Love Hina

Does it still hold up today as a classic or was it just another harem anime?

Doesn't hold up. It served to introduce some of the shittiest tropes of the genre and overplay them to nauseating levels. Nowadays, it's "fire in a trash can" tier, thanks to becoming a template for countless imitators.

It's got nostalgia rewatch value for me, but the concept was refined and then beaten to death by the industry in the decade that followed.

Not for me. Can't believe I actually kind of liked this garbage back then

It ended well. It's okay. The manga I mean

I can't believe I liked the harem genre back then.

It was tailored to the environment it was released in

none of the characters are likeable or offer redeeming features.
harem garbage at its worst

This was the series that ruined tsunderes.

It was a decent slice of life when it started. It went to shit when it was turned into a harem. Then it descended into the bits of utter garbage when it went full shounen bullshit.

for the anime it doesn't hole up at all

for the manga, both

Love Hina is exactly the same as Nisekoi or any other harem. There's no reason to go back and watch it if you haven't seen it already.

It's harem without the bullshit school antics, much more of a university harem where everyone spends most of their time not at uni

Also the Inn and general setting is comfy as fuck

anime is unredeemable garbage and an example of how one fails at adaptions

manga is good for having what most harems don't have, actual character development

Motoko should have won

It's significantly better than the trash it inspired. Kentarou is far more useful and ballsy than today's spineless MCs, and he behaved like an actual loser and human bean who was in love. Naru's violent tendencies are far exaggerated by people who look back to it from their youth, I re-read it recently and was surprised at how tame she was. The only real downside to it was how the author postponed Naru and Kentarou getting together, as well as the completely unnecessary introduction of the not-blood-related sister, but even then it only went on for 14 volumes total.

It's a classic in my heart and is still one of the better harems even by today's standards.

>It's significantly better than the trash it inspired. K
I like monster musume more to be honest.

> I re-read it recently and was surprised at how tame she was

You should rewatch the anime. When people complain about Naru, they usually mean the anime. The tv series took Naru's violent tendencies and turned them up to 11. The series overplayed the "lets abuse Keitaro" spiel to a point where you can't help but think of all the girls as humongous bitches, which is why the tv series is absolute trash.

I never watched the anime in the first place, to be honest.

why not?

I bought the manga, the anime wasn't airing in my country, and I have never in my life seen a reason to watch what I could read.

Consider yourself lucky then. IIRC the series came out when the manga was still ongoing, so they had to do filler to pad out the available story, which resulted in lots of "let's see how many ways of fucking over Keitaro we can come up with" antics and drawn out "comical" violence sequences. It got old quickly and sabotaged any attempt to make the girls likable.

>It's significantly better than the trash it inspired.
It probably didn`t inspire anything because it was just another harem. To many people it looked like the first of its kind, but in Japan you could have already seen it through other titles.

>Shounen Hina
>actual character development

MC actually progresses in life and handles his harem better
tsundere's actually gets less tsun and more dere over time as opposed to later tsunderes which are never consistent
every harem member (except maybe Kitsune) gets their own character arc
You can actually see how Naru and Keitaro's relationship progresses to full on couple.

The only bad thing about Love Hina is the fact Motoko gave rise to Houki and her terrible clones.

Kitsune and Suu were never really in the harem anyway, beyond the shitty "kidnap Kentarous to marry me on magical turtle island" arc.

I liked the "kidnap Kentarous to marry me on magical turtle island" arc.

pretty much the last hurrah from all of the love rivals before we get to the finale with Naru and Keitaro

>Naru literally punches him on the very last page
Nope, she's shit.

It holds up in the sense that it innovated. But then that's not really holding up because all innovation simply IS. It still has good art, so there's that.

Mostly it fails to matter anymore because it was successful enough to spawn a genre immediately and thus kill its own novelty. It's the Seinfeld effect, but in a much more saturated medium.

Plus I never liked that style anyway.

It had its good parts, true. I think it just represents how forced Naru's refusal to admit she likes Keitarou is. In volume three or so they were on the verge of becoming a couple, but then their relationship didn't develop for ten volumes because no reason other than dragging it out.
I forgot Mutsumi, too. What a pointless one-dimensional shitty character. I hated the "childhood crush" plot so much, and she served no other role whatsoever than forcing it.

yeah despite the development she's still one of the worst tsundere

Motoko is one of the best tsundere though

And? The development of their relationship is not contingent on whether or not she carries out gags like that.

magic turtle island arc happens after Naru admitted that she loved Keitaro

She literally reverts to tsun at the very end. A tsundere is supposed to develop from tsun to dere, so she forfeit all her development at the very last second.

Looking back, I listed this series as adult when I was in middle school. Now, it's not even pass as an ecchi series for today standard.

Motoko is the same and so are the rest who retained their respective traits that makes them who they are and it's something that shouldn't change for the sake of nostalgia. Your point?

he was asking for it.

I meant it represesents all the weird pointless shit that always happened to keep them apart for ten volumes. Even the characters that were never in the harem get in on it a bit to keep the two apart.

>resorting to attacking Motoko and the other girls because you can't defend Naru
How desperate.

not really not a single tsun part about her by the end of the series

No she didn't, you idiot. She's in love with him and that is something she doesn't deny any longer. A silly little come-here-and-get-it punch for being a pervert is just a part of their dynamic and has nothing to do with being tsun.

