I'll start.
Are there any series where all of the girls are best girl?
correct answer
If Sayaka didn't exist or had been killed instead in episode 3 Madoka would qualify
Mirai Nikki
You have to be completely stupid to think this. Or are you seriously going to pretend Eli, Hanayo, Honoka and Rin are good?
Madoka and Nagisa would have still screwed it up
>Kurisu great
>Suzu decent
>rest a shit
>all girls are best girls
>all boys are best boys except Maeno
S2 when?
There was no excuse for this not being the first answer.
Easy one
All Horizons are Best Horizon
There are none. In any series there will always be that one girl (or more) that drags down or ruins the rest of the cast.
Good answer
This + Mikorin.
Also pic-related.
i miss this anime.
missing some.
This show is the gift that keeps on giving
some answers are correct but this answer is the most correct.
and pic related.