Everything from their flag, to their products, feel like they were designed backwards. What the fuck is going on there besides Muslims raping and blowing everything up?
Why do Swedes think backwards?
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What the heck do you mean?
*Scratches head*
Fuck you. Poles come here to do slave labour for 10 euros/h. Fucking slav clean my toilet.
Battlefield games always come out fucked and then fix themselves. Always.
Ikea products feel like they're build backwards. The office collection is good, but everything else blows.
The Konisegg or whatever it's called is 2mil and has rocket technology nobody can fucking afford.
The 15% of the immigrant population fixes and wipes the asses of the 85%.
You all look like a bunch of dumb toothy sharks.
Polish are right on immigration but not a lot more.
Anglo-Saxons aren't white.
Muslims are busy flying their buses through city streets and jihading into shit. The standard of living where i am is lower than commie land, but better than china or russia
IKEA is simple and well worth its price.
>The 15% of the immigrant population fixes and wipes the asses of the 85%.
>You all look like a bunch of dumb toothy sharks.
says the slav(e)
don't know much about BF or Koenigsegg
Everyone knows that no one cleans a hotel toilet quite like a pole. But, swecuck, you know hes right. Everything that comes out of nedews is backwards as fuck. Your furniture can't be put together without reading the instructions from the last page to the first. And then you finally got it together and your sitting their questioning its structural integrity because you've figured out that its not even proper mdf... its fucking compressed paper made to look like faux wood composite particle board. Truly an enigma the level of assbackwards that comes out of that shithole. The only analogy I can think of is nedews is bizarro denmark.
i bet you gargle big black hairy nigger penis in your free time
I agree that it's sad how most of the furniture is made of sawdust and glue but it stil hold 90% of the time
>Why do Swedes think backwards?
Because Islam is a backwards religion.
Don't be silly. Him gargling big black hairy nigger penis in his free time would be a microaggression. swecucks must spend their free time being as pompous as possible "haha I am better than you, you clean toilets for $10/hr and I let muslims fuck my women while I get taxed 90%! You are like vermin under my feet!"
why don't americans start acting like the enclave from fallout, it would be fucking cool. just tell southerners to piss off and visit DC/Boston all the time
brits would stand on the side and just comment on shit you do, like talk about killing armenians or some shit
I’m visiting Sweden and people here are so backwards that they have to bag their own groceries. There’s literally no reason to have a cashier at all.
So only 1 out of 10 Ikea products will disintegrate and kill your crawling toddler? Good to know.
In your country cashiers bag groceries?
Why don't you just enslave them and be done with it?
I'm getting tiered of americans calling other cucks
Sorry m8. I've never played fallout. I don't really play video games, so that reference went over my head.
>No go cities full of niggers
What is Malmö?
Hehehehe, Sweden.
Why have cashiers then
i bet you nigger cock sucking faggot ball sucking nigger nigger cuck cum snorting dick sucking cock faggot jew communist nigger nigger nigger pussy ass snorters poop lickers cucks fag blowing ass cucks retard poop eating fag nigger jews NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER fags just live in the system and do no fucking work besides fisting your asses with your own arms in your free NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER time
i don't get it, that thread was posted on friday
to tell you the price of the groceries she passes through the scanner, don't you have hands?
slavs are bigger niggers than the anglo saxons, whatever the french are, the italians, we're literally all niggers compared to niggers in europe. russians are niggers. germans dont fucking care anymore, but not niggers. fuck heil hitlerr
To scan the groceries? If the cashier packs everything for you it just wastes the time for the people in the line. And I have never seen it in any other country I've visited
It's amusing that Poles complain about Sweden when they're the top tier criminals recorded in the official statistics. They're the muslims of Europe.
Just die
>I'm getting tiered of americans calling other cucks
Then don't be cucks.
am,ericans are all fuckeing niggeirs, same with candianens are all fuckengin niggers, the austrialisns are niggers, fekcking gasloen sgniggess
This should be shown in schools
American tax dollars propping up Israel, and this is the thanks we get. Why Jew bro? Why?
You sure are getting tiered, bottom tiered. Geography lesson: Americas "no go zones" are only "no go zones" if you are a moron. If you walk into the absolute worst nigger ghetto in America and do so with a distinct air of authority about your demeanor the niggers will stay the fuck away from you out of fear. And America has a big, gigantic dick. We have so much land we would need 3 nedews just to wipe our ass. And the majority of us do not live less than 100 miles away from one of those nigger no go zones. All of this is why they are called coons. If you let them a raccoon will walk right up to you and take your food right out of your hand, but all you gotta do is stamp you foot and let out a "ey git outta hea nigger". They act all big and tough but they shit their fucking pants when a white man puffs his chest. Now nedews.. tiny little babby country with tiny little babby dick so small it doesnt even have an ass to wipe it shits directly into its own mouth. the no go cities of Chad America look like an ingrown hair whereas Virgin nedews has horrifying growths of nogo all over its face and babby dick.
Recycle paper to make cheap furniture for poorfags is a bad thing?
What? Brits arent in fallout you ding dong.
i'm fucked if i know,
never been there don't want to go there,
unless they call out for volunteers then i'll jump in my boat and sail up there and help those viking ancestors
mayb if ue nigerors red in n en theng else maor thaen nigger hsiety or oyer owen deyd liek u... of u treaet pepl nae tjeu fuekdn haud8 u>?
u shud fuekn lurn abouret dere kultir no ur own. ther were poles in the us b4 amerian revolton that made usa into the anti nigger superpower it is today
>Viking blood
They are caught in between worlds.. The criminality of slavs and the intelligence of non-swedish europeans.
gues whate: the wirihs were hated verywhere, they fucken hated u in amwrica whe u get there and all other. u not vikings, vakengs gey
Thanks for your tax dollars that are keeping us safe
and sorry but the truth is blind
lessin to all doughs out dere. if ameikea ddint rekt gemrans, dey would roll u over with REICH TECH like deas
>sorry but the truth is blind
Yeah, you're right. Still got love for my Jew bros.
