Why is 0079 so boring?

Why is 0079 so boring?

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It's like 60 years old so it was made with an elderly audience in mind

Because you have feces where the part of your brain concerning taste should be.

Serious answer, 0079 is at its worst when it's just monster of the week stuff. The battles can get repetitive as fuck.

I think it's a great show when the plot's actually moving though. And some of the more creative fights are great. Like the group of zeon soldiers who strap bombs to the gundam, or everything about Ramba Ral.

Because you're watching the movies instead of the show.

Because it's painfully mediocre.

Zeta is even worse and the centrum of hell is ZZ (and the cancer which crowns them all is Char's Counterattack).

Watch some solid Gundam instead: 08th MS, 0080, Thunderbolt are objectively better choices. Turn A is also decent.

It was made to sell toys.

Because your taste is weighed down by Earth's gravity

They didn't really have toys like now back then. Just wooden tops and stuff.

I'm not even sure if this is serious

It's so hard nowadays

It's not, you just have shit taste.

>Why is 0079 so boring?
Because you haven't watch Z. Then you'll find 0079 pretty interesting comparatively.

Because it's twice as long as it needs to be.

tomino's ""realism""


Tomino a hack.

Can we all agree that Mcgilis is Char on steroid ?

This is true. At first I thought 0079 was like a 4 or a 5/10 but after watching Z it became a 7.

Based Okada wrote a better Char!

This is pretty retarded logic. 0079 was a 5/10 for me as well, but just because Zeta was an even bigger trash, that alone didn't change 79's original score. Zeta got an even worse score (3).

The boringness is part of the charm.

It's not. The character-driven drama and the political intrigue are both excellent. I love this show so much.
It wasn't made to sell toys. Bandai picked up the show after it was finished and retroactively used it to sell toys.

Maybe it needed more scenes of the Gundam combining in midair.

I forgot where I saw it, but I recall reading that "gunboy" was designed in a way so that it would be able to sell toys later down the line, thus the gundam's colors. I've also heard the colors was some sort of anti war message, but that would make no sense considering the subject matter and the color schemes used in other MSes.

I watched it last year so no nostaliga goggles and it's definitely a 10/10 .However Zeta is a boring piece of shit and ZZ is a 7/10 .

>mfw they do that again in ZZ except it's the same docking sequence every time
>mfw they do it again in Victory except this time it actually looks good
I like Victory's artstyle. I think the lack of shading is a great artistic choice that fits the show's themes like a glove.

>having ADHD

It was made to sell a toy you fucking retard, try google you fucking fuck.

>not liking Kamille's shenanigan


Shut the fuck up and read my post, retard. You're mistaken.

Speaking of stock footage, I think my favourite one is when they show pretty much the whole Gundam doing it's air combining again after Amuro runs away, while the narrator talks about how Amuro will never practice this maneuver with his friends again.

Oh yeah, I actually remember that.

Z > ZZ = '79

i came here to post that, ill have to settle for this

it just is

Zeta is more boring than 0079.

At least with 0079 you can watch the movies and actually get all the important shit.

With Zeta you're forced to watch the series to understand everything because the movies fucking suck and there's just way too many filler and boring episodes.

Zeta definitely becomes a slow and boring anime around episode 15-30 but it becomes better later on.

Bandai came in with plastic models after the initial toy line ate shit, retard fuck.

Watch the dub

Kids these days have shit taste and can't sit down for 5 seconds to actually enjoy a story without tits or explosions distracting them.

0079 is objectively the only good Gundam series

Why are the early series a lunatic shitfest ?
They slap themselves for no reason, they kiss after they only met for 5 minutes, and the minute after they stop talking to each other.
I'm especially talking about amuro and kamille in zeta

Try watching IBO.
At least something actually happens in 0079 every episode.

Actually, if you watch it as a DRAMA, not an ACTION CARTOON, it's quite enjoyable.

It touches a lot of a adult subject matter that is not seen in cartoons today, like how the bad guys are actually just normal people too, fighting for a cause they believe in, like when they pay for their enemy's food at the restaurant because they thought they were just starving kids, remember?
and how the older woman is flirting with the MC (a young boy), and they end up losing, and she ends up throwing herself off a ship and commits suicide, and you actually feels bad for her
and that spy that ends up dying at the end of one episode, after she has a change of heart and tries to help them, and she was unceremoniously simply "lost" in the ocean
and then that other episode where the elder woman who was a higher ranking officer and everyone had a crush on her and takes pictures with her but she dies defending them, etc.
Remember when the old people steal food from the kids? that was fucked up too, these are supposed to be the good guys. I think it was because that generation saw the Viet Nam war, so there was a lot of shades of gray.

I was impressed. They don't make cartoons "for kids" like that any more. Just watch it as a drama and it's actually very good

I don't know. It seems to be a thing that regularly happens in older anime, mostly the ones that came out in th 70s & 80s. I also think it's really fucking weird. Sometimes they shout super fucking loud for no reason and have random rage moments and whatever.

Emma and Fa were both super fucking annoying about this.


both Amuro and Kamille are sort of autistic (Kamille even mentions it in the show), of course that's just because they are newtype but this condition indeed shapes their relationships with other people

I don't know. I loved 0079, and I found the WB crew to be really endearing.

0079 is good until they go full retard at the end.

Man the old people in 0079 were all dicks.

You mean with newtypes?
I really love the end of 0079, more so than the rest of the series. From the point when they go back into space. Amuro finding his deranged father, meeting Char and Lala, the battle in the dead colony Texas, the ship to ship battle. And of course the big huge battles of A bao aqu and Solomon.
Newtypes were done really well too I thought, it felt like it was just the tip of the iceberg. The hints of something very strange going on with humans deep in space.

It just felt like Newtypes kind of came out of nowhere to me at the end of the series and made every pilot ever obsolete.

Just watch the movies, they pretty much fix the series.

Eh you still can't capture or hold a base with a single autistic kid. Pilots weren't obsolete, there were only like 4 known newtypes at the time.

>course that's just because they are newtype
I'm pretty sure you meant "teenage war orphans".

It was made by a hack

best OP coming through

This, do yourself a favor.

Is that blonde girl the MC's love interest?

>movies over watching the anime

I bet you think stardust memories was the best gundam show too.

I just got around to watching zeta. I like it.

Zeta is not worse than 0079.
Nobody agrees with you on this. Try posting that in /m/

You guys are being pretty unfair. 0079 was pretty groundbreaking when it was new, and still holds up pretty well today.

Because you are a spoiled kid.

>Best OP
>Stardust memories
>Not even OP 1
Fucking pleb.

Because Tomino is a terrible writer.

It's pretty fun. I've enjoyed it significantly more than a lot of mecha shows.

Can't hold a candle to Seed though.

[citation needed]

Is Iron Blooded Orphans worth watching?

No, okada.

Specifically, the original sponsor was a company called Clover who made a highly unpopular shitastic line of toys for the show.

Most early gundam are bad and you only watch it for dick waving.

Read the origins manga instead.

Amuro has no real love interest.