ITT: cute canon couples

ITT: cute canon couples

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God, the mental teasing is already super bad, how would sexual teasing affect the boy's mental status










Best couple












It's like you've never read about this series before watching the anime.

!Akemi, are you really going to do this every single thread? Do you not realize no one wants you shitting up and spamming threads with garbage like this?


It's the truth.
I don't care they break up multiple times
Shinobu doesn't count.

I cry everytime


Post obscure/unpopular canon ships.

It's been so long and the last novel still isn't out.

>we'll never know if they fugged

Not canon, and you are cancer that shits up every single thread. Don't you get that you're not wanted here.


Me and an eternal loneliness.

I miss this show. Miho being this thirsty near the end was hilarious.

Stay mad.


Reminder that they fucked afterwards.

Man they look so different in the LN. Barely recognizable.



>tfw Subaru x Rem end is LITERALLY confirmed happening

Fuck off, Nuruturd.

Fuck off reddit.



Not lewd when it's love

Fuck off.

Best couple if you're not in secondary school.




Hol up, somefin aint rite here



She reminds me so much of the girl from Lovely Complex

Wave is a frenchman?

>Jews forbid online scans
It was such a good manga.

Megumin wins the kazumabowl?




Nah, the group that did it died and nobody picked it up.


Sorry, I wasn't expecting that.

It already happened. It's just on another timeline.

>cute canon couples
Momo and Urara were best couple ever

>Artist deleted her pixiv and stopped her original eromanga on a cliffhanger

She went down the career route. What a shame.



Not just another timeline.

Kana is a walking refrigerator, who wouldn't wife that shit.

Hour late but in volume 8 they fight and kill the big titied redhead onee-san who who showed up in episode 9 on season 2 called Wolbach. It turns out she's an evil god who taught Megumin how to use the explosion spell when she was a little kid. After they kill her Megumin is depressed and so she goes to Kazamu's room for comfort and they hug each other on his bed. Megumin confesses and tells Kazuma all the reasons she loves him and they got really close to fucking before Aqua started calling for them and ruined the moment. Of course there's a bunch of development to the relationship before that like the picture of the OP where Megumin's mom locks megumin and kazuma in the same room to ger megumin pregnant because she heard Kazuma is rich and her family is poor so she goes gold digging using her own daughter.

>Clinical sociopath
>Perfect M
They are cute

would unironically be the best romance in this memeshit if it was true though



Wait, did I miss something? Since when did Rem become the main girl to win? I thought she got BTFO'd earlier on.




This is correct.

This would be fine too.

Best taste in this thread user.



Every fucking thread

They have to be a legit couple, lest stoning


Since the mid of the third arc, although the anime deleted almost all of her romantic scenes so maybe that's why you don't know.

lol you got tricked. Emilia ending canon instead.

In other news, any of the katawa girls are technically canon. Personally i think hanako is most canon though.


She's dead, user. She died before anything could happen.

But it's fine, he has Nagito.

Too unrealistic.

W-where is this from?

Hanako's best outcome is another girl's route (Lily's), so I wouldn't say that.

>winning the chihayabowl

hes obviously getting the meijin title.