Dragon Ball Super

>movement speed faster than time
Is there a fictional character faster than Goku? I can literally think of none.

Is Vegeta autistic?

The Flash is faster than teleportation and time, so yeah.

He wants to be a normalfag but his pride won't let him.

No he's not. Speedforce is just faster than light.

Goku and The Flash are both poorly defined characters. It's impossible to compare them because neither has a canon limit to their speed.


Please change your question to "is there an anime character faster than Goku"? Otherwise, this thread will be spammed with comic book shit.

That's it. Im getting sick and tired of DBS' inconsistency.
Dragon Ball and DBZ was consistent as fuck. There was never a plothole at all.

But in Super there is a huge one, and by huge I mean HUGE.

Everyone saw the last Tournament between U6 and U7. Including Zeno.
That tournament was dominated by U7 fighters, they DID WON.
Not to mention Beerus is way stronger than Champa.
So you can't say "ningens lost, but the Hakaishin is stronger".

Now how the fuck is Universe 6 is superior to Universe 7???

> If you would say it's TOei's fault, I 'd believe that!

>Is there a fictional character faster than Goku? I can literally think of none.

There is.




I hope Android 17 pulls off some sick combos with 18, and instead of having a lot of 1v1s, they all try to win through teamplay.

So what ass-pull does Goku have in reserve this time that will push him past his current limit?

the usual new hair color

Leave Gohan to me!

Make it longer already

We still have no clue what "mortal level" even refers to. Furthermore, U6 could have trillions of planets with super ningens, whereas U7 only has a handful of worthwhile people and all the rest is shit.

Super Saiyan God Ascended Super Saiyan also known as Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan 2

>Dragon Ball and DBZ was consistent as fuck. There was never a plothole at all.

His new form will be called Limit Break

I'll bang my head on the floor if it is called that



We /jrpg/ now.

When the fuck are they gonna release the OP?
I'm tired of waiting

You had so many plotholes to choose from and you picked that?


>Dragon Ball and DBZ was consistent as fuck.

More consistent than Super, perhaps, but not very consistent overall. That's not surprising considering that it was a gag manga that tried to be more serious for a short period of time. Remember how Goku put Monster Carrot on the moon? How was he able to do that? And why were Goku, Monster Carrot and his henchman able to breethe up there?

Why was Piccolo Jr. stronger than the much more experienced Piccolo Daimon?

Why didn't they use the DBs to with the Saiyan's into outer space or wish for immortaility before they arrive?

Why did Gero activate the defiant android 18 and 17, instead of 16? I want to only suck. No penetration,. Is 90 bugs enough?

Get in line, I've been waiting for an official release of Desperate Assault and the general soundtrack of the Zamasu arc for months now

No, we do. It means the amount of advanced mortals. Everything mentioned so far has hinted this and nothing has hinted at power.

Yesterday's ep we got told the level was low because only 28 planets were inhabited by civilised beings.

Congratulations for falling for a copypasta meme bait

you also have to consider that both DC and Dragonball universes are non-relativistic. The speed of light in either universe is more akin to the speed of sound than our universe's speed of light. It is speed of light in both the fictional universes has be decoupled from the speed of causality.

28 worlds makes ZERO sense

what the fuck, there was an entire race of saiyans who lived to conquer planets, and they would send a single child to conquer one themselves, are you telling me 99.9% of the planets they took over were uninhabited? frieza captured hundreds, maybe thousands of planets and nearly all of them were just desolate rocks that were there for the taking. this universe is way too fucking big to have so few lifeforms in it. how the fuck is there so many different types of aliens with less than 30 planets? why was kid buu's rampage even fucking significant if the chances of him destroying a planet with life on it next to zero percent?

and there you go, the new copypasta meme bait
move over

Why is Jiren the most alpha looking and sexy being in all of DB?

I'm actually slightly gay for this fucking ayy.

I wish this image was in higher resolution, I could make myself a nice wallpaper.

>Goku is a farmer who sells veggies
>he's a saiyan
I just noticed

>a ningen
>alpha looking

Retcons. Super is full of them. You just have to deal with it.

When did Google develop the downs?


My thoughts exactly. You also have to wonder why there were so many Kais and supreme Kais if there are so few planets with life on them.

google is telling you bulma is actually best girl and to fix your shit taste

If google doesn't convince you then this anons sick double dubs will

The translation they use right now is Crunchyroll's, right? I mean, it's absolutely official? Couldn't it be a translation mistake? Because yeah, it doesn't make sense.

