Swatter arrested. Is this the first time?
Swatting leads cops into shooting an unrelated person
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Yeah no shit p*zzagate is bullshit
Repost levels over 9000. Please never post again
I see zero threads on this in the catalog and it happened less than a day ago.
Life in prison for the caller sounds good. Then the president should cease all activities and bring the hammer down on the gaming industry that feeds this shit. Shut down twitch, make illegal all monetized loot boxes, skins, betting sites, DLCs, hats, and fine all companies that have already engaged in such child gambling. Fine EA, Valve, and Blizzard for deception.
Police innocent as always Mutt bootlickers
There have been so fucking many, not lying. Atleast adozen
Liberal here: Would you like them to wipe your ass for you too?
*tips fedora and moon walks out of room
*everyone claps
If a nigger had been shot, you'd be totally fine with it.
>prank caller arrested
>shooter goes free
This just enforces my opinion to keep contact with the police minimal.
Hey, at least you guys still have freedom
They haven't even released the officer's name yet
>Amerimut "justice" system
Clearly there is something terribly wrong with US police conduct algorythms. Even though the call was fake it should have not ended with a innocent man's death, they are absolutely failing at their main purpouse - protecting people and enforcing the law. Soon with all the civilian deaths piling up people will be afraid to call the cops in fear for their life.
>be the victim of rape and slaughter
>the ancient civilization of greece transformed into mexico of the mediterranean
>call others mutts
Raped by who? Turks were originally asiatic before mixing with anatolian greeks who were originally hittite aryan. How does that mix make someone brown?
Coulters law still applies.
so is SWAT basically a free assassin for hire?
>your ancestors getting raped into oblivion makes you aryan
No, it's happened before, but as far as I'm aware, this is the first time someone was killed in a swatting prank.
Its the first known death by swatting. I think this might open some eyes and end some careers
Back to plebbit with you, nigger. Check the catalog.
To be honest I don't think there has been much rape ever since Byzantium fell. That's more of a stone age tactic for when you beat a rival tribe.
im glad they got the the swatter. now get the guy who shared the adress and the guy who passed it along to the swatter.
charge them all with murder.
>Be American
>Get shot
it doesn't make sense, as the Anatolian Turks are completely identical to their Greek counterpart, with only a small percentage of pre-Anatolian Mongol roots in nowadays population. We can see the exact same thing happening to another Mongol invasion - in the Pannonian Basin (present-day Hungary), where the mongol population was completely assimilated by the local pop over the centuries.
>Furthermore, various studies suggested that, although the early Turkic invaders carried out an invasion with cultural significance, including the introduction of the Old Anatolian Turkish language (the predecessor to modern Turkish) and the religion of Islam, the genetic contribution from Central Asia may have been very small.k[][131][135] According to American Journal of Physical Anthropology (2008), today's Turkish people are more closely related with Balkan populations than to the Central Asian populations,[136][137] and a study looking into allele frequencies suggested that there was a lack of genetic relationship between the Mongols and the Turks, despite the historical relationship of their languages (The Turks and Germans were equally distant to all three Mongolian populations)
Yea but theres been like 10 maybe 15 and one is confirmed dead and at least one other guy got beanbagged in the face or something.
Its another case of shit we didn't deal with before the 56% and a 1/10 or 1/15 chance of death is pretty good odds.
Literally anyone can pull an address out or their ass and a trained team of government employees will kick down your door and look for an excuse to kill you. Not by trump, not by CIA niggers. Not by nazis, but by some highly gassable shitskin anchor baby. This country doesn't deserve us. Not for this.
And don't forget the cop
You post this in this thread every time its up. We know, Jack Tomson, you hate vidjya.
>Anatolian Turks are completely identical to their Greek counterpart
Hahaha, this much of your post is true. They are also completely identical to (You)
Problem is the militarized police even though the prank caller should bear his share of the burden.
nigger you better set your new year's resolution to "pick up a god damn book". Look at pic related, Anatolian Turks fall under the Greeks, while the rest are more related to Kurdish/Georgian/Azeri/Iranian (depends on their geographic location in Turkey). Gippos, for that matter, are originating from the northern Indian subcontinent, from Rajasthan, Haryana, Punjab and Sindh regions of modern day India and Pakista - pinpointed to a certain cast (community) called "The Untouchables".
tl;dr burger education everybody
>afraid to call the cops in fear for their life.
Never underestimate Stockholm Syndrome.
>swatter arrested
>murderer cop walks free
Sure thing Gyppo.
You're raped ancestors took their rapings with honor and dignity.
Man we already have people afraid to call the cops now and its not just niggers. Especially after that strayan hippy got wasted by the Somali fucker.
American police should seriously organize and stop killing people. Courts should decide if somebody is guilty or not.
>According to Krebs, SWAuTistic "said he's been the victim of swatting attempts himself, and that this was the reason he decided to start swatting others."
>The problem is a hoax call
>The problem is swatting
>The problem is the game
>The problem is the troll
>The problem is the man being shot
>The problem is communication break down
>The problem is a lack of trust in the police
It's never the police being too trigger happy is it?!
No, the problem is the quality of policemen.
Here's a video of the actual shooting.
Notice how the SWAT team were across the street with cover and they literally shoot the first person who comes to the door shielding the bright light with his hand? This was a hostage situation that had the shooter's mom & brother hostage. Assuming there was a real hostage situation, this SWAT team could have easily shot the brother instead.
This SWAT team is incredibly embarrassing.
From Wichita.
We'll get some answers, all patrol officers have body cameras.
We like our force here, its a good force.
The night before the cops had a big shootout with a guy that ambushed them.
Just food for thought.
Yea but its still a case of lesser of two evils. If you get rid of the criminals and the crimes then you can get rid of the judge dredds. I want every cop to be barney fife and it can happen but only after extreme prejudice.
If any congress or cop faggots are lurking, fuck you in advance. Fix this shit NOW.
>officer on paid vacation
>a literall nigger rapebaby
>calling someone else mutt
really makes me think
>anit-mongrel forced meme
lol holy shit this just writes itself, top kek
>be the product of conquest and literal rape
>accuse a country that was never conquered of being conquered and raped
>sports the flag of niggerloving united states of eurasia
>tries to talk shit
Apparently, you kill someone by proxy using the police to do the dirty work. The caller just has to fake being you and act like you're a threat so the police is trigger happy when attempting to arrest the person.
>be the product of literal rape by negros
>accuse other countries that are 90% white and not 50% mutts
>sports the flag of niggerloving united states of amerimutt
>tries to talk shit
your flag checks out jamal
>be the victim of rape and theft by blacc cocc
>the civilization of America transformed into the Africa of the west
>call others turks and blacks
wew lad
>sports the flag of niggerloving united states of eurasia
>wants so badly to be blacked that he CHOOSES the flag to show it
>calls others jamal
At least your' wife's child will have a real African name. He'll be the son of a first generation negroid straight from Africa. Bet you're proud. :)
>be the mutt-child of a raped and conquered nation
>get mad when referred to as his turkish ethnicity
What is innocent until proven guilty.
The euros itt seem to forget nogs have been setting up murder ambushes all year.
Diversity works guys!