Their prices are either on par or just slightly lower than what competes with them, while their quality is significantly lower. You gotta be a real fucking stupid faggot to buy that shit.
i have been dreaming of war every night for nearly 40 years
now it's coming real
the vikings are coming home
>implying it doesn't work the same way here
But why do you need to brag about how big your counrty is? It's not like it's your achievment
the truth you and your people will be punished for your crimes.
Oh you know, meatballs, IKEA and stuff.
ok let met tel u sometenn ameire fraodn, we all liek eahcoher in euroep now. in poland we like germanes a lto. we driv german cars. we drive mercedes benz for whiel . we fren. austrians are cooler and farmers too. we hav common goal like sokker, we hate armenains
proportionally our nigger problem isn't actually that bad. Its a problem, and must be dealt with, it is still pretty well segregated that most people never see any of their pestilence outside of the television.
Your country is a mockery of itself..
Makes sense considering the viking were cum eating faggots too
if think niggers are bad lok at austiras. they are the asshoel of europe but not smel! they like poland since germans trea them like shit. but germans are fren.
It's basicly like that here too. There are a lot of smaller rural/towns that have close to 0 mudskins. Most of them live in the bigger cities and even there theyare in their own areas. Where I live there isn't a brown person in several miles and my mother live in a "town" with ~3k people with maybe 10 brownies
They probably a little less segregated than in the US though since the government moves them around all the time and force some counties to accept them.
What you don't realize is the external images of European countries is strong and nationalistic, but at the core they're poor on average compared to Americans. The only real place in central Europe with money is Berlin. Go to Bavaria and Austria, good lick finding anyone with flashy shit. They're all farmers.
t. squatting Slav that snorts coke
They're Slavs. Slavs are huge pussies that talk big on the Internet and poison all the countries they inhabit. They're almost worse than muslims.
You fucking swedes call everyone slavs and racially separate everyone like fucking Nazis. Fucking pieces of shit. You talk like this since you sit in your fucking socialist wonderland of doing nothing through the 20th century while everyone else beats the crap out of eachother. You treat Norwegians like dogshit and don't do shit in european politics. not in NATO, Eurozone, just in the EU so Russia doesnt bomb your asshole out of your mouth
Why do you have to bully
>You treat Norwegians like dogshit
not really m8 bro bro
t. Norsk
Like it isn't the optimal behavior
since you niggers run from every from of criticism which is your socialist wonderland. it will never work. read about the fucking class system in britain, everyone keeps eachother in line. you see a nice thing, drag it in, then keep rolling like some ball of dog shit
Semi-socialism worked great here in Scandinavia until mass-immigration started.
t. travels to Sweden, commit crimes and acts like a giant asshole because you somehow think you're the epitome of masculinity and then bitch like a girl about how mistreated you are in the country you comitted crimes in
bizarro denmark? wtf are you on?
irrational behavior won't win, ever.
someone seems a little mad or maybe... jealous
mayb we're not swedes, so don't like treat us liek them. people are different, you need to have them in one whole but appreciate the differences. if you lob them together in one group they feel scared. that's how diversity work. you look like that fucker in that pic you sent. little yellow skinned boy that watches his mom get her asshole destroyed by massive muslim nigger penis, then boeing 747s fly into fucking swedish half nigger babies.
step 1 of european politics: hate the fucking swedes, it all clicks then. you only like those fuckers because of battlefield
Could someone translate this from nigger to english? I dont speak nigger.
>mayb if ue nigerors red in n en theng else maor thaen nigger hsiety or oyer owen deyd liek u... of u treaet pepl nae tjeu fuekdn haud8 u>?
>u shud fuekn lurn abouret dere kultir no ur own. ther were poles in the us b4 amerian revolton that made usa into the anti nigger superpower it is today
Swedish half nigger baby
Why isn't this thread deleted?
thank you for the clarification, based pole, understands ebonics 'n shiiieet
habibi we're going to take over the infidels inshallah
wallah billah the dirty kuffar are weak, we should rise
Swedes and lefties are alike, they both have stockholm downs syndrome
t. Russian in Norway
>t. Alaa al-Din Ahmad bin Mahmud bin Abu Abd Allah al-Qasim
t. Schlomo Israelsen
t. Jacek Cocaineowopowski, professional drug dealer and car thief
btw, Skype is part Danish
the grass of Scandinavia must be watered with the blood of its sons
1676 best year of my life let's fucking go
kek don't try to lump your kind together with norwegians
missing homosexuality, soy and refugee pandering
first true european matriarchy, fastest european changing demographics(faster than my meme flag)
this. The eternal dane can fuck off
I'm Norwegian. Poles have shitty reputation in our country. Same in Denmark. I study here atm but not sure about what swedes think about polacks
>friendly neighbours with common lingual roots and culture
>distant slav squatting criminals that act like giant assholes and shit up your country with drugs, weapons and shitty construction workers
I think today you'd cry and wet your panties when facing your huge hairy Muslim overlord in battle
also true
i was just listening to abba - happy new year and i thought to myself how i would ike to have good swedish waifu. is that even possible swedishbros?
t. croat