Kemono Friends

Herbivores are dangerous when in packs.

Other urls found in this thread:


How did the park get B2s to fight Ceruleans? There are only a handful of them and their cost is astronomically high.

Why did the crystal silhouettes disappear in the last episode ED?

I would be disappointed but rage, nah. The show doesn't need it. Most shows dont. You can leave it to the fan artists to do that.

I should read up on B2s. It seems interesting.

Who is best Kemono Friend and why is it Shoebill?

Shoebills are carnivores

Porcupine and Armadillo need more love.


I actually really like the whole of Moose's gang a whole lot. They're all so unique! Really want them to make a return somehow

Like in a doujin?

Episode 2 never


I'd really want them to just be on the show again and display their abilities, but a doujin works too.

So Lion was Ironman? she had the most broken team.

>King Cobra bites a Cerulean
>he dies in agony for 30 minutes

She would be the ultimate hunter.

I just realized that they never explained why Serval started crying, but people seemed to have forgotten about it. I think the twist might come in the finale.

I mean, she has to be at least somewhat related to Mirai or game Serval, right? I would guess that game Serval got eaten by a Cerulean and then turned back into anime Serval at some point, but there's so little info that there's no way to tell.

There used to be only 21 of them but a dumb fag crashed one in the runway, so there are only 20 now and not even all of them are fully operational and ready to go.
Also, each of these costed 2 billion dollarinos, so I doubt the military would just lend them like that to the Japari staff.
There's no need for stealth in this mission, so they would be better suited with the usual bombers and the BRRRRRRRRT one.
That is, unless the Ceruleans did wipe out humanity, in this case they would probably fight it with full power and using B2s are understandable.
Why are Ceruleans called Ceruleans? They are not even blue most of the time. I guess they expected all of them to be blue at some point but gave up on it.


I prefer Komodo-neesan and her method

Whoever did the models for this had a very healthy leg fetish. What a great man.

>thread made 6 minutes after mine gets chosen

Ah well, I just wanted to post this anyway.

Seeing all the different friends that got little attention makes me want a EiyyuSenki/Rance type game with KF. The porn would be optional honestly, I just want to take over the world with Friends.

Why do you think that B2 belonged to the part?

They most likely had some MUTO tier Cerulean outbreak and USA started throwing everything they had at the park.

I don't think venom works on Ceruleans. What with being a blob of jelly and all.

I want those owls

It's magical Sandstar venom.

Kodomo dragon is cute.

As do I. Nendos when?

This is obvious as is most of the mysteries in the show.
Mirai and OldServal fought against the Black Cerulean. They both got swallowed up. OldServal became a normal serval again and Mirai was kill.
OldServal was exposed to sandstar again and became the Serval we know now.
Serval watches the Mirai log and we get the good and old, but effective, trope of "You might not remember, but your heart does".

It's like you never watched a speculah show before, this show is baby-tier. going to stream all 11 episodes in 15 minutes, get in here
That thing needs flash to play please don't kick me for that

It's because the dumbass OP of this thread linked his in the last one, and people would rather just click a link in front of them instead of - God forbid - checking the catalog

Ceruleans/sandstar contamination might have been a global problem.

Because OP link this thread to the previous thread, when he really shouldn't
though both of you made the threads too early, we're still on page 9 by then

Thank you kindly user

You just restated my theory but then added in that Mirai was dead, when we know for a fact that she survived. Nice work.


It was on page 10 when I made that thread, actually.

Wasn't it confirmed that's Mirai is no kill?


I doubt they will return but at least Rhino gets a lot of fanart, it seems. Weird.


Stop making threads.

another piece of human history found

only did it since no one else was at the time

waited about 4 minutes while it sat on page 10 and said, "well fuck it I guess"


I want to give her a reassuring hug

Supposedly it is because of a mistranslation, they were originally called Cell Aliens. But for some reason everyone just goes with Ceruleans or at least that is what I have read about it.

I want a shitty game


what did he mean by this?

That tail is fat

Don't make new threads until the old one is pushed off, unless it's at image limit. Making a new thread while an old one still exists is general mentality bullshit that just makes people mad.


I want a double poison cocktail if you know what I mean

Only 1 more episode left
All good things must truly come to an end.

Well depending on how far in the future Japari Park is, it wouldn't be unreasonable to assume that the B2s have been replaced with better bombers. As for how, well Russia occasionally sells Hinds, etc to get rid of old crap. It isn't out of the norm of countries to sell of old things that they don't use for some cash.

But when you actually do that, that's usually when you end up getting two or three threads.

Frankly I don't care either way and think it's silly to get upset about it.

The old thread literally got deleted about 1 minute after this thread. Autists can go to hell.

Arigato, Bossu.

>Supposedly it is because of a mistranslation, they were originally called Cell Aliens.
I think their name was a pun on Cell Aliens, but not actually "Cell Aliens" - It'd be "Cerurian" - "Cellulian or Cellian". It can't be written as Cell Aliens" since there's no A or Ei sound in the middle.

The confusion came from all the Cerulians in the anime episode 1 being blue, but that wasn't the case for their first appearance in the game.

While letting a thread expire causes several people to make a new thread at the same time.


super satan has a point

Alright it's starting

Replace the buffalo with a human male and lizards with anime lizard girls.

This would be a hilarious doujin.

Mirai has been confirmed to be alive. Which frankly I find odd.

Not a big fan of CGI but if the anime is really good then i see no reason not to watch it.

So should i watch Kemono Friends?


Each time I see her, I just want to give her a big hug.

Great, an excuse to marathon it

No way to close that chat?


As if we don't end up with multiple threads anyway. Even /pc/ can manage this shit most of the time.

Watch it and find out

It's just the beginning.

I hope you are ready for 10 years of Friends.


But Shoebill eats fish

Pretty cure doesn't exactly have an intense post rate

What's the point of streaming it if you're going to close the chat?

My shitty net can't handle 720p streaming.

Do you think she would let you use her tail as a daki?

who gives a shit
make as many threads as you want



Ahh I see, I just remember people mentioning that they were called Cell Aliens at least in previous threads. Good to know though. Thanks.

well I agree with that, generally

Except now we have multiple people making preemptive threads. They're not doing anyone else a favor, people just really want the prestigious honor of being the Kemono Friends General thread maker.

No, its far to charming. Your favorite anime of the year will likely be Trumped by some of the worst cgi animation ever and the smallest anime budget since cavestone drawings.

I get a giant picture of serval's face below a tiny 2 inch wide video of the stream

Aw, it's sitting down this time.

I can open it when I actually want to say something, but in the meanwhile it's taking up a lot of space

King Cobra is a gyaru?

I thought there were 13 episodes in all.


Which friend is this?

The fact that they chose cgi for an anime that atleast I dont think has any fight scenes or mechs is just abysmal and makes it a giant piece of shit.


No idea what's your problem, works for me. Try another browser or something