Monogatari Summer

This summer
> New long anticipated TV season
> Kizu III BD
> Shinobumonogatari(hopefully)
What a time to be alive

Other urls found in this thread:

Some spoilers from Kizu III

>this summer
>Violet Evergarden also airs this summer
You know what it means, again.

> You know what it means

i want to watch owari this summer but i don't remember much from the previous shows, also i don't have time for a rewatch, kill me

Why is the style so different from TV shows?

Happy March 26th

Couldn't be happier that Owari is so soon.

Where were you for the last 2 years?

Different character designer

what did you mean by this?

First Kizu trailer was released 2 years ago.

But why? It's the same studio, right? If anything I'd expect Shaft to be consistent.

There's no air date. It might not even air this year.

It's just special because it's a movie series. outside of the Kizu trilogy the art isn't changing.

I am not a fan of the Kizu looks for people but I feel in the minority

Two character designers
Morioka Hideyuki(Maria Holic) and Akio Watanabe(Monogatari TV series).


Literally porn

>araragi will never do this to you
No homo

Nothing wrong with that pose.

Pretty sure I can hear sounds of fapping in the cinema room

Was someone jerking off?


You stole Crab's line

Tell me about Ougi - why does she spook?

Picture is too lewd.

Blame Araragi.

snail a cute

I want to touch Ougi's ougis

Ougi has no ougis.

Anime only fag here, got question for people reading novel, is it ever explained in future arcs why Ougi wants to kill Araragi?

More Math.

She's flat chested.

Yes, they actually employ different character designers and stick close to the original manga designs.


Who's spookier, her or Boogie?

For now. Soon her chest will grow as she continues to drain breast energy from those with a surplus.

Already knowing she's gonna achieve total victory against Araragi's cock gives this scene a complete different meaning.

>German subs

Can't be as bad as the dub, Brüderchen.

Thanks for posting a webm I didn't have.

Well, it's not entirely accurate to say that she wants to kill him.

I'm so fucking mad they are diverging so much from the source material

She doesn't want to kill him, she is helping him do what he wants to do that he "refuses" to do himself or doesn't get around to doing.

Are they diverging in terms of major plot details or minor? I have watched any of the movies yet because I want to watch them all in one go.

In other words, she's the procrastination beater. If only we all had an Ougi

Ougi webms are important to have.

She is the person who will never allow you to forget anything ever.



They are omitting entire intern monologues of Araragi and replacing lines of dialogue for "cool" visuals. Araragi is portrayed as a fucking alfa and Hanekawa is depicted way sluttier.
One thing that particularly infuriated me is how they changed the first contact of kisshot and Araragi, he acts so retarded, gasping and shouting without any inner thought whatsoever.

That does sound pretty bad considering how important Araragi's internal monologues are in the series.


Didn't Shinobu Time close the few plot gaps left by S2?
Aside from that bitch Ougi's true identity, what is there more to explore?

I haven't watched the second one, but the lack of inner monologue in the first bothered me a lot. FUcking hell, they've been working on Monogatari for so long, they KNOW how important this is.
And I heard he kisses Hanekawa in part II? This is all retarded. I've waited so long for this goddamn movie to come out.

That webm bothers me.

*Shinobu Mail

Will this piece of shit ever actually end?

I take what I get, like that wemb you posted being better than the one I used to have

Everything that happens after Ougi leaves Araragis room at the end of Shinobu Mail. Didn't you watch Koyomi? The beginning of Owari 2 starts at the very end of Koyomi Dead.

> I heard he kisses Hanekawa in part II?
It was inside his head. He kissed her and then ripped her face off.

He imagines kissing Hanekawa and subsequently ripping her face off in part 3.

The lack of monologues is only kind of an issue in part 1 because it does do a good job of conveying Araragi's emotions non-verbally. It still feels padded though, and even the french text flashes that have some of the opening lines omit what I consider the most important part: Araragi feels that he has a duty to tell the story.

Part 2 comes in swinging and is just great from start to finish with only a couple questionable decisions.

Better just in terms of filesize? Because I can't see any other difference between the two.

Filesize and the new one doesn't have Araragi disgusted in it.

Also I am out of WebMs that haven't been posted yet.

>what is there more to explore?
All of Owari hasn't been adapted yet. Koyomi's own arc, which Ougi is tied to, isn't fully resolved until Ougi Dark.

Shinobu Mail revealed a big, extra complication between her and Araragi that still has room to be explored that's only apparent when you know Ougi's identity and it probably will since her past seems scheduled to rear its head once again. Then there's Sodachi trying to find more concrete resolution and Nadeko learning to not be a little shit. Also, becoming an adult is hard and I'm sure Araragi will have all sorts of things to angst about.

I have a gif.

Even then it isn't over until Zoku. Then we need to see if SHAFT is willing to adapt off-season.

Please tell me she wears that outfit in the upcoming season.

Zoku does more to develop other characters than it does Koyomi. I guess technically it is Zoku that ends the story of Koyomi's youth and not Owari vol. 3 though.

>my waifu's shit

Why would she call herself shit?

No, she only wears that on the cover of the Owari vol.1 LN, unless Shaft animates her with it for a skit.

Anything is possible.

>Why would she call herself shit?
Mind games.

>mind games

I believe it.

i hope ougi wears this outfit at least once

That gif is huge for how sub-par its quality is.

Is there a scan of this yet?

It's pretty bad and fells like a bad tumblr gif.

If there is, I haven't found it and I'd really like to see one.

Are there doujins of that pairing?

>like a bad tumblr gif.
At least it doesn't have a shitty tumblr filter though.

What would marriage with Hanekawa be like?

GSC Ougi figure when?


A nightmare, unless you like being lectured like she's your mother and constantly guilted into things.

It would be interesting but she would never be home since she travels all the time.

Will we eventually get to see Ougi interact with other characters besides Araragi, Hanekawa and Kanbaru?

She'll interact with Tsukihi in Owari2

Nadeko as well. That's it, though.

Ougi interacts with Tsukihi in Ougi Dark.

>that scene
That face-off between Ougi and Hanekawa was one of the best parts of Owari.

I could have sworn somebody else has interacted with her.


There are people who watched Ougi interact with others, like Yotsugi and Shinobu.

What's the rule that dictates who can see Ougi again?

That's too bad. I'd like to have seen her interact with Crab or maybe even Bat

Anyone can see Ougi, she isn't invisible. She can just change her form whenever she wants to.

>Hanekawa absorbs Hystery Tiger, gets striped hair
What would happen if Koyomi absored Ougi?

>I'd like to have seen her interact with Crab
>still no Crab-Bat interaction
Feel bad.

I remember there being a huge discussion in a thread when Owari was airing about Ougi's visibility to others, and it was claimed that only people with a connection to the supernatural can see her.

He'd get sleeves

Become best girl.

I don't think so since Ougi implied she would go talk to Sodachi at the end of Sodachi Lost in Araragi's place if he didn't go do it himself.

Assuming they actually go through with it, Crab interacting with either Ougi or Shinobu the night before her wedding would make for a crazy fucking scene.