They stole our joke, Sup Forums

They stole our joke, Sup Forums.

Other urls found in this thread:

That's #OurShow

We must troll the executives who copied it.

wow fuckin leaf


I am not a CIA agent.

Holy fuck

What else did he expect?

This proves there is no God.

what show?




Jew stabbing a guy in the back

its as if its real life I'm watching


>the jew cries out in pain as he stabs you in the back

Even the Jews can't help admitting they stab you in the back.

>kike is literally a backstabber

O N • C U E

>watching meme history shows
what are you 15?

>backstabs him and then flees




>call him a jew

Kikes don't have the balls or strength to do anything requiring physical exertion.

a jew would never do that. He would trick a nigger into doing it for him and be standing in the crowd with everyone else gasping in shock

This is what happens when we let our children play dark souls

>history channel
(((his))) story channel

Where is the pic of Jew hugging Wojak

Can you give me link cuz I didnt find anything bout the show


>the kike literally backstabs him
my fucking sides


>accurate portrayal of Jews

hah hah hah
perfect timing
wyatt mann is always right
Come on mate, don't be a gyppo

it'll be alright user

but europe was filled with niggers then

but im sure a kike will blackwash it once the EU turns its vassels 56% nigger by 2020

then he and his friend would offer to defend and prosecute the black man for a fee

Kek wills it

The memes. They're alive!!

>our joke

I heard that joke long before Moot was born.

Nothing here is new. Everything about Sup Forums is recycled.