Gundam IBO
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Glad this faggot is dead. Gali forgiving him almost ruined the scene.
This fits better:
Oh yes I'm the great pretender
Pretending I'm doing well
My need is such I pretend too much
I'm lonely but no one can tell
Gali is too pure and soft despite everything he went through.
I love that song.
bullshit you can't do this to the pilot of Bael
Ladies and gentlemen, meet the most pointless character ever.
Negros know how to croon. There's no denying that.
I can't believe fucking Dante survived him.
>Plot Armor
Fuck Okada and Nagai
It would have been an asspull if Tekkadan and McGillis ended up winning. Their fates were sealed the moment they agreed to help McGillis in his little revolution.
I can't believe Garma killed fucking Char
>It would have been an asspull if Tekkadan and McGillis ended up winning
There's still hope for Tekkadan. I'd be impressed if Okada actually has the balls to kill them all off.
are you blind???
There's none so blind as those who will not see.
Why hasn't there been any Thunderbolt threads?
Mask plot convenience armor
Because Thunderbolt is barely a story. It's mostly just a pretty screensaver.
Still better than IBO, especially if you like Gundam aesthetics.
So? Still doesn't mean it's worth talking about.
>Oh wow that explosion at 13:58 sure looked pretty.
>I prefer the one 15 seconds prior!
>You don't know what you're talking about!
Well, it might be better than IBO where entire episodes can pass where nothing of importance happens at all. Yet we still have threads that hit the bump limit about them.
Oh boy is the mechanic going to die too?
That isn't saying much though. Thunderbolt is still mediocre, and the aesthetics on balance are pretty mixed with some parts looking great while others look terrible.
The others will probably all evade and Mika will literally become a Gundam fulfilling the dream of Setsuna F Seiei
>It's 2016 Turkish Coup all over again.
I really wanted Macky to wipe Rustal's smugness off his face. A double KO would have been much more satisfying, but I guess Okada can't have that.
Space Erdogan Rustal won.
What is this, cuteness for ants?
Yeah, I realized I had saved the thumb by accident.
This dreck is worse than Autism in G.
This week was a pretty good episode. Im overallvery much enjoyed the plot of ibo. I'm sad i didnt get to see mikazuki fight and it's annoying to see the director subtly enforced the point that mikazuki cant save anyone. Im really hoping the stupid short girl dies in episode 50 though.
wouldn't that shit break your neck?
So Rustal is winning and he doesn't even pilot a gundam
Someone nerf this guy, way too op
>sakurai cockblocked by a metal mask again
What a waste of sakurai voice
dammit this felt like they were killing a kid, why can't dreams win Sup Forums?
And the hilarious part is that Rustal isn't even power hungry or plotting some grand evil. He's content with his position and is just defending the entirety of Gjallarhorn from a mad chuuni who idolizes the Africa survival of the fittest warbands
McGillis' death was such a beautiful scene. This last arc has been pretty great overall, let's hope the last episode don't drop the ball.
Not being power hungry when you're already in the position he is isn't exactly an achievement.
Kudelia is likely the only one getting out of this alive.
F atra and murder baby ;_;7
>End of the series is going to be Rustal fucking Makky's loli wife
That would be fucking hilarious.
Atra and her kid both live.
The Turks deserve their dictator. They're literally abolishing democracy via a public vote.
Rustal at least was born into power and turned out to be worthy of it.
It kinda is though, you would be surprised how many just go MOAR POWER even when they are "at the top".
Like you know how Tekkadan were actually in pretty good status quo and still went for the King of Mars deal.
And he flat out points out to Julietta he is a manipulative asshole, so it isn't like he surrounded himself in illusions of grandeur, he tries his best for his "company", which is what he thinks is the best for his "employees", and if shomething gonna compete it gonna get driven out of the market.
Is Rustal even unmarried? because that puts the fact he was close to Mustache Man but kept it a secret and "adopted" Monkey and Iok in a new light. Im calling him a faggot, seeing how Gjallarhorn leadership was supposed to be pretty degenerate as a whole.
>tfw Gaelio's counterattack is over
That was a good ride
>Gjallarhorn leadership was supposed to be pretty degenerate as a whole
Kind of big missed potential with this one.
Only degenerate so far has been Makkys dad. Hell first season Gjallarhorn was just normal dudes responding to Tekkadans aggression.
It is amazing how this got so many cons
Yeah, I'm proud of Gaelio. He took revenge, but he didn't sacrifice his humanity or his gentle nature, shedding tears for the man who took nearly everything from him.
