon.
Nobodies denying it, we just hate that we can't deny it.
Why would you deny it? Are people nowadays that innocent?
More like we hate when characters entire relationships with each other are invalidated by some uncaring "lol gotcha" twist at the last minute.
If you didn't have the attention span of a goldfish, you wouldn't be saying that. Ever since Shinnosuke appeared, it was quite obvious.
So he really banged konatsu? Damn that seems like a shit stain on an otherwise decently adult anime. I see assholes on the web defending it too, does it make sense in context? I haven't watched it yet but that honestly would drop it down a peg for me.
back off nomie
It's even worse in context because you're emotionally invested in the characters by thend. It's still very much worth watching but honestly, you can stop at episode 11 and it's reasonable closure.
Fuck off, autist.
where is the ANN review?
I can't wait for the normalfag freakout
I really wish this hadn't of happened. Every thread is going to be a shitshow now.
At least it's over and the show should fade into the ether.
I knew all along and still hate it. I don't know about the other user, but I really hate that this is so jarring to so many people who love the story because it goes to show how the author couldn't juggle what she had written from what she planned for the series because if there had been any reasonable implication being a fleeting sentence or an explanation as to why the characters would do that, I'd be fine. You only ever get to begin to understand if you read the extra chapter and even that is shoehorned last minute justification, so if you don't read that, you're just left confused. It was a poor attempt to tie up some last loose ends which it failed to do and just created 10x more new ones.
Yeah me too, I like the show and I'm sad to hear it fucked its self but I do cherish when writers for that cancerous site get btfo
Can rakugofags give me a summary on this.
I heard it is like usagi dropped, so basically some old man raise a kid and then proceeded to bang her?
Is that it.
>the show should fade into the ether.
hahaha, nope
this show will be infamous now
the next usagi drop
people will learn to never trust female writers again
Damn, Yota became a fat shit. Such is life, I guess.
No one aside you retards care about it, tho. Sup Forums became worse than ~le ddit.
That is the only silver lining on this mess, at least it will become a well known series and maybe more people will watch it. Every other episode is great, I'd still encourage anyone to watch it.
what are you talking about? every normalfag site was circlejerking this shitty series since last year, saying it was the best anime ever
They only banged once for sure. We don't know if they did it a lot.
You only learn about that in the last episode though.
>having standards for writing and characterization is wrong
>caring about the quality of anime is bad
>reddit is better because it will tolerate any garbage a series throws at them
I don't think you read the reddit thread in the first place. Plenty of people mentioned that this left a bad impression on them, they just didn't hold back praising the rest of the episode and the series as a whole. But it's only natural that an anonymous place is where people would go to vent their criticisms rather than write inoffensive posts for upvotes.
Ahh, these tears really are delicious. Get fucked you landwhale.
>not noticing things by yourself
>call the writing bad
oh the irony
This is not a new idea, even if people didn't think of it themselves it's been brought up regularly in threads and people hated the idea every time they heard it. It is awful writing for a variety of reasons. The execution was worse than the premise, but that was bad too.
>having standars for quality
>quality=muh morals
fuck off normalfag
I find it quite amusing that some people thought there was some kind of twist. Muricans are really dumb.
What's the point of Kiku being the father? Is it the author's fetish or is their a story reason because honestly I can't see it.
Why are people so fucking butthurt that Kiku was the father? At least the father wasn't a Yakuza who Konatsu just fucked to have a kid. She only bred a RAKUGO MONSTER with genes both from Kiku and her father.
I can't imagine Kiku initiating, so perhaps Konatsu hated him so much that she either hatefucked him or even raped him and Kiku just gave in after seeing the resemblance of Konatsu to her mother
Yeah I don't see how it was a twist either.
>what's the point of Kiku being the father?
What do you mean 'what's the point'?
She said she had romantic feelings for Kiku, and she wanted a child to continue Sukeroku's bloodline.
I know someone is going to be able to articulate this better than me, but I am okay with this outcome because it really emphasizes Yakumo's character and how much of a weak individual he is.
>Yakumo falls in love with a prostitute
>Best friend Sukeroku steals said prostitute and has a kid
>Sukeroku and his lover die together romantically and Yakumo is left to raise their child unwillingly
>Yakumo never wanted to do rakugo and this poor man Sukeroku haunts him his entire professional career as a figure to chase and become better
>Yotaro, another poor free spirited fellow comes by and reminds Yakumo of his friend his entire life as he teaches him to do rakugo
>Yotaro wants rakugo to die with him, but Yakumo is the embodiment of Sukeroku and is better at rakugo than his teacher
>Because of this and his personality people flock back to rakugo and keep the art form in business
>All the meanwhile Konatsu has grown into a woman, and by the nature of a woman is immature with her feelings and actions ("Slave to my bloodline")
>Konatsu bones an aging Yakumo because of daughter/father feelings
>Yotaro and Konatsu get married and raise Yakumo's son together
>Yakumo never steps in to raise his child because it would look bad on his professional career image
>Yakumo has always been worried about his image through the entire show and what other people think
>Especially seen in multiple scenes while he is about to perform, scene where he meets Sukeroku in the afterlife
>When it is outed after his death who the real father is, Yotaro doesn't get upset with his wife because in the end he had achieved all of his goals of becoming a rakugo master and raising a family
>Yotaro isn't upset with Yakumo because in the end Yakumo was never happy with his life, had his prostitute lover and a life with her stolen from him, reminded Yakumo every day of Sukeroku and by character similarity, had the chance to raise his son stolen from him, and in the end had rakugo stolen from him.
Do you realize she hate fucked her guardian, her perceived murderer and home wrecker? Best twist.
she may have even raped him due to her hatred
Ahhhhhhhhh fuuuuuuuu
>Kiku just gave in after seeing the resemblance of Konatsu to both her parents
He could easily have been hallucinating, he's seen Yurie's ghost several times, as well as mistaking Konatsu for her.
People are upset because it seemed out of character from Bon
>he actually thinks Yakumo loved the whore
He saw the bitch throughout his entire lifetime. How could you say he didn't?
Speak for yourself, faggot. You don't represent anybody in here.
Just look up the last 3 threads on the Sup Forums-archive then.
Why do you type like an idiot?
>("Slave to my bloodline")
Do you think Konatsu's daughter will be a fucked up slut?
>inb4 yes she's already fucking her half brother
He didn't love her, but felt responsible for her death.
One day Rakugo threads will be good again.
>Do you think Konatsu's daughter will be a fucked up slut?
I hope she fucks her son or forces her daughter to fuck her dad.
They were never really good. It was either constant circle-jerking over how amazing Rakugo is and that everything else is shit or cuck memes.
More like all of their gay fan fiction is invalid now. Literally impossible these days for 2 men these days to be close to each other without them being fuck buddies