I just marathoned the first episode of this. It was really fucking shit. This feels like the japanese equivalent of My Little Pony. A dumb show for kids that manchildren project their insecurities into to pretend that it's deep. If you are older than 11 and enjoy this, please kill yourself.
I just marathoned the first episode of this. It was really fucking shit...
I had the same feeling, OP. I watched 3 eps yesterday because there was so much talk about it. I think we were being trolled.
Deep. Really made me think.
at least ep.7
>I just marathoned the first episode of this.
You're fucking retarded.
>This feels like the japanese equivalent of My Little Pony. A dumb show for kids that manchildren project their insecurities into to pretend that it's deep.
And getting more retarded by the minute.
>I just marathoned the first episode
Go away Sup Forums.
It's literally a meme. It pretty much blew up just because it's a slightly above average show, it was made by like 10 people making it endearing and giving an underdog feel to it, and it was virally spread through twitter. It only really got extremely popular in nipland and not anywhere else because of that last factor. The reason it's also gaining bit of traction here is because of the amount of weebs and autists here wanting to be like the nips. It's actually one of the most overrated shit I've seen in a while.
People pretend/force themselves to like it because it's popular. It happens all the time in every medium.
At first I avoided this at all costs then I caved in and marathoned 11 episodes and loved it
You're just not intelligent enough to enjoy it.
>cute girls
>great setting
>interesting plot hidden under the cuteness
You fags are stupid as shit. Go back to your Fateshit or AoT threads.
How do you marathon one episode?
Watching it in a single sitting at 2.75x speed I assume.
It's a common shitpost phrase just report and ignore
>hurr durr if he doesn't like KF it means he's a battle shonentard
Great logic.
Pic related had everything you listed, why didn't it get so popular then?
>marathoned the first episode
huh huh huh?
It is fucking shit, you moron. It's LITERALLY liked for the memes.
>he fell for the meme
isnt mlp tho basiclly a western attempt at moe/cgdct?
>itt: autistic kemono "friend" pretends to be a hater to try and make them look stupid
Funny thing is, other than the retarded marathon part everything you wrote is pretty much true.
No, it's a children's show that just managed to appeal to older viewers as well.
Kemono Friends airs at 01:35, 3:05 and 0:30 depending on the channel, so it's definitely not a children's show.
The show is garbage. It's only mentioned and followed because furry faggots fap over the fan arts.
Most anime air at garbage times. It has nothing to do with their audience, but with the shit slots they get.
The anime was actually decent.
>marathoned the first episode
>using crossboarder memes
How about you fuck off back to Sup Forums.
This is literally the same shit that mlp fags say, if this isn't ironic then you are just a closet brony.
>This feels like the japanese equivalent of My Little Pony
Hi Bronyfag
pls go back to /mlp/
False. If you have actual anime aimed at children, they air at a time they can actually watch them.
Pretty Cure airs at 08:30 on Sundays. Exactly when children might be watching cartoons.
back to your containment board faggot
Poor guy...
Yeah, no unless you are something somewhat popular, you get a random timeslot.
>Pretty Cure
Worst example you could give.
>autistic kemono friend
That about summarizes anyone that actually likes this show.
Here's your answer.
You get a shit timeslot because you buy a shit timeslot. And why do you buy a shit timeslot? Because adult anime viewers don't give a shit, they'll just DVR it.
>And why do you buy a shit timeslot?
Or because the studio/publisher has no budget you retard. Something airing at X doesn't define its aimed audience nor how good/bad it is.
Is OP some faggot secondary mod? Holy shit
Those are waifufags and fujos, not meme addled retards jumping on the bandwagon which is the case with KF.
Except that it defines that it's not a children's show, because no matter the budget, you don't fucking buy a timeslot in the middle of a night for a kids' show.
wtf I thought Sup Forums hated furfags
This show is going to air on 6PM Saturday, a prime time slot.
Ah, so except Boruto, Hero and Rinne, everything's for mature adults such as yourself, right?
You're fucking retarded.
Because Kemono Friends is an Iyashikei that was aimed for children. That one, I never watched but definitely not comparable to Kemono
Nah, you're the autist who doesn't understand that timeslots literally tell nothing about a show.
I couldn't get in to it, the cgi was too shitty for me.
It's shit alright, just another reason anime was a mistake.
Which one of those are supposed to be literal Kid's shows ala Dora The Explorer then?
They're all for teens at the least.
It's hard to be insulted by someone who cannot tell the difference between afternoon and middle of the night.
>Which one of those are supposed to be literal Kid's shows ala Dora The Explorer then?
Pretty Cure is one of those. As said earlier, it airs at 08:30 on Sundays.
Not gonna lie, I seriously felt ill the first time I watched this show. The CG was horrendous, the plot was alover the place, and the characters are completely uninspired.
But after I got to ep3, everything just grow into me.
The characters are not trying to be original because their point is to just be good friends.
