ITT: Canon virgins
ITT: Canon virgins
He's waiting till marriage
I would say Anonymous, but this is 2017 and there are only redditor normalfags.
And this is his virgin fiance
Only his ears are virgin.
It is stated by the author there is literally no romance on yol. And russia ban and hates faggots a lot
Only in his heart.
The author never stated that there is no romance. On the contrary she keeps reminding that 'love' is the nucleus of the series.
The world where Yoi is set is fictional, not an exact replica of the real one (Victor himself lacks of the common Russian stereotypes except the love for alcoholic drinks). No one in the show gives a shit about Victor and Yuuri being fags.
How about something that doesn't look like a virgin but is one?
Bald being a virgin before Yuuri will be the plot twist of s2
Russia doesn't ban faggots, if you do gay propaganda you're banned. Like, you are free to be a fag but not to openly talk positively about faggotry.
Go for it
She stated it in the interview.
Not even need to be gay propaganda. Slight gay content is severly banned like what happen to the cartoon of new beauty and the beast.
Pulling shit out of your ass/10
what gay was there in that?
Google it.
I don't know about how slight it was but it is only banned in russia. So it is very little content.
Different user but nope. You must be confusing for another series.
I'm not going to visit your blog Karice
I'm not confusing with anything.
He's a virgin with women, not with dudes.
Are you talking about the old one where she said there was originally not going to be romance, but then the characters ran away from her and she and Sayo decided to go with it?
Because that's different from saying there's no romance period. The story changed in the planning stages, just like how they said Baldfat got too inseparable and then they couldn't break them apart. They got too gay.
Lefou is openly gay and loves Gaston in the movie, but there's no explicit scene of course, just implies his crush on Gaston. Russia banned it for this kek
You have no idea what you're talking about, Kubo has stated that this takes place in a world with no homophobia. Russia in Yoi isn't like 3D Russia.
This dude has the longest dick and hot chicks surrounding him, but will die virgin