Post your country New Year's address of the President
PS Happy New Year!
Post your country New Year's address of the President
PS Happy New Year!
I don't know of any Drumpf new years speech but I will paraphrase:
"hurr durr we're gonna build a wall in 2018 my white trash racist supporters, and tax reform will trickle down over all of you like piss from a goat and make you rich like me, and yeah don't listen to the fake news you stupid sheep that voted for me. Thanks for voting for me .. as a billionaire I am always looking out for your dirt poor lives!"
Fuck off, shariablue
It's the same shit every year.
"Things are hard my comrades but we'll survive."
Well he's not wrong.
Russia should just join NATO and be done with it. It will eventually happen someday anyway.
>join anti-russian coalition
A, чyть нe зaбыл. C HOBЫM ГOДOM!
What's with the comments? Didn't know Putin had such shit support
Are you new to the internet?
C Hoвым cчacтьeм бpaтcкoe cepдцe!
>Posts a Russian video with no English subtitles on an ENGLIGH political forum
Australia please
Mm, you sound very unhappy. Tell me more.
>He's not wrong.
Scores a confirming trip of truth
I took that screenshot last year doing the same thing I am doing now
Still has no official subtitles, sorry. You can post your emu address with no subtitles though.
What size buttplug do you wear?
22 Cumberland Way Buderim QLD Australia
Cum git me, roosky!
Poo tin's support is only in his head and in his propaganda, after 2014 his support went down, right now he would lose even to navalny in a 1v1
that's from the last year you idiot
Do you own a Navalny mini-figure you ejaculate onto every night?
LOL those trumpets at the beginning are so edgy and lame XDDD
Fuck new years . commie bullshit.
Don't be mad aussie, your neighbourhood seems pretty good. Happy New Year!
This is how you should do it
Speech from H.M. King Carl XVI Gustaf.
I know it's a Christmas adress and not a New Year's adress, but it serves the same purpose.
vyshpshyche shypshychyshe cze vyshpshyche
Our language is higher form of communication. Lowly forms can't understand.
Why this has to be in Christmas video? Anyway, happy New Year
>something with Luther
Heresy, cuck
Not bad and surprisingly understandable. Szczęśliwego Nowego Roku!
I love our leader, long live the Padisah and let his rule last for ever!
У Cиcянa тoжe вышлo oбpaщeниe.
The royal family does its best to be non-political, so bullshit like this sometimes slip through. Inside reports say that they're very conservative and patriotic though, so they're not cucked. Happy new year anyway Ivan!
No need to get your butthole so clenched, Lukasz.
That's called the Presidential Fanfare.
I can't into snow-runes.
Putin is faggot and sucks dick. Also fuck Mongolia (russia).
I'd rather not... ( ຈ ﹏ ຈ )
Straight, honest and direct.
>most of Sup Forums doesnt actually pay taxes
>they are in college/highschool
>yes... its this bad
It's still '17, vata
Also I'm glad to see pootie recieving the love and respect that he deserves
I like this kind of nasty humour
Being this butthurt a year later.
So sad
Happy new year guys.