
Was he right?

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Christianity was an anti-Semitic evolutionary strategy

Fake and gay faggot. The Nazis were a Christian movement

Not only is Christianity the exclusive means of salvation and eternal life, it is the world's biggest threat to talmudism. Bolshevism is Jewish, no way around it.

I thought Jesus already liberated humans from the curse of original sin with his sacrifice to pardon us of worldy duty.

There is no original sin, the Bible says "all have sinned" as in committed Romans 3:23
Jesus' death on the cross was a sacrifice for our sins, that "whosoever believes in him shall not perish but have everlasting life" John 3:16

If by worldly duty you mean works for salvation then yes, but if you mean working at all then no. Jesus himself gave the great commission to teach all nations

Hitler was a fucking Jew. Have you heard the statement your worst enemy is yourself? Yeah same goes with Hitler and Jews. Hitler was a sellout to his father's people. Hitler's father was racially Jewish. They were Catholics but they had Jewish ancestors.

I bet you these Nazis would come up and run and try to defend their Lord and Savior Adolf Hitler. They just can't handle the hard truth. Jesus is our true savior. Fuck Hitler he was just a fucking mentally disabled retard.

That's something I would expect a demon-worshipping nazi to say.

I feel genuinely bad for those like you tricked into the lie of eternal life. It's limited nature is part of what makes it special, I hate to see people waste it preparing for an afterlife that does not exist.

Attaining eternal life takes absolutely no work on your part

Do animals go to heaven?


You misunderstood what I was saying. Since there is no eternal life, the focus on it actually only takes away from the real life. I worked in a church for 14 years, it left me with great sadness for the people.

I am very confident your church wasn't biblically orthodox

It was, but I came to realize how poorly they understood. When you die you will be one with God again, but your individual essence that you think of as you us unique and ephemeral. It does not continue. Do not waste it.

No the church had condemned communism since it's conception

I still see myself as an individual. Most people who say that you're "wasting" your life actually mean that you are following a system which prevents you from committing sin and living a sinful life, in most cases a degenerate lifestyle of fornicating.

>criticized christianity
>praised islam

Hitler is muslim confirmed

source, faggot

let's say it's a patchwork at best
what now?

>Was he right?
Why are you posting fake quotes from Table Talks?

Pets do.


Fucking kek. Even Goebbels documented Hitler's anti christian remarks in his diary. Table talks are not the only source dumb christtkike.