A real human being and a real hero.
I fucking hate that cunt Kudelia. Atra best girl
There was nothing interesting about McGillis and Gaelio's dynamic. Yet another boring, cliche, badly executed revenge story with a dash of Okada's shitty dialogue and melodrama.
She can still die in childbirth
I feel Char could have won If he just stayed in his battleship giving orders instead of being on the frontlines. His MS could have been his escape method not his primary weapon.
No need to be power hungry when you HAVE the power
He fought to protect a corrupt system that literally enslaves and kills children for profit.
Tribalist sympathy points of a single member of a corrupt organization (humanity, gentle heart, loyalty) is overstated infront of collective improvement and advancement that the revolution would bring.
Confirmed for worst gundam
>sacrifice his humanity
>Randomly kill off everyone in the stupidest way possible
>Everyone goes full retard
>Macky goes double full retard
>Mika learns words
>Literally who dies
>Mobile Armors are forgotten
>Iok is still alive
How? How do you write something this bad? I think Okada actually managed to outdo season 1, and season 1 was one of the worst shows I've ever seen.
I for one welcome an unexpected plot twist which allows them to win or at least minimalize the damage. Watching a show which feels like riding down on a slide with an obvious outcome is no fun.
Hello valrager, how are you doing today?
>a revolution led by a madman and a pack of space rats who are responsible for an uptick in warfare, terrorism, and hardship
That's why Gaelio won and McGillis died.
One denied his humanity to reach his goals, the other embraced it, despite being betrayed and left for dead.
That is the lesson, Choco-fags.
No user, Valvrager is my brother. I am Menstrual-kun.
>says the american who otherwise would support moderate islamists in overthrowing corrupt, but stable arab dictatorships, causing chaos and anarchy for decades.
>those two
why does IBO take such intense dumps on the gundam legacy?
>but stable
The whole point was that the situation was already unstable. Why do you think there were protests going on across mars, a bunch of colony workers turning into armed terrorists, and a major Gjallarhorn officer taking bribes from arms dealers?
The situation was already a powder keg of instability, Tekkadan was just the spark that ignited it.
Gundam "legacy" was already a dump to begin with. IBO is just providing us with a smellier contribution.
>mfw Almiria's new fiance is based Iok Kujan
What was the point of this as a character?
Hey there, Tulpa-kun.
>Julieta is the last boss
They wanted more named characters for the final death tally.
No, user. Mika and his crazed followers are the final boss.
Indeed. The entire system in IBO was already unrecoverable.
Rustal might have won by using dirty tricks and taking advantage of a gallant knight with misplaced sense of honor and tribalist loyalties, but the broken system will give birth to more McGillis and Tekkadan in the future.
Is this the first gundam where the bad guys won?
Oh look Maki lost
I am shocked and surprised. Oh no what will I do
Is the next episode the final one?
I must say I'm disapointed user. Did you ever see me post fanarts that didn't have a twitter or a pixiv filename?
I-I thought you knew me better than that.
Doujin of Julietta being gangbanged by tekkadan when?
There are no 'bad guys'.
They are all fighting for what they believe in.
Yes, there's even a special event next Sunday with an airing of the episode a few hours before it airs on TV
Preview has Kudelia talking to Atra's kid sayig Atra will get mad over them getting the bracelet dirty again. Atra lives.
Why did you reply to them twice.
>the man who took nearly everything from him.
And he fell into Rustal's welcoming arms right after. You can't even claim Gaelio truly fell or suffered real pain when his existence has been pampered and insulated from start to finish. None of this bullshit drama feels genuine if this guy has the absolute comfort and stability at executing his revenge.
>he didn't sacrifice his humanity
>instead he sacrificed Ein's
Yeah, Expect for his grotesque version of the AV system.
Are you serious?
So everyone will just die next episode, then we will get a S3 announcement with Mika's daughter as the MC, right?
>McGillis is trying to prove might makes right and revive the strength Gjallahorn had in the past.
>Gaelio is claiming that its false and will show him how wrong he is...
>...with a gundam from the calamity war equipped with weapons from the calamity war and using a powerful system derrived from one developed during the calamity war.
What exactly was Gaelio fighting for again? He basically proved McGillis correct in that fight. He was even getting his ass kicked until he gave up all the control over to the Ein system.
Because everyone turned that shit off as soon as the monk music came on.
Are you in the Olympics?
Because the mental gymnastics you have to get up to to make Gaelio seem like a bad guy in this scenario are truly astounding.
Don't think they'd drag it that long for season 3.