Precure thread
Precure thread
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Because there was no Precure thread.
Ded thread.
Ded franchise.
It was shit anyway.
Precure is dead.
Fuck off.
Today episode was fun.
Stay mad, dead thread, dead franchise.
One (You) was enough for you shitposter-kun.
Why Hime is naked?
Ako a cute!
>Heartcatch Xmas special
>Dune shows up
>Suddenly Love Love Tenkyoken
>Cure Flower being OP
>next time on is the Precure getting royally BTFO
What a fucking good episode
>Suite Xmas special
>Noise shows up
>Suddenly everyone dies
>Holy Organ is useless
>next time on is the Precure writing atarashi new melody making new morphers and going to make a last stand Major Land
Best part is when they return it's spring already.
Nah, it just doesn't snow much in not-Tokyo.
Although it seems that shit always goes down around Christmastime.
>here's your presents, kids!
>It's the end of the world!
>no more school tomorrow, because everyone you know is now dead
Good thread!
>no more school tomorrow
That episode of Heartcatch was good.
>virgin-killer overalls
Stop, Ako. Please.
Is that better?
I'll take the overall instead, actually.
What a worthless pervert.
Micro bikinis just seem too silly to me. It's far too unrealistic for me to believable imagine that working out. Adhesive bandages are far better if you wish to be lewd, and work better under clothing. In fact, the whole idea of wearing clothing which might slip and/or might be easily removed is more tempting than just sticking them in a generic bikini.
Bonus points when it is something the character would normally wear, or might be easily found and reasonably worn.
What is she holding?
>How many Cures does it take to change a light bulb?
>tagged: precure, corruption
Is this the good stuff?
It might be.
Tell specifics.
This ghost is handsome.
Cure doggo poses are so silly
>a good sentai season
>a good kamen raider season
>a good precure season
What a time to be a Toeifag!
You meant cool, right?
>What a time to be a Toeifag!
You mean 2015?
>tfw Only Akira gets spat
>liking ninninger
>liking ghost
You double nigger!
>tfw Only Urara does scat
I don't watch sentai, but Princess was the last time we had a really good Precure season.
Kira² is good enough and it will be even better once we will get to Ciel.
Ghost was 2016.
>Kira² is good enough
I haven't seen the latest episode, but the first seven episodes have been disappointing outside providing some good recipes.
>even better once we will get to Ciel
Ah, it's the Regina crowd.
First half was in 2015.
Regina was okay until the second half.
If I actually hated the first episode of the new season is there a chance I'll like the following episodes or is it just more of the same?
KiraKira has mostly been the same so far.
First episode was a bit rough.
I say give it at least 4 more epidodes to get general feeling and to see if you like the cast.
>GoPri and Drive aired at the same time
What a glorious time that was.
>HaCha and Gaim aired at the same time
Mitchy did nothing wrong!
MIcchy fucked up everything
t. someone who rewatched gaim last week
JUST watch the increase in children rapes
Children go into a colourful building inside a forest
Why is Lucky so much worse than all of the other qrangers? Even the fucking furry is better than him.
>JUST watch the increase in children rapes
>Bunny being the leader
>Lion being strong as fuck
>Squirrel getting tossed around
>Dog being bro as usual
>Cat being the hookup
I liked this episode.
Lucky is fun.
Hammy is a shit, Food Mei-ster isn't really a character yet, Bull, Wolf and Edge-kun are meh.
Only Raptor, Balance and Naga are better than Lucky.
The first episode does a decent job of representing what the rest of the episodes have looked like so far, but it may be that you just don't like Ichika. Yet.
You should at least see the other cures introduced.
I like it when these two interact.
>cats interacting
I like it.
I enjoy the tension.
Minami a cutie.
They're two big personalities. It's fun.
They seem like dueling ojou-sama types.
This is modern art.
2 threads, good job
I didn't notice until now, I only look for a Precure pick and the Precure Thread spoiler. What is that anime they have on that thread?
Is about animals in CG
>Subs for Ep7 have a "would of" error
>Glad I can fix it to "would've."
>gooddamn get a proofer.
I use this bookmark, works for me.
>but Heartcatch was the last time we had a really good Precure season.
>but Yes!5 was the last time we had a really good Precure season
Truth lies somewhere in the middle.
>but Sailor Moon was the last time we had a really good Precure season
I just wanted to be included.
>but Sally the Witch was the last time we had a really good Precure season
>Sailor Moon
Fuck off, saturdayshowfag.
But Sailor Moon was after school at least for me.
>9 yo
>can't VHS subs
Good job, you beat a 9 year old.
Is 00:00:00 still a thing?
in episode 6, Usami catches the gay
Ichika is ready for the D, already confirmed in doggo episode.
No I did, I mean I didn't, DIDN'T!
Young first love is so cute, they should keep the gag about Ichika believing that Akira is a boy.
I love her bashfulness, it was probably one of the cutest quirks I have seen in a precure in a while.