>Next is your organ Who the fuck even says "I'm gonna hit your organ"? Was the script written by a monkey? Or maybe the intent was the villain being so stupid he doesn't know the layout of the human body and just said "organ" to cover his tracks?
And then after he gets shot in the "organ" (which looks like he just had a massive hole blown through his chest) everyone in the crowd just stands there mocking him while he bleeds to death. Instead of treating it as a surgical emergency, declaring a victory for his opponent, and rushing him to the nearest hospital. That's on top of his hands, elbows, shoulders, and legs having been totaled and he should be a cripple at this point.
Jaxon Ortiz
Are you really this stupid or is this some attempt at bating? I'm guessing you're this stupid.
Angel Evans
It's just a cartoon.
Hudson Thompson
OK Mr Genius, so tell me in what language does "Now I'm gonna shoot your organ" make any sense whatsoever.
Landon Rivera
>who the fuck even says "i'm gonna hit your organ" me
Asher Long
>Take Rakudai >Genderswap everyone not named Ikki What happens?
Jacob Hill
it becomes School Days
Matthew Perez
You're a moron.
Still not a harem.
David Cruz
> Instead of treating it as a surgical emergency, declaring a victory for his opponent, and rushing him to the nearest hospital.
Students are given iPS cell technology in their respective infirmaries, allowing competitors to return to full recovery even after intense combat.
>Who the fuck even says "I'm gonna hit your organ"? Was the script written by a monkey? Or maybe the intent was the villain being so stupid he doesn't know the layout of the human body and just said "organ" to cover his tracks?
Saying "organ" means that the target will end up thinking about where he would strike next. Consider it as sadism on the guy's part.
Mason Campbell
>Students are given iPS cell technology in their respective infirmaries, allowing competitors to return to full recovery even after intense combat. How does that stop him from dying of massive blood loss before even getting to an infirmary because everyone was sitting there and laughing at him while he had a gaping hole in his chest?
>iPS Do they think stem cells are Wolverine tier magic?