High School of the Dead is 100% dead now

The chance to see a new High School of the Dead series is now 0%.....
The creator and writer of the manga Daisuke Satō Passed Away at 52 in march 22.

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>100% dead

More like 99%, there are several cases where the artist continued the author's work.

At this point it's 100%, as the artist of this manga has already proved that he sucks at creating story, only knows how to draw.
His solo work Triage X has already proved that he's a shitty writer without Daisuke Sato.

>it's true
the wat

And nothing of value was lost.

>waiting all these years for it to resume or some shit closure for based fat guy from /k/
>author is dead now

Well shit.

>it's true



>will forever be remembered for it's unfinished and (arguably) mediocre zombie apocalypse manga and not for his greatest work

Yet I have a feeling SOMEONE would buy it. Triage X is still going. Maybe he wouldn't have to do it alone.

But all this tells me is to just consider the Kiss of the Dead doujinshi series as the continuation in my head canon.

Someone post the boob physics

Triage X is way better though.

Now what, we have to fear Togashi and Miura just appearing on news like that too? Damn.

The writer is literally the weakest link of the manga with all his MUH DEMOCRAT IDEALS. Triage X tier of writing would actually improve HotD if we are gonna get a cheesy story of zombies and boobies

Togashi and Miura should experience a near death situation, like Stephen King and finish their work, like how that faggot hurried up and finished The Dark Tower series after a car accident.

>past away
>forever hiatus

Press F to pay respects.


>No chance of more Saeko ever

No more of this goddess?
Why live?

Any possible chance of an hentai OVA?

Not enough material.

Couldn't Shouji import her into Triage? No reason to keep her trapped in HotD forever.


Only if they insert themselves and the near-death situations into it as well.

Truly a masterpiece, RIP

I thought that was the point of Chikage
And then she dies. I'm still so mad

Still young. Too bad. F

There's also the Elves and Tanks thing.

pay your respect Sup Forums
RIP to author

> go rewatch HotD for one of the best boob physics ever made.

I couldn´t give less of a fuck about Triage X. Highschool of the Dead was just so much more interesting. But damn, I guess we are just not left with many options...

Kill yourself.