I'm making my own headcanon that it refers to intelligent NINGEN life that can speak fluent japanese

Was there ever good foot fetish fanservice of DB females?

wouldn't count on it

more likely a writing mistake than a translation mistake, toei writers don't give a fuck

The universe is desolate BECAUSE of Frieza and the Saiyans dumbass.

Frieza was doing that shit for fucking centuries. I doubt Vegeta and Namek were the only civilised worlds he blew up.

I'd like them to directly confirm that it was Frieza's fault, it makes perfect sense.

the saiyans were sent to destroy to kill everyone in those planets
Frieza sold empty planets to rich people so his army would go on a genocide
All the aliens from Frieza's army may come from planets that no longer exist
Buu went on a rampage and destroyed random shit
Shin wasn't counting ningen-made inhabitable places like space-stations (see: Galactic Patrol HQ or Frieza Army HQ)
Shin wasn't counting planets where the population is just one or very few people (see: shitty filler copy-Vegeta planet)
Beerus destroyed planets randomly

Really guys, this one is a no-brainer and I'm surprised there are retards dumb enough not to get this

I hope the manga fixes it

How does Toriyama's ass taste?

like old japanese man
so like fermented rice and curry

>Is there a fictional character faster than Goku? I can literally think of none.
An overpowered VisualNovel character named Wolfgang Schreiber from Dies Irae, who is faster than the concept of speed. (Don't ask me how that shit works)

weird how nobody mentioned that frieza had pushed the universe to near extinction at the time he was killed. guess his army was just about to be downsized, as he had run out of planets to take over

weird how although supreme kai mentioned salada, vegeta and namek, three planets frieza destroyed, he didn't imply that frieza was responsible for the low amount of planets overall in any way. even if frieza destroyed 50 more planets with intelligent life, ~80 would be an extremely small number given the lore we've established before this

Didn't Freeza controlled at least 448 planets?
Who is responsible for this fuck up?
Toei or Toriyama?


>the saiyans were sent to destroy to kill everyone in those planets

They would destroy cultures, not destroy the entire ecosystem. Why would anybody buy a deslote rock in space if there are enough desolate rocks around? Surely they would leave some of the ecosystem intact and that means that there is still life on the planet.

I'll make a character faster than the concept of fast.

Yeah, no. Toei is incompetent.

No one said Frieza's army was good at their jobs

those planets were all empty, frieza was actually a leader of peace who sought to spread life to all reaches of a mostly empty universe :)

They still have a Saiyan planet. And the Saiyans in base form are far stronger.

When Champa asked if Hit had a bunch of brothers Vados said something like "You don't think outside the box".

They're probably going to use their own universes Saiyan's.

where does that mention the number of planets with actual civilization?

>I'm too stupid to understand a sunday morning chinese show and I'm gonna blow things out of proportion to find an issue that doesn't actually exist!

You guys are incredible

>They would destroy cultures, not destroy the entire ecosystem

Nice headcanon

pull the dick out of your mouth and explain this

we've seen more than 28 intelligent alien species. assuming we've seen EVERY distinct type of intelligent life in the universe (which is absurd and we were never led to believe something like that), how is there less than that amount of planets that life developed on?

>Countless Galaxy
>Only 28

I'm sure if you count every race in DB they are more than 28.
Stop eating Toriyama shit.

>You guys are incredible
Thank you.

hey retard if those countless galaxies filled with countless planets are all completely empty then how did frieza even have a job selling planets when the overwhelming majority (99.999...%) of planets are completely devoid of life

This, there's enough empty planets for every ningen in the universe to have their own.

>who is faster than the concept of speed.

That's not pretty hard since the concept of speed has no speed. It's a concept. Perhaps you meant "who is beyond what the concept of speed refers to"?

Speed = D/T.

Maximum speed = ∞D/-∞T. The infinities we talk about here are the largest inaccessibles ever imagined.

In order to go beyond that, we just need a new cardinal axiom.

