Why does this man make Sup Forums so salty?

Why does this man make Sup Forums so salty?

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2 reasons.
1. He talks shit about all of Sup Forums's Moeblob slice of life abomination shows and can actually back his word up since he makes quality stuff
2. Whether he deserves it or not, he's the most popular anime director globally. So a lot of normies know about him and his stuff and Sup Forums gets mad when plebs think whatever Miyazaki thing they watched is the pinnacle of anime

I hate the normalfags who fawn over his movies. The people who always try to top one another over how much they "love" Spirited Away or some shit. So I guess my dislike for Miyazaki is a byproduct of that. It's shitty reasoning but hey.

I like him. He hates CGI and me too!! :DDD

1. Yeah, no - he's hated televised anime since its very beginning in the early 1960s. People just think he has a hate-on for 2000s and 2010s anime exclusively because that makes them feel like they're on his side and that he loves the same '90s anime that they themselves like.

And to answer the OP, because he's a dickhead and sometimes crosses the line from criticizing anime to making personal attacks towards those who make anime.

Senile old hack who is probably the most overrated director to ever come out of Japan. The fact that this hack's name is mentioned in the same breath as guys like Ozu or MIzoguchi is disgusting.

Fuck off.

but I love KFC's fried chicken

>Mizoguchi and Ozu
Nice try movielet, but Mizoguchi is pre-entry level tripe, and Ozu was a direct predecessor of the bland CGDCT moeshit you love to hate

Honestly, I think he has known for years that he can pretty much say anything he wants and not suffer any significant consequences for it.

Might as well bitch about the cheapass animation industry and call people he doesn't like disgusting human beings.


because they know he's right

Another word for the filter.
To answer your question because he's never made a single good movie and I keep seeing people post his face on Sup Forums of all places.

He's like Socrates. He knows what he's talking about but he's also a jerk who annoys people with his unwanted opinions. Also, he tries too hard to remain relevant.

>never made a single good movie
I just filtered your entire post.

Not an argument

He should also be hanged by otakus to complete his immortal fame

>He knows what he's talking about
Then why doesn't he have a single good work to his name?

Before I bite your bait, let's hear what you consider a "good work" first.

I feel like he wants to give an opinion that are beyond his understanding. Like that one time where some dorks were showing the learning algorithm for movement they were developing, then he went on a tirade about one of his crippled friends and how he was so offended by it.

Shit was pathetic.

What makes his work good?

Yeah, almost as if the guy has autism. He's completely unaware of his surroundings and what is and isn't acceptable social behaviour.

>What makes his work good?
Nuh uh buddy, give me an example of what you consider good first or we're gonna go around in circles.

It's like being an expert for the sake of being an expert. He also seems to lack the sense of restraint the Japanese has when it comes to speaking one's opinions.

His anime is just far better than their favourites.

I'm not sure what circles have to do with it if you yourself can break the circle easily. Either way I think you are just trying to shift the subject to other people's work. Which has no impact whatsoever on Miyazaki's works at all. Do you not understand this? I could name something but it's literally irrelevant to the conversation and you likely haven't heard of it so it wouldn't help you either.

Only the otaku that lack self-awareness get mad at what he says.

He doesn't hate CGI, hIs new movie is in CGI.

not the user you're arguing with but it's perfectly clear you're baiting or are retarded if you won't even name ONE anime you think is good

A. This isn't /r/ and I'd be breaking the rules if I were to tell you
B. What I think is good doesn't impact Miyazaki's works AT ALL
C. You probably haven't heard of it so it wouldn't help you either way.
D. You think this is somehow exclusive to anime.

You can keep calling it bait for all I care. You still haven't told me why it is you disagree with me. So you have no argument. That's all I have to say.

>He also seems to lack the sense of restraint the Japanese has when it comes to speaking one's opinions
That's what happens when they endlessly wank over your works.
My mom says when she was a child and Miyazaki's movies first came out, they weren't that wildly celebrated. It was only after the West began praising the movies non-stop that Japan began giving him more attention.

I'm going to need an example of what you think is good in order to formulate an argument.

Read >Especially
>you have no argument. That's all I have to say

>B. What I think is good doesn't impact Miyazaki's works AT ALL
Your opinion that none of his works are good doesn't impact their inherent value either, what are you so worried about?

>That's all I have to say
Yeah, now you're going to leave this thread because you probably realized that you wrote yourself into a corner. Those are some big claims you stacked above my post and you probably can't back them up.

>Your opinion that none of his works are good doesn't impact their inherent value either
But it's not an opinion. It's a fact.
>because you probably realized that you wrote yourself into a corner
No, because you haven't provided an argument I can't argue with you. It's that simple

I strongly feel that Miyazaki is an insult to life itself.

I thought you were done talking.

If you want to know why some of Miyazaki's works are good, it's because they have good animation and the characters have emotional breadth. This isn't exclusive to Miyazaki of course, but his early movies are fairly solid because of those two elements.

>You probably haven't heard of what I think is good anime
What do you think this place is, MAL? You must have learned how to shitpost from the strayans.

