>You can call me what you like, but I will be taking your cake.
You can call me what you like, but I will be taking your cake
>You can call me what you like, but I will be taking your cake.
It looks so stupid when someone does that in real life
>Casting a black dude as a pasty, pale, white, shut-in hikkineet
why does he sit like that?
Holy shit, who is this fucking kike nerd they casted as Light?
Is L supposed to be a black Slav?
Hey, at least they aren't playing to racial stereotypes
If they cast an Asian guy he could at least squat properly
Maybe his butt hurts.
I'm looking forward to the movie.
Honestly him being black is so bad that it's comical. Definitely gonna pirate and laugh my ass off.
Light is still the shittier cast of these two.
Its not racial stereotypes, its race realism.
From what?
Did they rename L's name into N?
Is Light supposed to be smart in this adaption and have a battle of wits with L
The preview had him running in the alley from cops like some common hoodlum and some sort of helicopter action scene where he's in danger too, it looks like they're going out of the way to make him less perfect and more unremarkable
>You can call me what you like, but I will be taking your bike.
It didn't even look like he was squatting in that scene, it was more like he just sat down normally first then tucked in his legs. Also,
>wearing shoes
wtf is a black Slav
> His characters abilities were based off his race
This is why the nazis lost ww2
it was always stupid
>Nazi lost
The spirit of Nazi live on.
That's probably the end of the movie where he inevitably dies. If he lives, there is no saving the movie.
An individual of African descent who was raised in the ways of Eastern European culture
because theyre bodies were burned in the fires of defeat.
There is no way that this pile of shit isn't going to be worse than DBZ Evolution and The Last Airbender combined. Just why.
I really want to like this but...
>dat Light
I fucking lost it lol. This movie is going to be so good. I would have liked this scene in a more normal coffee shop setting, but whatever. This is fucking hilarious. The black Slav.
And this guys right, it's just tucking your legs in, not squatting like a fucking mongoloid.
Light's looking very McLovin there
Also L doesn't look autistic enough.
>manga L is part Russian
>not cast real Russian to do the natural squat
It's like those old people trying to be hip with the kids. That's the kind of feeling this scene gives off.
This is an American movie made for Americans by Americans
You are deluded if you think they would use zipperhead actors
>can't even squat properly
Jesus Christ.
if its for american why dont they just let him sit?
Why do SJWs keep pushing that Asian guy as Light? He looks like Elliot Rodgers
>heels don't even stay down
Is that guy getting mugged in a cafe?
Most people in the world can squat, especially in Asia and everyone outside of western Europe and USA. All children doing this at earlier ages before they fuck up their Achilles tendons.
>You know L dies, right?
>Lets make him black
Better yet - if its for Americans then why they're not fat?
>hating this because "lol niggers xDDDD"
>not because 3DPD
Sup Forums really has taken over Sup Forums
I would look forward to this but there's no way it'll be the same without the godly OST of the anime.
>Main character called "Light", right?
>Let's cast L for a black!
>Get it? Light - Dark!
I bet something like this happened.
I'm interested to see how he will portray L. It's still disgusting that they even turned it into a live adaptation, but the guy playing ruri is a shoe-in.
Yours is the first mention of the word in the entire thread
Let it sink in, faglord
yours in the second. let that sink in even deeper
today's Russians can't squat for shit.
Wow you really got him good there
Did this actually happen?
What's more hilarious is his skin color.
But that's just me being a nigger hating Sup Forumsack.
>both feet not planted
>needing to use armrests
This, he needs to practice his squat mobility.
It looks like he's about to use a squatty potty
Yep, nigger genius like L would be impossible
He's not squatting properly, which is why it looks stupid (-er than it should)
If i'm posting on a Sup Forums in 2017 where we don't hate niggers and we shame people who use that word then i'm fucking leaving, fuck you cucked shitlibs
You're posting on a Sup Forums where this thread should have been deleted fucking hours ago, but wasn't.
Hope you enjoyed your one year stay, fag.
You can hate niggers all you want, but dont hate sweet Terry.
wrong thread
>It's still disgusting that they even turned it into a live adaptation
>L is a nigger
that's actually so perfect
We're not all cucked.
There's probably a nigger here right now
I simply don't understand who they're trying to appeal to with all these poor decisions.
Die hard weebs are crying because the adaptation looks unfaithful, completely ruins the vibe the original had, and just looks like shit in general.
SJWs are crying because of whitewashing muh brootiful bishounen MC.
Those are the only two groups of people who would be interested in making this series money. Then again, Netflix has spare money to wipe their asses with, and are probably just saturating the niche market for maximum coverage and profit.
At least it has William Dafoe as Ryuk.
>ctrl+f shoes
>1 result
Glad I'm not the only one who thought this was travesty. As if making him black wasn't bad enough.
Light is going to be Elliot Rodger, isn't he?
First thing I did when I saw OP. Can always count on Sup Forums to point on what's important.
I overlook heroin-addict Hot Topic Light Turner.
I overlook L Break-the-Lawliet.
But fuck man, the shoes are unforgivable.
"America" just loves their pet niggers in their media
okay tyrone, in this scene youre holding your legs in front of you, like you are in a fetal position, because your character is--no, thats not, thats too aggressive--no im not calling you aggressive, oh god, well just go with that
>I simply don't understand who they're trying to appeal to with all these poor decisions.
People who think they like anime, or think they used to like it. People who thought they were a weaboo because they watched toonami. People who watched DN and thought because it wasn't naruto it must be "obscure". People who watched SnK on Crunchyroll and compared it to the Walking Dead or whatever other reeddit programming they're into.
It's the same with the new GITS movie. The people this appeals to aren't people who like anime, just people who think they went through a phase when all they ever had was the most shallow interest
Also people who use netflix in general. It goes without saying those people are shit eaters.
>William Dafoe as Ryuk
Just the voice
Even so, that's pretty much the most amazing thing I've heard so far.
We don't actually hate niggers, it's just funny as fuck to be super racist.
If you haven't gotten that by now then you don't belong.
There are people that can't do this? I'm in Western Europe and I never would've considered that.
We can use the word nigger freely and it's wrong that they casted L as a black guy. The live adaptation however is shit for a massive number of reasons and not only just because some affirmative action hire. ALso who has shamed anyone for using the word nigger here?
>implying that anyone can imitate the supreme gentleman
>implying the movies is not full of b and c list actors who can't act if it was to save their lives
Fuck off nigger
No, Sup Forums hates niggers. Apart from Sup Forums, this is the most right wing, authoritarian leaning board. YOU are in the wrong place, YOU have mistook our dislike of the mud races as ironic. Oops! Your cultural marxism, jew programmed worldview, aka "Typical American" doesn't belong here. Go listen to the Alex Jones show and start your de-programming.
Read the thread son.
Who hopes this succeeds and gets a trilogy?
First - Light kills L and wins
Second - Light gets exposed by Mellow and kills him
Third - Near takes L's place and finishes Light
Pic related - best boys.