JOJO thread.
What's the best spin-off?
JOJO thread.
What's the best spin-off?
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Purple Haze Feedback by far.
Rainy Day Dream Away a best
Part 5's ED:
Favourite OP?
So, how did King C treat you all tonight?
Someone knows why Killer Queen's explosions sounds so fucking loud in the Blu-Rays?
stando powah
>Rainy Day Dream Away
the ending to that was amazing
the finale was pretty good too
So everyone tell me your guilty pleasures about JoJo.
I unironically like chase
I´m a movie guy and I´m interested if this was ever translated?
Wasn't there supposed to be released a teaser for the Rohan OVA?
Was there no trailer for the Rohan OVA?
Yes, but Killer Queen blew uop all the cameras
I found this artist, and their pieces look like stands. What would their names be?
and their abilities.
Lady in Black, obviously.
What do you think Part 5's ED will be
Best choices would either be Gangsta's Paradise or a King Crimson song.
I love Gangsters Paradise but i am not so sure if it would fit Part 5
You know what would be interesting - if they use an Italian song
I thought the same for a while but listening to it at the end of every few chapters while reading part 5, it fit pretty damn well, especially for some key moments like the boat scene and Abbacchio's death. Also made the ending shot of Gio on the Don's chair feel so much more powerful.
I imagine it's likely we will get a song from the late 1990s/Early 2000s
What would it do?
Has the PV for Thus Spoke Kishibe Rohan leaked yet?
What will your reaction be if Gangsters Paradise does end up being the ED for Part 5.
Spawn horses.
Roundabout will officially be topped with GP being the best ED, especially if they use the beginning as a lead-in like Roundabout did. It'd fit so fucking well for so many scenes.
Doesn't seem like an ability that could be used for interesting stand battles.
>a stampeding herd of horses isn't interesting
Fine, your turn.
Terrible meme. It should be Mamma Mia by ABBA.
Didn't think of it like that, seems like a good part 7 stand.
Dancing Fool.
No matter what ED song they use, I really hope they'll go back to using them as a lead-in to the credits. I don't understand why they went away from that, it's fairly original and incredibly hype each time.
None of the EDs after Roundabout really have a good lead in.
Cherry Cola had a pretty good lead-in.
Not *as* good, but both Walk like an Egyptian and I want you still have openings that could've been used.
>Cherry Cola
Come the fuck on, user.
And no, it didn't. It has a part before the singing starts, but it doesn't slowly build suspense like Roundabout did.
What's the difference between Jojo and JJBA ? These two mangas are exactly the same.
>What's the difference between this series shortened to the title's first word and the same series shortened to an acronym?
Gee, that's a tough one!
What did he mean by this?
Fair enough. I think Gangsta's Paradise or In The Court Of The Crimson King/21st Century Schizoid Man have good enough lead-ins to fit an ED.
Stone Ocean ED : The Stone Roses - Beautiful Thing
I jerked off to Narancia porns because I thought it was a girl
GioGio は糞便のために性的快楽を伴う倒錯 です。それは、究極の提出の印として配偶者の排泄物を受け取るために、男性または女性 04 / 02th / 2017 セックスに時々経験豊富です。
In English, please.
Decent suggestion. I'd be happy with any of these as the ED.
All I picked up was "April 2nd, 2017. Sex."
"GioGio is perverted with sexual pleasure for feces. It is sometimes experienced in men or women 04/02 th / 2017 sex to receive spouses' excrement as the ultimate submission sign."
Iron Maiden
It has to be Virtual Insanity
Fuck you beat me to it
Part 5 ED
you need to be faster user-san