We Can't Study

>childhood friend
>dere as fuck
>zero chances of winning
Isn't it about time this trope fucks off?

New chapter when

We were supposed to be freed from this. Why?

Uruka is winning my friend.

She is the only girl who loves the MC, has clear goals, isn't in a tie with another girl etc.

The brown tomboy childhood friend will win.

user, she's literally the only one with chances.

When people stop consuming it. Shocking, I fucking know.

This might be the time the trope wears off.

You forgot
>delicious brown

>zero chances
And you know that how? Childhood friends win every now and then and she has a decent chance at this point.

From where did you get the better scan?

She's not even brown. JB just fucked up the levels. I don't have the RAWs with me now, but could someone upload that shit?

it's the same with different gamma.

Did you do it yourself?

She is brown, just not as much as in that one:

I just leveled the page you uploaded. Shocking how incompetent whoever the scanlators are, huh? Probably trying to cover up the fact that their cleaners are too fucking lazy to remove simple dust on the the skin tones.


No, but I have seen too many images with fucked up gamma not to notice.


It's harem that presents the girls equally and has no 'first girl'. No one is winning. Enjoy your business as usual end.

Still no chapter 8
What's taking Jaimini's so long?

Fumino best girl
If MC doesn't marry the fuck out of this goddess I will be very mad

It will.
Only it's going to take a fucking while before anything happens in this manga

Somebody should learn to use color spaces.

Forgot image, I was taking about THIS manga.

>Left: Kansai
>Right: Okinawa

>What's taking Jaimini's so long?
Let's just hope they aren't rushing shit anymore by using shitty raws and instead are currently waiting for the better raws.

Fumino is so perfect
She hits all my weak spots so bad

Reixpy a best and is a cute!

Yes but there is an obviously good girl and a good bet introduced right after that has had most of the development so far. There will be a winner and it will be Uruka.

They were angry as fuck last thread because people called them out on the shit scans

Why not upload the shitty scans first than update them with better ones later?

Come on...it was just Sup Forums
They have a bigger audience than that

I'm quite sure they are using the right scans, their editor is just fucking up the color.

Because that takes too much effort, dummy.

They're using shitty scans, better raws come out the next day.

They seemed determined that they were write and the readers were wrong.

No. Don't. People don't want to clean shit twice and typeset twice.

I am so glad I can read moon. If these guys drop it I will pick it up.

Its a 4koma were even the author kinda broke the 4th wall in the Festival with the "well if Tomo confesses this would be over?"

At 500 pages that just makes it what? volume 2? volume 3?

>this shit is actually doing ok in the rankings

You also like it. Stop being so picky.

There's 3 volume out so far

At least it´s not a harem yet.

kill me
i dont want to suffer again

No. You are here forever.

i want to write cute mushy poetry with her

She´s not for lewd, user.

It won't be. Rizu and Fumino won't fall for Yuiga. There won't be a love triangle between them.

The worrying thing is that Yuiga seems denser than a neutron star.

>If these guys drop it I will pick it up.
Thank you in advance
This series to me is Nisekoi 2.0(Fuck what anyone says Nisekoi ruled) and probably will even be better because of best girl Fumino

Oh it's that guy again

>Rizu and Fumino won't fall for Yuiga.

Of course it's doing well because it's fucking good
The art is appealing, the interactions and comedy are decent

It's not groundbreaking but it's solid
It's formulaic but it's a winning formula

Well he only cares about studying so far, but he might fall for brown tomboy if she can find some mutual hobby or at least impresses him with her sports discipline.

It must suck being a romantic comedy writer for jump.

The money is shit until your series is established and 4 out of 5 romcoms in the mag don't even make it past 3 volumes.

>You will never have a literature cutie gf
why even live?

Roses are red
Violets are blue
You are cute
and i want you

>Fumino won't fall for Yuiga.
She's already falling for him

I think he will notice her. She cares the most about appealing to him and he already has a good opinion of her.

No indication without shitting meta out of your head.

I haven't seen that. She seems to respect him as her tutor.

>Can't pace it too slow or you'll never get readers hooked
>Can't pace it too fast or people will know what to expect and get bored
Such is the mangaka life.

When you finally strike the balance you get struck with japanese cold

Only real way is full cocktease with lewd scenes every couple chapters but never confirming any progress.

This seems to be what the author is doing right now, but he still seems to be pacing it a bit fast. Maybe he'll slow it down and focus on a couple girls for an arc when it doesn't get axed.

I'm betting my left testicle at least one of the 2 first girls start showing interest in Yuiga before Chapter 20.

Komi literally popularized romcoms in Jump with Nisekoi
How based can an author be to popularize girly stuff in a boy's magazine?

