What is the MOST anime you dropped?

What is the MOST anime you dropped?
Pic related, didn't make it through one episode. All you had to do was be entertaining and you failed.

kill yourself kudasai

>What is the MOST anime you dropped?
What the fuck does this mean.

I'm still wondering what OP meant by this.

Can't surf through garbage, no matter how hot the waves are.

is OP a retard?

I think he's trying to say worst?

I'm not sure, but I think that's the closest

By "MOST anime" do you mean "most cliche"? If so, Ass War.

Shits like OP deserve a good ban

I loved that show, have rewatched is several times. Nice simple love story if you ask me.

pretty sure he's saying what anime did you drop the hardest

I don't understand the question

I didn't know there were levels of Dropped

probaly valavre

I noped out of there pretty quick

alnoah zero as well

Why would anyone remember what anime they dropped the hardest anyway?

i don't drop anime, you piece of shit


I drop series within one episode pretty regularly, I have a big backlog so if it doesn't grab my attention fast I'll try something else and go back to it another day.

Most recently I dropped Saiyuki within minutes at the mere sight of this face.

This. Fags want an award for disliking something.

how hard is it to remember shows you really hated?

Well if you dropped them then that means you didn't watch them. Why would someone remember a show they didn't watch?

MOST? MOST what?

I drop like 14 things every season

Who cares? It's just a meme term for not watching something you don't like

Based on how he talks about not making it through an episode, I believe he means quickest.

Coppelion. I was hoping for anime S.T.A.L.K.E.R. I was disappointed.

i dont get the question

A tie between One Piss and Shittama.

>All you had to do was be entertaining
Isn't that all any anime has to be?

There's dropped and then there's DROPPED.

I'm still mad

I guess no game no Life and kuzu no honkai since I've only seen one episode of each and didn't want to see anymore

Well. Its a fujo series.

It only appeals to fujoshis

There was this anime that was about idols but it had a CG so awful I dropped it one minute in. Don't remember its name though.

He's going to be so special and main character.

Why, in the end everyone is happy.