The plot is none existent because it is a show that focuses on relaxation and comfty
The art was irredeemably bad but it just got into me.
I can understand if people hates it. But as an animal lover, watching this show fills me with fluff and sweetness. I feel like being a child again who is learning about the wonders of nature from books because he cannot get out of the city
Or maybe that's the reason why it was so popular in the first place. Japan is so filled with a culture of grey and work that something so simple as this is enough to give them hope for a better life
>But after I got to ep3, everything just grow into me.
So you mean ep3 is when you jumped on the meme bandwagon.
>The plot is none existent because it is a show that focuses on relaxation and comfty
I don't understand how people can miss all the hints this hard by episode 3
The show blew up by ep 4, actually
No, I get all the post-apocalyptic scenes but I did not pay attention to it. I was too comfty to look for dreadful signs
>The plot is none existent because it is a show that focuses on relaxation and comfty
I can't feel comfy while watching the show. There's this constant sense of unease. Like when they drive in the tunnel and it's just completely devoid of fucking anything for fucking forever.
are KF and FliFla the Emperor's New Clothes of anime?
KF is written for children m8
Because it was boring? I liked Pleiades but it was definitely not show for everyone.
>it gets good at ep x!
No fuck off. It's good from the start
First episode is pretty shit.
>girls with animal ears are the same as talking pink horses
You are retarded.
You didn't find the completely broken down transport structure and unmaintained everything weird at all?
I dropped it on episode 1 and came back around 5. This is really one of the best shows of the season unironically.
Only after it became the most popular late night anime in history.
Repeats after it got popular.
That's the point though. From ep3 you feel that something is very wrong with the world.
And then Tsuchinoko casually drops "oh, so she wasn't extinct".
I noticed all the eirie signs of abandoned transportations, ruined places, ancient signs, and boss's unupdated intel.
It was really creepy if you think about it. But 98% of the show has its focus on the soothing atmosphere so why turn your head away?
I'm a guy who goes inside haunted places and caverns so I guess I'm kinda cheating
You mean decade.
*I'm a guy who goes inside haunted places and caverns and finds them relaxing
What memes are even there other than savanna slug?
I watched the entire thing recently and didn't notice and memes. It was just a good show.
Not sure yet. If s2___ is as good as s1 it will be.
>A dumb show for kids that manchildren project their insecurities into to pretend that it's deep. If you are older than 11 and enjoy this, please kill yourself.
He said, on the Chinese cartoon board.
I like it for what it is, and since I had low expectations I was pleasantly surprised. There is an odd charm to it.
Welcome youkoso japari park user.
I see whales and manime autists are already getting man.
The voicework and writing is actually better than most "moe" shows
if you've been watching complete shit like love live sunshine, LWA, bang dream, and maid dragon lately you can really be taken aback by how good everything but the animation is
>I just marathoned the first episode of this.
>first episode
1. countable noun
A marathon is a race in which people run a distance of 26 miles, which is about 42 km.
...running in his first marathon.
Rodgers can also claim four victories in the New York Marathon.
The marathon is the sport of running marathon races.
...when I took up the marathon.
2. adjective
If you use marathon to describe an event or task, you are emphasizing that it takes a long time and is very tiring.
People make marathon journeys to buy glass here.
...a marathon session of talks with government representatives.
...the medical team which successfully carried out the marathon operation.
...a retarded faggot have claim to marathon-ed the first episode of a show.
How new?
I like the "hidden story" behind all the moeshit.
i just have to deliver this redundant information to the public, even though its already posted by many times.
>ya know its like you feel you have to do it
From episode 1 you see that.
It's not even hard to notice.
>Serval doesn't know what humans are
>despite this there are touches of humanity everywhere
>every piece of human-built anything is abandoned
The most obvious example is the park map.
That's not how you use greentext.
Lurk more, please.
great now you should teach me how to use spoiler.
i been wondering how to use them since ages.
you should know by your reddit filename
How anyone can get past that shit cgi is beyond me.
Just be glad its got cute designs for doujins, as far as meme anime go.
it's beyond you because you haven't bothered watching it, apparently
You were expecting redditer, but it was me, DIO
Go be retarded somewhere else.
at least made a comeback post or something.dull person.
I watch anime mostly for animation. This looks like garbage, so no thank you.
okay, then continue letting it be beyond you
>watch anime for animation
>when the majority is cheaply made
I haven't seen Kemono Friends yet but speaking as a brony myself if it is anything like Friendship is Magic than it is probably funny sweet and adorable and you are just a miserable unpleasent shitheel.
Are you still mad that a 3DCG shoestring budget anime (most of which went to 10 minutes of KobaYuu screeching) outsold your precious KonoSuba?
And it still has better animation than Berserk.
You do you. I'd probably do the same if a show didn't have good setting or characters regardless of how good the animation was because that's where my priorities are.
Writing is better than almost any anime in the last 10 years.
>all those serious replies
Y'all niggas have been baited hard.
Also who am I quoting.