ITT 10/10 anime with a mediocre script


It's not possible for a 10/10 to have a sub-par script.

Trust & Betrayal had a pretty good script, anyway.

this, the script is of core importance to raise a 9/10 or 8/10 into a 10/10

Kare Kano was another one that should have been a lot worse based on the plot. Anno actually did well with this.

I think OP is not far off calling T&B's script mediocre. It's ultimately a pretty generic samurai flick

>Japanese blu-ray includes the English dub where Saito talks down to Okita likes he's some punk ass kid

I wonder how many people got triggered by that.

Saito did talk down to Okita slightly in Japanese. I don't know why they made him look so young.

*angry Hitchcock noises*

Akira, GitS, Metropolis.

the tone and visuals elevated this simple story from a 6/10 to a 10/10 in my eyes.

Not to the degree that he does in the dub. He calls him "boy" and implies he's not talented enough to beat Kenshin. Whereas in the sub it is acknowledged that he's terminally ill and no longer at his peak ability. Okita is Saito's superior, and shouldn't be calling him "master".

I miss Samurai anime, it's extremely rare to get any these days.

Hitchcock films have sub-par acting, not writing. The stilted acting only adds to the experience.

Also, none of Hitchcock's films are a 10/10 except maybe Vertigo.

None of those are 10/10 thanks to the mediocre writing.

We literally just had 2+ this season.

>So is it true that bastard Boris sleeps with the light on?
>He says he's afraid that if he goes into the darkness, he'll never come out again

Having a generic or okay premise isn't the same as having a okay, generic script, I hope you guys realize this.

A good script needs to be tightly and well written, but it doesn't need to explore any specific idea of premise, you can write about the most boring thing on earth, like the color of the ground, but do so in engaging and eloquent way, that's what means to write well.

That said, the script of T&B is good.


This is something that authors of YA novels and light novels need to learn.

Is there going to be a continuation of RK btw? I think I heard something about it some time ago.

Is there not one every other year?

There are very, very few well written anime

What constitutes as well written to you?

Deep and thought provoking like Psycho Pass.

Bitch trying to come on to him.