This series follows on Nisekoi's footsteps
This series is pretty tame too with not much fanservice so it's accessible to a larger audience

It's crazy how Komi found a winning formula like this
The fucking Mad Man literally opened the road for countless Lovecom authors in the future to put their series in Jump

Brown is love. Brown is life.

Seems that it's more a problem of Jump not backing comedy writers enough, you don't tend to see this issue in other magazines.

Jump always want a token romance series but then never give them a chance, cancelling the majority of them within a couple of months.

That said, they also seem to have some incompetent editors. Letting that Mirror manga from the MX0 guy get printed when it became clear he wrote himself into a corner within the first fucking chapter. Did they not even ask him to provide an outline of where the plot was going to go in 6 volumes? How the fuck he managed to get another high profile serialization (with the tongue aliens) after he fucked up so bad is beyond me.

Okay captain one ball. Even if one falls that doesn't mean anything. Uruka will still have a huge lead.

Wasn't Ichigo 100% an earlier example of a romance in Jump that proved successful and managed to run its course without being cancelled early?

>I haven't seen that.
She's been shown blushing many times when it comes to him
She also shared her story of her mother dying to her and why she wanted to know about Science/Astronomy

>It is because he is my teacher.
Okay. She is an easily flustered girl and opens up well. Her type of girl always are like that.

The only tohger time is when marriage was mentioned and since she is pure she blushed. So did Rizu and Rizu seems disinterested in him.

>actually thinks she'll win
I'm betting my other testicle that she loses. Hard.

That manga didn't have a successful follow-up in a similar style and the winner got decided by fucking votes

Either way it wasn't as popular as Nisekoi
Nisekoi made it into fucking Mario Maker

It just goes to show how successful that series was in reaching a wide audience

>opens up well.
We haven't seen her open to anyone but him actually
She doesn't really seem to have a close relationship to Rizu either

And Yuiga going that far for her to ask that guy not to bother her studies and her blushing is a dead giveaway

Are you new to manga or what?

Let's be real here though, at least with tsugumi we knew she had no chance, this series is at least entertaining the possibility

no it isn't
swimgirl won't win

>manga just started
>shitter already whines about his waifu losing

Mostly because she's brown and annoying.
>If she's brown, take her down town

Liberal arts
>writes you ancient greek level award winning erotic smut on what she will do to you and what she wants done to her
>beautiful art and sculptures made in your honor
>have intellectual conversations and debates the likes of mere homo sapiens cannot comprehend
>live a noble life

Math, Science
>calculated fucking based on pinpoint directions and pressure that'll make cum and orgasm at the same time several times a day
>makes you cool gadgets
>rich because of investments and everyday chores automated
>play fun games

>can fuck roughly for 10+ hours
>fuck underwater for extended periods of time
>future Olympic winner that surpasses phelps
>bro girl

Tough choice.

Only ONE chapter was ranked retards

Well technically she's not that brown it's more the shitty raws which made her look more brown than she is

>neat a brown fit girl
>check out manga
>shes the third girl introduced
>childhood friend?
it aint fair

She is the sensitive type. Those people open up really well. Yuiga isn't a bad dude so she is warm to him. Warm isn't love however.

>She doesn't really seem to have a close relationship to Rizu either
They're BFFs. Another reason why both won't fall for him.

>Yuiga going that far for her to ask that guy not to bother her studies and her blushing is a dead giveaway
That won respect. Blushing isn't the sign of attraction.

Hello future man. What fables are you going to tell us today?

It's Literature not Liberal arts you nigger

>He thinks Fumino isn't falling in love with Yuiga bit by bit
Newfag detected

Hmm. Makes sense, but maybe I wasn't always cut out for the genki girl. I'm more of an unrequited love kind of person, perhaps.

Maybe because I want my art to imitate life

Math is cute.
I like her.
I hope she gets a chapter just for her and not have to share it with Uruka.

Show me bit #2 if you're so great.

>melancholy and whiny and crybaby, need to hoax and hard to do because of her artistic logic
>sex must be romantic as fuck

We need to read otter Manga

so what club girl is next?


>and the winner got decided by fucking votes
Just to be clear, that didn't happen. Just Hasemi didn't base Haruna from TLR on Yabuki's ex. But the internet is going to be the internet.

Ah, yes. Another man of culture.

No more new girls. I don't want a rival for Uruka to appear.

No more please. I'm fine with adding supporting characters, but I don't want this to become another Nisekoi

Imouto, then an overseas student.

Obviously a cute girl (male) from the student council.

>implying it won't be his guy(female) friend


Did otter finally finish reading nisekoi?

>whatever girl has short hair, glasses, and/or tomboy



patrician taste

I would buy you some juice if we met.

Nigger please, literature is included in it.