"HOTD" and "Koukoku no Shugosha" author Daisuke Satou has passed away at the age of 52 due to ischemic heart disease

"HOTD" and "Koukoku no Shugosha" author Daisuke Satou has passed away at the age of 52 due to ischemic heart disease

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Everyone, please watch your consumption of saturated fats

Yeah RIP. Did he finish HOTD?


At least the artist for the manga is still alive.

There hasn't been a new volume of the manga since 2013. I'd consider it "the author wrote himself in a corner and/or lost interest".

Also I'm pretty sure that the zombie cultural craze has mostly faded worldwide.

God damn that sucks but they could still probably continue it if they have the artist. Just the story will change. But I never had high hopes for another season.

Is he a zombie now?

niggah pretty much died after his first bout of heart disease fun. it was why it went on hiatus in the first place. shouji satou making triage x which then ate a lot of his time probably didn't help any.


God I fucking hate having stuff not done. I would come back from the dead to finish it if needed. Seriously probably one the biggest fears I have.

And the guy never continued with the manga, what a shame.

Hope the rights are now full for inazuma so he's free to make H-doujins of HOTD.


Are the current HOTD doujins just rape /gangbangs?

so that mean that hotd will continue now and we know the best girl is gonna win

serves him fucking right, not continuing such a "good" manga

RIP in peace

Thank you for the faps.



if he's not making stuff for triage x which has been his sole ownership since he began he sure as fuck isn't doing it for another series that is his

>so that mean that hotd will continue now
I wouldn't mind Shouji taking over the story writing, but Triage X was weak, so I'm not too hopeful in regard to HOTD.
Maybe a new author could fill in.

you're worried about the writing in hotd?

His anger from Gaijin's pirating his work finally killed him.

Now you won't be able to pirate any more.

He lost interest after earthquake in 2011


you can buy LEGALITY COOL COMIC on amazon

God dammit.

Is Triage X dead too?

No, Shouji Satou is alive and well.

Phew. I fucking loved Triage. The protag is a non-faggot for once and the whole show is basically testosterone-fueled.

If just the artist was enough to continue it he would have done it already since he wanted to.

And fuck, the scenarist was way other than I expected, what about the artist?

Who's next Sup Forums?

the artist

>we will literally never know if Saeka or slutroach wins

Koukoku no Shugosha was a masterpiece

RIP old man writer

Never was really a fan of the designs, don't even really bother with his non serialized works either.

And nothing of value was lost.


He died too young. R.I.P. in big breasted heaven.

Well, look at Triage X.

He's one of the HOTD zombies now.

RIP Lemontits

time to pick up the hardcover localizations


I'd much rather leave it to Fei. Kiss of the Dead alone is better than Inazuma's entire body of work in hentai.

this fucking blows bro



Shit. RIP. Can't the artist continue HOTD if he wants to though?

Well, RIP. I hate when mangas stay unfinished.

It's more sad to see that not that many people here care.

Probably due to the fact he never finished HOTD despite it being popular. Still it always sucks when this happens.

Well, can't the artist just continue it?

Honestly they can but of course the story will be different unless they had it pre-planned which I doubt because they never did anything with it. I think if it was the artist that died it probably suck more then the author.

Well, it shouldn't be too hard to continue the story. It's a zombie apocalypse so it should be able to write itself.

How can one man write both Koukoku no Shugosha and HOTD?

How can his most popular work be HOTD and not Koukoku no Shugosha?

One got an anime adaption the other didn't so of course it would get more recognition.

I can't fucking believe the author of Koukoku no Shugosha and HOTD were the same. Such a good war manga, loved the main character. Anyways, RIP.

Fuckin' hell

Welcome to why ghosts and spectres were a thing

It's basically highschool of the dead 2.0 in the current arc.

Artist wanted to continue it so he would just done it if he could.

Though with the author and 0% way to continue with him maybe he'll try to find a way (another scenarist) to continue it.

So can the artist get the rights to the series now? It'd be great since the artist is a huge Saekofag and if he's at the helm should would undoubtedly win without interference from Cuckroach.

>sees HOTD on the first page
>thinks it's a new season announcement
>the author is fucking kill
What a way to kill a boner. RIP lad.

>from joy to despair
How did you like the taste of darkness?

Well, didn't Saeko and Komuro already fuck at the temple?

I think this is some new Table top RPG or some shit.
I could be wrong but either way there's new HOTD content on the way.



Thanks for reminding me about this hypocritical cunt who had no problem cucking the MC with his own friend despite knowing he liked her, but proceeds to throw tantrums when Saeko gets close to him. If I remember correctly, at one point she even brings him up as a way to guilt the MC. I knew there was something I hated about this series.

I'm a raildexfag, I'm a despair taster, but you know it tastes pretty bad.

Miyu Matsuki just asked God to put a restraining order on him.

Also Bus Slut confirmed sexiest girl as ruled by the Slot machine

Rei was such a fucking slut. Why do the worst girls always have to have the spotlight?

It was a fade to back/up in the air moment. And the "take responsibility" could've been implied in two different ways.

>there's new HOTD content on the way.
Nice, I guess it's good closure for this now-dead series.
It begins...

The author and artist are brothers right? he should have some of his plot outlines somewhere and continue it in his brother's name.

The fuck

Rei forever best girl


Probably. One of the things that makes her so best is that despite being a killing machine, she still acknowledges that she's a women and will use her womanhood to "comfort" Takashi so he doesn't go full nuclear.

There was also a light novel released a few years ago that continued the story but I can't find any spoilers or almost any information about it

Yeah I remember that but I can't find the raws, nip or chink or anything else, let alone an actual translation.

>Group SNE
>Previous works include Sword World 2.0 and Record of Lodoss Wars
I think this is in good hands.

Give him some time to mourn. I can't blame him if he never continues, it'd be pretty painful.

Go hell moron oldman fucking you deserve for this fate thanks god

>Dating his friend
>Constantly shoving her dead boyfriend in his face
>Get's drunk and tries to sink her harpy claws into him
>Forget's all about her dead boyfriend for the a warm dick sitting right in front of her
Fuck Rei, even the bus slut was better than her.

Fuck off ESL

>implying that rape-of -nanking-never -happened -but -should -have asswipe went to heaven

This. At least Bus Slut is honest about what she wants. Rei is the worst type of slut though. She's a manipulative and hypocritical slut.


So now that the author's dead can we hope for the to artist finish it without obstacles?


>the only kind of continuation we will ever get are these doujins

I'm actually fine with that.

I know. It's reminds me of old 80's cop action shows movies.



Look at this shit. They TOTALLY fucked.

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