So what was the point again? There are tons of lifeless worlds in the universe. So why bother making one more world lifeless? Who would pay for it? Why?

because, you fucking retards, all their planets may no longer exist?
all the people from ''countless of races'' we've seen belong to criminal armies, it's possible they simply joined the army after their civilization was gone
it's also possible those races simply left their planets to go live in space because again Shin wasn't counting shit like that
it's basic fucking logic holy shit

hey retard, haven't you considered there used to be way more mortal inhabitated planets before Frieza went on to do his thing?

I can't believe I'm actually arguing this, again you guys are incredible

Lets say they train for 24 """real""" hours in the chamber before the tournament. How many hours is it in the chamber?

They were doing Frieza's job, moron

In other words, the theoretical fastest possible being should be fast enough to be everywhere at the same time.

you are actually mentally retarded and i can't believe somebody can reach this hard to defend something so illogical

Would you?

>it's also possible those races simply left their planets to go live in space because again Shin wasn't counting shit like that

So Shin is a retard because he was only thinking about planets while there are a trillion spacestations with people who potentially could be recruited on them?


You're always faster when you're winner


resources, you fucking retards
planets with mortal life clearly developed ecosystems and resources that could be exploited

frieza killed almost every mortal in the universe? wowza that sure explains it. you'd think supreme kai would have mentioned that when he was asked about how many planets are around, he must have forgotten that there used to be thousands of times more planets around

and he didn't even think to put a stop to it, that's a shame

Planets wiped of ningen life don't count. Shin refereed to the destruction of Salad and Old Namek bringing the number down, which means immigrating doesn't affect the ningen number at all since the namekians moved to another planet.

Most of the planets Frieza conquered probably ended up as like a private island for some space billionaire so they certainly wouldn't count towards the ningen level.

>Shin is retard because he was only counting god-made planets instead of ningen-made shit
>Shin is somehow able to keep track of stuff not made by gods

And what was the purpose of that job? What was Frieza's goal? I thought he was a planet trader, not somebody who wanted to destroy all life in the universe.

If zamasu just only waited for a century or two. the the zero mortal plan would of come into effect all on its own by the hand of beerus or by the ningen themselves. this is also taking into consideration that shin has not been creating new ningen infested worlds like he should. It could be the case that Shin hasn't recieved the proper training to create planets properly since all the other supreme kais were killed/absorbed by Buu

> What is average?

It's bait, right guys?


Are you new? Yes.

see Like, is your brain really that damage you can't draw basic conclusions from a show for kids?

if the universe is as unfathomably large as jaco says it is it isn't conceivable that frieza wiped out nearly every planet with intelligent life.

just accept that it's a retcon you mouthbreathing retard

Remember Buu also rampaged for a long as fuck time, even killed the Kaioshin. You also had Beerus going around destroying planets for petty as fuck reasons.

user, instead of being defensive (to a genuinely hilarious degree), use your brain for a minute

why would anybody BUY a planet for resources when there is more planets than people in the universe

>Shin is somehow able to keep track of stuff not made by gods

Yes? What the hell is stopping him? He and the Kaios can telephatically talk to everybody in the entire universe. They have a crystal ball to observe everything that is going on.

Also, Shin must be a stupid cunt if he never bothered to stop Frieza from destroying the worlds he and his buddies worked so hard to create. I always thought he had too much other shit to do because the universe is a big place. But apparently he was just a lazy cunt and didn't care. Why did he care about Buu, who apparently destroyed far fewer worlds than Frieza ever did? Perhaps he was just mad that Buu killed his waifu.

>frieza killed almost every mortal in the universe?
He depopulated their planets all for the sake of money
>you'd think supreme kai would have mentioned that when he was asked about how many planets are around, he must have forgotten that there used to be thousands of times more planets around
Shin was talking about planets with strong people when he mentioned Sadla, Namek and Vegeta
>and he didn't even think to put a stop to it, that's a shame
That's Beerus' job and besides Shin has been described as very passive for how many episodes now?

>I can't understand a chinese show for children


Frieza + Buu + Beerus faggot.

Flash once went so fast he was literally everywhere at once.
Flash once saved an entire city's population from a nuke by carrying each person out before the explosion could reach them. One at a time.

So what now bunch of retards. Still denying that the Brolygirl is from the universe of Jiren and most probably in his team? Your headcanon about the universe 6 is stupid, let it go now.

If you destroy the ecosystems, then you have exactly the same resources you can find on all the other dead planets.

If you don't destroy the ecosystem then there is still life on the planet.