Sup Forums likes cute girls doing cute things

>Sup Forums likes cute girls doing cute things
>Sup Forums doesn't like cute girls doing cute girls

When shonen is the dominant anime style
>I'm sick of all this macho bullshit! I just want something cute to relax with after school/work!

When SOL is the dominant type
>Anime is so boring now! What happened to characters actually doing stuff?

moeshit is cancer and should be purged

Don't put words in my mouth.

>You will never be a cute girl and do cute things with other cute girls

Why must life be suffering?

Speak for yourself user.

go away /u/
go away Sup Forums

get a load of this faggot


Both are shit

no u

C-can I put something else in your mouth though?

Maybe /a isn't one person.
Makes you think doesn't it

>Sup Forums is one person

>Sup Forums doesn't like cute girls doing cute girls
Said no one ever.

The former are core Sup Forums, the latter are filthy crossboarders.

This is kinda messed up

Kobayashi made me hate cute girls doing cute things + repeating the same jokes over and over again.

>he is such a huge beta cuckold that he enjoys masturbating in the cuckshed while the girls do each other

Bullshit, I'm the only person here and we both know it

Oh, I can answer that.
Girls are faggots in anime no matter what they do.
So they might as look good while doing jack shit right?
It's like the circle of life but nothing happens, a lot like most grill focused animes

How would you react?

>Sup Forums is one person

>give chocolate to dog
No, just no.

I like cute boys doing cute things.

I just want to see cute girls killing cute girls, though.

cause, it's forbidden love

Sup Forums is more than one person user.
Scary, I know.

If one of those girls are dating him, yes.

Name anime ?