>and the characters have emotional breadth

>You probably haven't heard of what I think is good anime
Never said that so I'm not going to respond to this.
>What do you think this place is, MAL? You must have learned how to shitpost from the strayans.
This entire sentence is gibberish.

>B. What I think is good doesn't impact Miyazaki's works AT ALL
>C. You probably haven't heard of it so it wouldn't help you either way.

Man, this guy.

Let's take Kiki's Delivery Service as an example. We have Kiki depart home and fly to a city she's never been in, she's optimistic and earnest. She soon learns the frustrations of living by herself and carving out a place in working society, she meets a boy who wants to be friends with her but she's not sure how to interact with his other friends, she falls into temporary depression and loses her powers, and then she casts aside her insecurities when nothing else matters than to use her powers to help another in need. The transitions from one state of mind to another are handled well and overall makes for a satisfying personal journey.

>Being so cowardly you can't even bare the thought of an anonymous poster saying something mean about a show you like

I'm having a laff

"This will be my last movie" says Senile old man for the millionth time this decade.
Also people seem to think he hates only moeshit so all the normies and people with the "a-anime is serious art" opinions flock to him like some sort of Messiah
In truth, the dude always had a hateboner for tv-anime ever since the fucking 60's.

But the only thing that bothers me about him is that he fucking refuses to stay retired.
For fucks sake, i'm sick of him coming out and proclaiming that his next thing is his final movie, it's an overdone gag at this point.

>D. You think this is somehow exclusive to anime
This is the Anime & Manga board.

>But the only thing that bothers me about him is that he fucking refuses to stay retired
I actually think he meant to stay retired this time until the massive popularity of Kimi no Na Wa triggered him.

He's just an old fart.

Normalfags love him just as explained.

>baiter gave up and left


Does he?

Also filtered,

I'm mad because normalfags keep shafting superior directors like Isao Takahata and Mamoru Oshii and circlejerk Miyazaki's Disney-esque stuff.

Okay, so what makes it good? Where's the emotional breadth? Seems like you just summarized the plot of a generic movie aimed at children

This is just more personal attacks.

Yeah so? Movies can be compared to other movies. To the work they're adapting and in general to any written story as they all have regulations

Because he's one of them morons who is can't accept the reality of the modern world and wants go back to his Flintstone era because everything was better back then.

His movies are good and obviously successful but he doesn't have that much to shit on the whole anime industry.

No salt, I find the ravings of the technophobic old loon pretty amusing.


Wow, what a cool new word you learned from playing the call of duties with your favourite twitch streamer. Man, school sucks, right?

fuck off shitposter-kun

It's actually fighting game slang and posted on Sup Forums pretty regularly in several reaction images involving popsicles.

Because he's a senile old man who thinks he knows what's best for the medium and gets his dick sucked by normalfags when in reality he's just a hack who's just spewing bullshit.

He condemns any lifestyle that doesn't conform to his ideas, in other words he's an authoritarian.

>He condemns any lifestyle that doesn't conform to his ideas, in other words he's an authoritarian.
so he is Sup Forums, but successful?

He thinks he's the only one who makes good anime.
I like almost all of his movies (especially whispers of the heart), but there are lots of valid anime series out there and he fails to recognize it because he's very closed minded

If a was one entity and not diverse individuals, and if the board's opinions were being propagated by the systemic websites.

He's an outdated relic. He belongs in a museum.

>post little bitch academia
>calls other people hacks
You are not very bright, aren't ya?

You would be too if all the work you produced since the 70's was placed alongside moeshit.

>Yeah, almost as if the guy has autism. He's completely unaware of his surroundings and what is and isn't acceptable social behaviour.

Who, Miyazaki? The guy who said "what's wrong with falling in love with a 12 year old girl"?

Sup Forums generally has shit taste, that's why butthurt over our overlord Miyazaki

His stuff is good, he's just an asshole.


they hate him because he told them the truth

He's good but he obscures more talented directors in japanese animation. Also, he's very right on the industry and also very righteous about it.

1. He's a bitter old man who thinks all works should be like art
2. He's an attention whore at heart.

Too many newfags falling for the obvious bait.

If there's one thing I've learned will piss people off something fiercely, it's if something they enjoy without ever considering it "art" has its artistic merits questioned, especially if the people in question don't actually have or know any particular definition of what is or isn't art.

Sup Forums is shit

Dude talks shit about how the industry needs to reform and that's fine and dandy but he doesn't give examples or express ideas on what it needs to do to be more socially accepted as an art or whatever he wants anime to be. It's all very pessimistic with no problem solving.

He's also unfair towards many studios because ghibli works with a higher budget and shits on studios cutting corners to save costs which come with the sacrifice of animation techniques, processes, and sometimes writing.

>he doesn't give examples or express ideas on what it needs to do to
You mean except for like, most of his movies?

A deal with Disney?

normalfags are generally a source of negative externalities for slightly more passionate/obsessive people.
honestly, I don't understand why we get so autistic about things like this still

>express ideas on what it needs to do to be more socially accepted as an art or whatever he wants anime to be
I'm pretty sure his body of work is precisely that.

Did he really say that?

He dumps all over otakus and regular people like him.