Answer the question.

Motoko is still violent. By user's logic that means she's still tsun.


even Keitaro was complaining about how bullshit it was

but being that it did happen after the confession shows that even with the plot getting in the way development still happened. They just needed to tie all loose ends and the Magic turtle island was a way of doing so.

Hypocritical Motokofags BTFO.

talking about Motoko

no she wasn't
in the epilogue she never attacked him at all.

Except she's still violent even after she went dere.

Fuck all you trashing on my nostalgia.

Just because you weren't born in 2001 and your first anime was SAO doesn't mean can shit on shows that were good by 2000's standards.

>oh hurf durf let's compare today's anime to something that's 15 years old

Fuck you

True. I just didn't find it enjoyable myself. I think it could have been tied up in a neater, less whacky fashion, with fewer kidnappings, fights, mecha turtles, magic temples and so on.

Neither is Naru. Read the post again, idiot.

fuck your nostalgia

Love Hina is a wacky series kinda always was

Short-haired Motoko was when she went full dere though

I followed the manga and watched the show when they first came out and yes, the anime should never be brought up again from the well of trash that should be drowned and stay drowned.

My first harem and my first waifu almost two decades later. I think most harem nowadays can't hold a candle to Love Hina's magic

>punch for being a pervert has nothing to do with being tsun
That's literally the epitome of tsun behavior, newfag. Naru was the one who pioneered it, even.

Love Hina was my first anime (and my first manga) and even back then I had a love-hate relationship with it.

I went into anime to "find a harem series better than love hina"
to this day I can't say for certain if I succeeded in that mission.

> Protagonist is popular because he is kind
> Protagonist gets abused by all other characters

I'm so glad these tropes are dead. The edgelord isekai harem stuff is still pretty shit but it pisses me off less.

0/10. That's not what tsun means, idiot.

first one is still alive and well

second one is dying down though, and thank goodness.

>Being this new
Ranma 1/2 did.

>Love Hina is a wacky series kinda always was
But that arc took it too far, in my opinion. Well, these are just our opinions, and it's not like it's a make-or-break arc either way. I still like Love Hina.

I watched the whole series on obvious bootleg DVDs when such things were more common than legit copies on ebay.
It still doesn't hold up if you try to rewatch it.

God's gift to manga and anime.

The protagonist also got popular because he had the balls to aim and work for the top despite his low self-esteem and constant fuck-ups.

Motoko was still dere then. Don't nitpick. Slash first and ask questions later is still something she does in the epilogue, especially when it comes to dealing with perverts. It's an intrinsic part of her personality after all.

>if you try to rewatch it

Well there's your problem
You don't rewatch nostalgia.

I always wondered why Ranma fans keep trying to fight Love Hina over the claim for the most obnoxious cliches

like arguing over a steaming pile of shit

>Being a template
That's one of the reasons it is remembered and holds more relevance than any imitation. No matter what, the copy is not anything without the original.

>Can't handle cliches that work and aren't broken
It's time to stop watching anime and reading manga.

The peak of her development came during short-haired parts character development that actually develops

it was during that arc she actually did confess to him.

It's shit
I hated it then, and I hate it now

but that cliche doesn't work and is broken

when HxHfags argued that Naruto ripped it off at least they pointed to the good parts of that series.

Why are you here discussing things as a Love Hina fan if you hate such cliches, most of which largely composes many of Love Hina's gags and antics since the beginning? Are you a masochistic tsundere?

>not masochistic
It's like a swimmer who hates getting wet

"If you want to view paradise...simply look around and view it..."

it dies down as the series progresses (at least in the manga)

>liking inferior nostalgia

>MFW my initial exposure to anime was from Evangelion, Cardcaptor Sakura, Tenchi Muyo, Gundam Wing, El Hazard, Ghost in the Shell, Magic Knights Rayearth, Slayers, Love Hina, and so forth during my starting years as a kid
Feels good to be born in the late 80's. My foundation and cultured tastes are solid.

Now this is something to get nostalgic about

>Love Hina fan
Who the fuck loves Love Hina? It's commonly agreed that it's one of the worst series out there due to its negative effect on the industry. It's nostalgic, but it was always something people only read for the fanservice while hating the fuck out of the bad writing and terrible main heroine.

People who aren't underage newfags like you.

I liked it.
I also liked that one dating flash game it had where if you pissed them off, you had to fight them

You're joking to bait right? Love Hina is popular as fuck.

>not liking harem
>muh negative effects on the industry because my DEEP and serious tastes aren't being pandered enough to, unlike harem

Having not watched it till around 2012 and being an anime fan since 06, I can tell you, without a doubt, that this anime is shit.

Love Hina is like Eva in that it is pretty popular and well loved but even the fans know it has problems and turned everything to shit.

Speak for yourself.

Why the fuck would anyone read Love Hina for the fanservice? It didn't even have much fanservice for its time,

EVA didn't turn shit to shit, it just turned to shit.

Neon Genesis Evangelion is pretty much a classic and so is LH. A classic that pretty much has a niche in the minds of it's fans. To try to intellectually analyze it is fruitless and retarded. Why do people like things that you do not? That's because not everyone is you.

Obvious samefag is obvious. Lurk more, newfag.

You missed. Try again.

>denying facts like popularity
Don't be such a tryhard.