Varg may be crazy, but he's right about one thing

Society is what enables Jews to subvert, control and leech on us. They'd stand no chance without it. When we still lived in tribes, our countries were completely free of Jews. They had no place here.

this is what actual germanic tribesman looked like. I've never seen an accurate modern artist's depiction, not even one



I agree, NatSoc is the only solution.






>Varg may be crazy

1. calls out Christianity for what it is
2. father of seven children
3. all children raised without kike influence
4. trad wife
5. survivalist
6. doesn't pay taxes
7. doesn't work for Mr. Nosebergstein

I'd say Varg is more red pilled than the intire Alt Right combined

>cutting off your nose to spite your face


Without society you will easily be conquered by other unified societies, no matter how badly they are working. There is a reason why nomadic tribal groups are almost inexistant in today's world.
Society does have its problems, but it's far better than the alternative

He also wants to genocide domesticated cats. That makes him crazy.

Cats are an invasive species and as predators wreak havoc on local ecosystems.

Cats keep dangerous fast breeding pests like rats in check. They are great for local ecosystems as long as they are sterilized by owners

Fucking white trash niggers. I'd rather side with Jews than with your pagan-demon-nature worshipping lunacies and tribalism.

>Fucking white trash niggers.
I'm sure slavs were the epitome of civilisation at the time

At least we're not trying to return to pre-civilisational time out of some mad mental idea that Jews are subverting our civilisation. Do you realise how crazy that sounds?

It's like blowing your leg off with a shotgun because you have a rash.

An emperor of Rome once banned cat/small dog ownership among Roman women because it misplaced the love, adoration and nurturing nature of babies to beasts.

Not only that, but cats gives people brain viruses such as Toxoplasma Gondi, tapeworms, etc.

In conclusion: Domesticated cats SHOULD face a genocide



Imagine thinking the is some stupid Snownigger's Idea

I love Varg but he is indeed crazy.

This. I've noticed that a lot of naive Europeans have this idea that war and conquest is somehow over(in their continent), and have these varg tier ideas about society, wanna balkanize every single country, etc

There is a reason you aren't being invaded

1.his views on Chrisianity are (edgy)childish at best, retarded at worse
3.yeah, but are instead raised with varg influence
7.not unusual, you can be a fucking dentist and you wont work for a jew

Soo redpilled mang
Lets not forget he hates cats, took his wife's last name and is a neanderthal

>varg may be crazy

1.He is a kike shill trying to divide Europeans intro Pagans vs Christians,Nords vs Meds
2.He has children he can't support like a nigger
3.Leeching the welfare of a foreign country like a nigger
4.Braindead wife and autistic wife who having sex with trees
5.Living in woods like a negro zulu
6.Doesn't pay taxes but he expects his monthly welfare like a good nigger

Varg is a pathetic traitor and shill and he will get the rope too